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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 20:27 on 30th March 2015

It is good to see a few new threads James and Ron

But with only a small handful of members actively using the forums where are the new ones gonna come from??

A lot of the threads show quite healthy 'hit' rates but as I have mentioned previously these figures are largely made up of the interested parties looking in regularly to see what is happening so is not really an indication of general interest in a thread

But I don't have the answer unfortunately

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 20:34 on 30th March 2015
Quite correct Dave--seeing as its a Picture Forum its nice to see threads refering to Photography and bringing a couple of picture members into the forum--but it would also be a good thing if the members who are posting could make the effort and create a new thread.Smile
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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 20:46 on 30th March 2015

The problem is as I said James, only a very small handful, 6, maybe 8, regular active members and if we were to loose just a couple I shudder to think what could happen

I missed a few days end of Feb when I was in hospital and subsequently got a mail from Chris indicating that it had been noted that I had been missing for a while and was everthing OK. Nice of him to ask considering his current circumstances. And good that it was noticed I suppose

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 20:53 on 30th March 2015
Sorry to here that--but that shouldnt stop  the handful of 6-8 creating a new thread should it?
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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 20:59 on 30th March 2015
I fully agree mate, and I include myself when I say 'lack of imagination' with all due respect to all concerned, no offence intended to anyone. But on the other hand there are plenty of threads out there that simply do not interest me which is why I don't contribute to them. Politics and religion are banned which I totaly agree with and I also think that threads of a personal nature should not be allowed either
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Posted at 21:01 on 30th March 2015

I agree Dave, we do seem to be down to a few regular members posting on all threads. We appear to have lost a few along the way which is a shame, but I suppose people have their reasons for leaving.

I did notice that the previous 4 photography related threads, Kingfishers, Tripods, Favourite Photo Kit and Polarising Lenses (maybe wrong date order) have been started by yourself and Vince, two regular posters, that said they have attracted some valid and interesting comments, it is nice to see posts from Rod and Edward.

It was also very nice of Chris to email you, as you say he has other things on his mind at the moment. 


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 21:28 on 30th March 2015

Grits and I got together to discuss geneaology on earthboppin...I gave her my hubby's snail mail addy because whomever won't let me have an email addy myself, and so I went to write her my husband email address...and they wiped out my post there to her also...I wonder whom is this "Satan" that's trying to control me?..I have an funny feeling it's King Henry VIII through my brother or just about anyone else he can magnefest through.  I wish they would go away. So I'm back in earthboppin with posts on that you want me to send these documents on the people your talking about? I wonder of she would get them unless I made her sign through the post offfice that she had received them.  Kinf od an bummer.

I've been out in the yard all morning long "planting" flowers but my pond out back is up to snuff for this year also.  I laid down my cross in purple mini-pansies for Easter also, but I don' thave enough money to make them in an pathway for this year. and I coudln't find them in the orange on purple that I did last year either, that looked nice last year by the time I stuck in the little solar light sticks in the pots also. ..and am thinking about going out to move the patio furniture around an bit.  It starts raining tonight and I use that for laying down chemicals also like moss killer and fertilzer, we all pretty do that in the neighborhood. I talk to you later...another month and last page for this thread? 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 21:30 on 30th March 2015
No "f'.... "f' twice today please!..whomever you's not becoming to you to do such things anyway.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:14 on 31st March 2015

Why King Henry VIII Shirley?

Hi to all POEsters wherever you are, whoever you are...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:10 on 31st March 2015
Good Afternoon to all who are around.Smile
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