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Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 11:11 on 2nd May 2015 It's a girl Shirley ....Duchess of Cambridge gives birth 08:34 this morning so a Princess and she weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces There so now you know! |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 17:24 on 2nd May 2015 Yes, Keith use to call me "Shir-bear"..when I asked for an pumpkin chiffon pie receipe..he had it written along the side of the recipe...and you know they gave my middle name "Kay" to thier daughter " Heather" when Sue delivered her, guess who was watching her other two...yep..."ME"... while Sue was in delivery. Keith died some years back of an heart attack. Those computer engineering jobs are very stressful I guess. By then we were emersed into the time the kids left high school.... everyone was kind going in different directions. Back in the days I was lucky to see my hubby 2 days out of 10 from Scouting involvement planning, meetings, weekend trips, and flag retirement ceremonies, Eagle boards and training. Yes, it becomes "Ronald" so you understand...smiles* Mother's always call thier kids their full name so they "understand". first time I met my neighbor..Betty Pliska... I walked into her and her son in an heate argument...he left by slamming the door, and she said to me.."Boys!...someday you'll understand" and apologized...she insisted she hold my son and " babysit" him after I got home from the I let her and ran to the store for more diapers...she had four an Valdictorian at David DouglasHigh School..her husband's name was "George"....her oldest Randy, was into boat sking...he was always up in Seattle, Washington for that, the others, Bill use to wake everyone up in the mornings with an bugle he played, John, and I'm thinking of the third one, he worked for out city water department, and lived one street over from me also....Timothy. We along with everyone else, changed houses. They moved to west Gresham, and I think both have passed over now. His family at one time ran several gas stations in this area. Whenever she baked "brownies" at her house she use to send over some of them. She was an stanch Catholic mother.I liked her very much...normally she was an quite, positive, happy, soft spoken mother...worked as our Avon lady for an time...selling cosmetics. Well, I have to go an play with my hubby and "his tools" today..hum..get those tool chests moved around differently..and the two freezers that don' t I better get going. Ron, you be good also today...don't celebrate those "new" babies to much. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:22 on 3rd May 2015 Good morning/afternoon to all you people looking in. Having got this far why not add your comments to the very best England forum on the net bar none! The POE forum is for all polite conversation and discussion about most subjects so join in, you might get to like it. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:38 on 4th May 2015 Good morning/afternoon to all POEsters... Hope like me you have a good day, with plenty to keep you occupied |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 16:42 on 4th May 2015 That I do..Good morning everyone! I'm not in an hurry to resume cleaning the garage out this morning...some what would equal about an pick load ot stuff to take to the garbage huge box of odds and ends for the Goodwill thrift shop that I'm adding to as time goes on...two freezers that I have to figure out how to get rid of also. I'm not even half way through the garage as of yet. Three conatiners of season house decorations to put back in the shed also. Chris came over with the kids last night and they trimmed an bi tof the tree out front. so hubby left this morning with th epickup full of them to work to dump off in their burn pile. In the meantime, Randy officially retired across the street and he's finsihing off thier deck so they can then replace thier swimming pool liner...and she's hoping he get done enough they can have some get together BBQ's this summer with freinds and family.... I know they invited us over once already. So guess I better get going, but I worked so hard this weekend... my ankles felt like I had an needle sticking through sideways most of last night and I'm taking some time off to recuperate today. Rain comes in by tonight in the form of showers. It's windy outside right now. Have an good day everyone. I was watching the gun slaute to Princess Charlotte this morning on the news. Kate looks fabulous form just having had an baby...and while the picture I saw of her....she had hair like her mom, but an face profile like her daddy's. It was good to see him holding little George also, been anwhile since I've seen him, he's growing well also I see. Well, the excitement is over for an bit and things resume back normal daily life I guess now. Smiles*....Christmas should be an happy one with the little kids this year for Wills and Kate. |
Patrick Hogan Posts: 68 Joined: 12th Jun 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 22:07 on 4th May 2015 On 4th May 2015 16:42, sk lawson wrote:
Hi SK, I wonder if they might call her 'Lottie'........ ? Her late grandmother was known by many as 'Di' |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 19:51 on 5th May 2015 They named her Charlotte...after Kate's mother, it's her middle name, and Elizabeth...after the Queen and Diana, after Prince William's mother...but this whole group are related to me someway..through my mother's family...but so is David Rockfeller, the Cavandish family, and an whole bunch of others....I readthat one time that 50 per cent of England's population is somehow related to the Royals these days. Most of them are distinguished people over here alsoas relatives. Even the Native Americans in some cases. They just put on the Lawson family over here related to Thomas and Edmund Lancaster..planagnate ..past english rulers. By the know what an "Hogun" is in France Patrick, though they have many of them in Ireland also. Native Americans call them "sweat lodges" and the French... Capitales...don' t think I spelled that correctly. In France they are liitle dombed piles of rocks for "mediation" for individuals. There's an whole bunch of them there, they were also the beginnings of bailey and motte castles. They go back even further in history though...I'll be getting into this later on in my writings My spelling is really off for some reason today. ...the weather hasn't come in like they said it would today. I was watching "Dancing with the Stars" last night and my gosh...what an dramatic change in just an few weeks..and for all of them. I suffered from "Sleep Apena" last night...means I stopped breathing in my sleep, which naturally wakes you up coughing an gagging to get air. I may have to restort to going back into the doctor again, they caught this the last time at the hospital..though they are still arguing over my last emergency visit in February. and don't know if they ever paid for it as yet.. We have been having an steady supply locally of Emergency Vehicles going down the streets with all lights blaring in emergency...what was it the native Americans "sick" nation is an burden to it's's an society not built on strength...and productivity. Probably the massive chemtrailing they did the other day. Well, I must be off an on my way now. