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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:44 on 26th March 2015
I heard from Marjorie a couple of weeks ago--she is very busy helping out at a cinema close to where she livesSmile
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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 17:59 on 26th March 2015

Good evening ,

I think i have been ripped off today at the dentist, seeing that i only have one tooth of my own the rest is dentures, all i had to do was wiggle my tongue from side to side, that cost me £26.50p. that was a check up. 

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Posted at 18:17 on 26th March 2015
Good evening Pat, that certainly sounds expensive, and I bet you were only in the chair a matter of a few minutes. We've managed to move back to an NHS dentist from a private one, I must say its a lot cheaper and the service in my opinion is better. It's a local practice in the village
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editPosted at 19:28 on 26th March 2015

Ron, the reason those mispellings get under my skin so badly is yes, I had two take in school, one year of typing and one year of bookeeeping and get an grade average of" B" or above, in order to take an special "Office procedures" class...which I did, there we learned every office machine out at the time, and spent our time playing turns at being an secretary for our teacher..who was corrodinator for all the schools in "business" classes in gneral...then I went on to taking an davanced community college course in typwriting with shorthand....and before I left that place had taken an "supervisors" class, and Small Business Adminstration class, and an Pyschology class. We were the first around to start on computers also, nintendo's and have pretty much kept that up with the grandkids esp. Theyall have thier own computers...they are required now in school.  they also all have thier own tablets for games and facebook also...suggested to keep their computer cleaned up better from hackers. He todl me, don' tlet them on your computer, get the tablets, it cheaper if there's problems and kids ususally have problems in the game section at some time or another with other kids. 

Hubby came back from the Vet's Hospital and doesn't have his eye patch today, his eye looks an bit blood shot, but not badly....he made himself an peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and I said, where are you going?...he said "to work"...I said...don' t push it please, it's not worth it. I've already done my one mile walk today.  Garbage man was doign hsi rounds...just an gorgous day..everyone is outside. The city is out here changing our street lights to those new type, so they can save more money..Ok with me. Big time tuplip displays going on thsi weekend, they look pretty too on TV announcing about them. Mine are in full bloom, I have soem planting to do today also.

Ron, the ancestory problem I was mentioning...between there and the pond, there's some people with the " same name" coming up with alternative histories to them...dates that have been changed also. It kind of makes it hard to be an historian under those circumstances. I am not the only one that has thought for some time that the Lawson's are off an Plantegant lineage...and I have it about pretty well defined as it can be and someone added in that they were Lancasters and maybe they were,, though I doubt it in ways when the person I'm picking up is "Elizabeth from York".. but they were much against Henry VIII and then some..and did not support him...especially after they banished "John" from England.."all of John's children went to America" in his legacy...didn't have any other choice.  Saying the Lawson name derived from the word "Law" which they have is Itailan for "laural" and is akin to "Lawrence" isn't goingto help me to much when I'm about to prove they were templar knights founders also out of Franceat one time either. to me this "Thomas Lawsson" an silent connection to France and "Lewes Priory"...along with the de Clare (St. Clare family) ..whom were in England akin as neighbors. If it were not for the Clare Priory in France, George Plantegant would of never gotten into the wine business with teaching the monks how to support thier churches with wineries...and eventually drowned in an vat of Malmsbury wine. Henry VIII techniqually killed George's daughter's family named "pole"...and I think her son she took to her brother to be raised by the church is this Thomas Lawsson legacy...if not him...The Duke of Clarence, Thomas, an older version of the same title given to George also. Margaret Pole was later beautified by the Pope in Rome for dying an "innocent" in the Tower of London. Their connections to Ireland/Scotland also bring in the Broughs family or Lawson out of Yorkshire, England....though it's spelled different I have the same connection and murder there also going on. My only guess as to why they were being murdered off would of been "Henry" was an line of "Tudors" and not Lancastrians nor Yorks.  so maybe the "War of Roses" was an well planned out stratagy for the Planetgants to lose control of politics in England? ..not to also mention losing all of thier French posessions...and getting rid of England's Templar Knights by the Roman Catholic church also.  Say it happens to the best of us when it comes to political power. As far as I'm concerned England was "broke" with King John of Lackland also...the Baron's were not supporting him...kind of like our "Bankers" of today...and neither would his father in France with His three castles over there..these were bad times for England. Perhaps John's only claim to fame was indeed the "Magna Carta" legislation. Kin gjohn married his 9 year old sister off to the King of Silicy anmed Roger I or II....yet the are trying to claim that the "Rogers" name came from an bunch of piratesoff the Irish sea area???...I believe the name of "Rogers" comes off the earlier name of "Razes" in both the Frankish lineage and the French.  The older Giles Rogers I found burned at the stake for beign an "pretender" I'm pretty sure was set up to been that "Templar Knight" fella that was an murder to all those kids in France, and several people have said reading over the documents that he was "set up" politically...they are also kin to the toulouse family that King John's sister Joan married as her second husband. get the rift?...what I've taken years to trace down to tell..these people doing the history these days hav eit so off based, it's rediculous. That goes to even over here also...with the Evans-Hill fued involving my hubby's people...and I know what the Kentucky historians are saying..they doubt it ever happened...but you can't get into these web sites to counter-point anything said.  I've often been referred to as "that other person" You know, my specialty in genealogy work is tracing down all the unknown lineages by the records we have of people...not the individual group charts necessarily because I let others do the group charts, so they can determine for themselves who they want to be kin of...I do the family as an where they went and with whom...and try to find an story there.  So, how I go about this, cause if I can't write it up as I see it...then the "Rogers" may be shabby little pirates forever...not the "Counts of Razes" and the "Counts of Toulouse"..whom was teh second marriage of King John's sister "Joan"...the 9 year old that essentially was probably raped in her day getting married to young...the baby died...teh marriage was over within an year's time. It's sad they did things like that back then for political allies...but they did...thinking it was in the best interests of one's family and nation...and in some I go for now, much perplexed as how to deal with it all...I've spent years upon years at my work doing it. I wonder if Roasalie Pleis understands that's Belgin for "Commoner".... or is she just "passing it along"?  She is another one that leaves no way to defend yourself.... by what "that other person" says...being me. I am sorry to see my data getting into the hands of others also... they do an glorious rendition of an story.... that's totally impossible...and not the truth in many ways.

So...with that I go for now. Keep your old records intact...don't be privy to what's going on today...where manuscripts and genealogies are being taken in and re-written with the original being discarded....rather then someone having the guts to simply say..."I don' t know"...and stating..this is my opinion and here's why....then presenting thier reasearch records.  One reason why I said I'm giving this work up as people are coming out with " un-truths" now. Let me know if John Lawrence really thinks his last name is after an "Laurel" leaf...I don' t buy into that so far....  I might accept "Lawrence from Arabia" though....does he wear an turban very well... is the question. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 19:57 on 26th March 2015

Wow, that's some post Shirley...well done!

I bet you had to have a long rest after that one eh?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 22:07 on 26th March 2015
Had visitors again -what a popular lady my wife is--they only come to see herFrown
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:13 on 27th March 2015
Good Morning to all --have a nice day Smile
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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 11:04 on 27th March 2015
Good morning everyone, today we are going out for lunch to a Village Pub. looking forward to seeing our friends
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Posted at 12:00 on 27th March 2015
Good afternoon everyone, enjoy your lunch out Pat.
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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 17:55 on 27th March 2015

We had alovely lunch today, i took my Camera because its a lovely old Ham stone Village, but afraid its like everywhere now just full of parked cars in the streets,

So it was no good taking pics, 

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