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What's your weather like today?....6

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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 21:28 on 26th October 2013

We lost our Greengage and a couple of plum trees in the '87 storm. 

Its hard to lose trees, especially when they are fruitful and produce well each year.  

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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Posted at 05:39 on 27th October 2013
Hope the storm passes without any damage for you Vince
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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Posted at 11:22 on 27th October 2013

  Thank You Neil and that sentiment stands for all POEsters  who are likely to be affected by the Big Blow---- Be Safe One And All.

               Song of the day?  

           A little number ( lasts over 10 minutes ) by Iron Maiden

                             WHEN THE WILD WIND BLOWS.

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Posted at 11:52 on 27th October 2013
It's really starting to blow here, we have the usual sideways rain coming down the valley. There have been a couple of trees down blocking a road already.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 16:53 on 27th October 2013

Amber warning issued by the Met Office and described as a 'Huge Storm' in the Atlantic. The night hours of Sunday through to Monday morning are apparently the worst of what's to come.

Stay safe all...

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Posted at 17:46 on 27th October 2013

The wind has dropped a little here now, I think we caught another weather system.

The village where my mum lives about 6 miles away had a mini tornado yesterday, there is all sorts of damage, sheds have gone, trees were uprooted, she's escaped with minor disruption in the garden but some of the neighbours haven't been so lucky.

I hope our good friends in Cornwall are prepared, they have four sheds and a summer house, and they are on the coast. 

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 18:42 on 27th October 2013
Nothing scary here at present, a bit breezy but very mild 16c earlier on. Met office weather maps not showing anything particularly significant yet
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Posted at 19:11 on 27th October 2013

I think you're going to get the tail end of it in the early hours Dave. It's still very mild here as well, the central heating is still off which makes me happy Smile

I have a bit of a reputation for being mean with the heat. 

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 19:14 on 27th October 2013
Looks that way, Met office map show wind speeds no more than 20-25 mph. Windy enough but not lileky to cause much damage.....I hope!!! And gotta say my heating has note been on for a few days as it has been so mild
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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Posted at 23:03 on 27th October 2013

  Likewise one and all

                we will no doubt exchange notes tomorrow.

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