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 21:41 on 5th May 2015 Interesting post again Shirley keep them coming please, and by the way Anna used to suffer with sleep apnoea, a really frightening thing to experience for the partner, who witnesses the lack of breathing for what appears to be a very long time. Up to 30 or 40 seconds and then a massive intake of breath....really scary! As Anna lost the weight the sleep apnoea went also! |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 18:42 on 6th May 2015 Yes, there's all kinds of benefits to losing weight....and my sister's leaking and wetting on everything would probably go away also...and I wish it would because she don't want to wear those "depends" adult panties. They just came out with them in an sexy black satin kind of finish also for the ladies. The sleep apena bitis why I like to leave on an fan for air circulation in the room when I sleep Ron...and I sleep sitting up slightly with my head back. These things come an go you know...but it's getting time to get on my diet and get serious about it..I thought If I could getthe garage straightened out for this summer I could plan my day around doing that. I've been fighting allergy like symptoms here lately also. I had that checked out one be told it's air-pollution in general....and one reason why I'm happy to see the electric cars coming if they were just "affordable"...but you know my area and even Portland are in "valleys"...the allergery specialist said that most the kids in my generation would have breathing problems from it later on... because our air use to be so pristine clean here when we were kids...not so many people in town back then. Plus they keep getting rid of our trees and never replanting them, they help to clean the airof pollutatants...all plants do...provide more oxygen. They hybrids don't do it that effectively as do the old time natural vegetationa an trees. Pine trees contain chemicals in them that have an like disinfectant quality in them, same for bark will naturally make your lawn cleaner with the "pinesol" action of an cleaner. Plus put more oxygen in the air...that's why you feel so good after romping or camping in the forrest. Cedar has always been that way also, though it can start out kind of strong when freshly laid. I see they use cedar on the jogging path they have around Glendovere golf it breaks down from the runners on it also increases their abilty to breath better running the course around it. Animals will eat it also, to keep thier health better also. That's why you guys feel better playing golf there also. Prince, the singer is in town right now, went to the Cinco de Mayo festival last night. ..with an very pretty lady. But I thought they said that Obama was going to be in town this week talking to NIke headquarters over World Trade issues. The rain held off's here today, but they didn't get through the day without an gun shot going off in the area and an arresting an injuries.That kind of stuff is what keeps people from going to public events downtown these days. Kind of like biting the hand that feeds you? I guess I go, with the rain I'm feeling lazy today and have the garage to finsish off but I have so much that needs to be tossed out...until the garbage man comes Thursday morning, I've no place to stack it all...mostly empty boxes off things we've bought in the past...whcih we are required to re-cycle these days. Same for plastic containers. About 80 per cent of this would not exist if we could still backyard burn like we use in the good ole days. One dumpster full of yard debris, cause he mowed the lawn...they cut down those tree limbs and what not, another full of boxes we broke down, and the third one is actualy garbage type food food disposal can't take.. plus plastic containers..odds and ends of things. Plus I have two freezers to get rid of, probably an pick load of stuff in bags to dump....and an huge box to take to the Goodwill of toys and clothes that were the kids, and comforters...Walt Disney type...light fixtures we've changed out, old coffee maker, etc. All in due time I suppose. So had best go and get adding to it all. Have an good day everyone. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 04:56 on 8th May 2015 I take it no one's talking to each other or something?...what goes now? President is in town tonight...Air force one is an impressive airplane....and they keep it shined up like vintage show car to be seen also. He's at his speech making session tonight, fund can meet him for an mere $10,000 in person. Tomarrow night he goes to NIke, to discuss World Trade strategies I guess. Must be an couple of quickie days here and back to Washingotn D. C. before Mother's Day arrives this weekend. I am in the midst of such an mess in the garage right now, we have had I'm tired tonight and then some...but everyone is talkiing about what an beautiful day it was as we went up to over 70 degrees for the first time this year and we actually had blue skies and an light wind. Perfect "Spring Day" to say the least. Maybe by tomarrow, I'll have the majority of things done along the pantry wall, but I'm going to get me some more snap shut plastic boxes for the food storage and get rid of any cloth in the garage...though I notice one year they took to folding camping chairs...usually my cats will kill them if we leave them in the garage enough they notice them. Good little kitty kitty. I rather wondered why everyone in the nieghborhood wasn't storaging much in thier garages here lately. Anyway...long day...I go for now. |