Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Picture of the Priory Church, Leominster, Herefordshire -  (Taken by Joe Thompson 2007)

Leominster in the county of Herefordshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay


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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 20:48 on 20th August 2008


It might have been Wolf!!!!!!!! Good job I pulled the covers up then. lol

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 21:04 on 20th August 2008
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 22:44 on 20th August 2008
On 20th August 2008 21:04, Ruth Gregory wrote:

Thats me, thats me. Just wait till I grow up, think how badf I could be then. He he he.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:51 on 20th August 2008

I think Wolf has it worse out there in Aus, as he catches the tail end of those of us living in American, and heads out about the time the English wake up.

Still, we make it work, and we'd hate to lose our Australian friends.

Catherine, your great! You just have to be a tad bit nuttier, madder, crazier and then you will be like the rest of us on here       .

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quotePosted at 03:18 on 21st August 2008

Stick with me Cathy, there has to be a couple of sane folk on here. I often drop in from the future to check up on these crazy critters.

I only survive by staying ahead of them........ lol.LaughingWink

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 03:58 on 21st August 2008

Thank you all so much! It has been a rough day today. Now that I am home and on the forum reading your chats I am laughing myself silly. I love you all so much, more than you can imagine. You make my world rock!!!!!Kiss

Thank you for the nice comments on my family. I spent the day visiting my parents. It is very hard emotionally for me. I love them dearly and it hurts to see them suffer so. My Dad was saying today "I shouldn't even be here ..all I ever do is just sit, I might as well be dead!" I know it is the depression from the Parkinson's Disease talking but I hate to see him suffer. My Mom gets quite down also because she doesn't know what to do to help him. She can't even leave the house. He still smokes and has burnt holes in every shirt that he owns.

I am glad I could get there today. Mom was able to get to the store and post office peacefully knowing that I was with Dad. Besides having you to cheer me on...on my way home I saw the most beautiful sunset ever. The sky was one big rainbow in no particular order. I wished I could have pulled over and watched it but needed to get home. (parents live an hour away) I kept checking in the rear mirror and towards the end the horizon took on a red glow until it slowly disappeared. It was like a sign from Heavenly Father letting me know that all was right.

My brother Bill just came back from a trip to England to visit friends. I saw him today, he did not even bring me back anything! 

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quotePosted at 09:20 on 21st August 2008

A very belated welcome to POE Lynn B-----Your pictures are great---I've been missing for a while and I'm trying to catch up on the forum-- and I don't think I've welcomed you yet Catherine, but a warm welcome to you both.


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quotePosted at 12:32 on 21st August 2008
It's nice to see you again too Lorraine, how are you going ?
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:09 on 21st August 2008
On 21st August 2008 03:58, Catherine England Schleunes wrote:

My brother Bill just came back from a trip to England to visit friends. I saw him today, he did not even bring me back anything! 

I've got a brother Bill. And I can't believe he didn't even bring you some chocolate. Brothers!
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 15:44 on 21st August 2008

Hi Catherine:  Hope you have a better day today.  This is a nice place to come to relax with friends.  I'll be praying for you and yours too.

Lorraine!!  Very glad to see you back too.  Recovering nicely, I hope?


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