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Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 21:31 on 26th February 2016 Hi the noise: "My lack of hearing is changing left ear is crackling at times and I woke up to what sounded like backgroud radio talk going on....left the house, it was gone, came back home, it was there again". Get the neighbours to turn the television/radio down a bit! lol Hi to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 22:20 on 26th February 2016 Now you made me laugh Ron...if only it was that simple. I came home from 3 mile walk and my knit top was soaking wet from the walking. But we have rain coming in by tonight also. My blood Glucose is 155 from that it's under 180...but how long it stays there is to be seen....and it got to go even lower then that yet. I'm hungry for spaghetti...but I know how I'm going to make it "paelo" so will be doing that next. I'm reading an book called Paul right now...I picked it up because I've read another book that claims they found him by accident reincarnated living over in Lake Oswego, Oregon...but he wasn't all tha tinterested in pursuing it, he was there fo ran medical problem..I wanted to see if it mentions his life like that book far it's letters from other people and some of his writings...and the upheaveal "jesus" new teaching made for the Jews back then as their "Torah" had very specific rules and along comes Jesus and says things differently....the synagouges were at time not endorsing this so callled "jesus" person and stoning St. Stephan for one. For one he takes the church one step further with an personal relationship with "God" and not the church first last and always....and they have always believed that they were the "Chosen ones" by God and MUST adhere to the "Torah" as their guide. In all those thouasands of yearsit has been on of much turmoil between the people and church and what to adhere to. Just time Cleveland, Ohio released that they have done their first Uterus transplant...I wonder howthat will set with the grandma's that want to " give it up" in the child bearing issues.. Does it give it an passport to the hookers of the world also...or what. With over population...I hope it was mainly just for an person's health...esp. someone younger...but not an child...who doesn' t need sex before their time. Anyway, it' s mushrooms in an spaghetti sauce with heavy meat and spahetti squash....I can hardly wait...have an good weekend everyone...enjoy it. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 15:09 on 28th February 2016 Good morning..watching it rain this morning out the window....woke up at 4 am, so naturally had to have something to about an boiled egg and two raisin nut toasts with light peanut butter...but missed not having an coffee. I was angry at hubby this weekend...I wanted to go somewhere...and it didnt' fit in his plans...then he went out to check the ligtht keeps coming on in the car...and finds an tire where in several places it had worn down to the tread, to the core of the tire...and could of been an dangerous situation for we spent time yesterday buying new tires...and mostly locally ...walking in the park. I heard that they sold out the entire Newport Sea and Wine Festival in Portland yesterday...might of not been an good day to been out in general....well, I'm ready to go back to least watch the news people tell me to ignore these days. My son came over and hubby and him got the firewood from the neighbors before I even woke up yesterday....I didn't push him yesterday as he looked like he had sorre muscles from it all. Oh comes the wind. Talk to you later.... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 16:37 on 28th February 2016 Good Afternoon to all --by gum Shirley you lead an exciting life |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 07:32 on 29th February 2016 Oh you want to know I do to walk every day I know it's raining showers outsidebut thought I'd try an walk in the neighborhood...I'm in my boots/3/4 length coat...knit hat and golf of those big ones. There's white lines on the side of the street...I keep to the left of one of them to advoid getting hit by an car..right...I'm walking along and I see ahead of me what looks like an "sheet" of rain headed my way...I think hunker down under the umberella....the wind starts up...hit the umberella, whirls me around and turns inside now the rain is little icey pellets and I'm exposed to nature's I think to "H" with this, I'm going back to the house...I find an evergreen tree, I get behind it and the storm and fix the umberella, hang on the ribs of it and fight the wind and walk back hands are icy cold by the time I get home, how the rain got into the handle of the umberella is beyond me....but when I put it down, water ran out o fthe inside of the handle....which I've never had seen ever happen before....I mean these storms this year are doing me James...hydro-planing in water over the road lke I did going to pick up my sister-in-law down in Salem to get her to the hospital up here was no real joyful trip either.For some reason I can't lose the glucose numbers without the walking daily. bought an new pair of blue jeans four sizes smaller then 3 years ago. In short, I am at an size today I last saw in 1978. But tonight 'Im in here to tell you what I just saw on TV taking place in OHIO state...namely an policeman using the flag pole...with the flag on it... in an parade as an spear against being violently attacked in an protest ralley by the KKK (Klu klux Klan)..the police got their man, without the riot gear and tear gas, just bare fists...he was "white"....but they were on the street bleeding from beating the crap out of each other in this ralley they were having that went the meantime some blacks took chalk...and wrote on the side of the street curb...White's only...... Remind me to stay out of OHIO. I had an good fire going in the fireplace tonight, but I'm still cold for some reason. Dinner sucked tonight. I should of bought the roast beef instead...instead of the pulled chicken had an sauce I didn'treally care for and I added a can of smoked Ham and bean soup after I drained off the liquiid...thinking it would be thicker on the hamburger bun, especially by the time I added the coleslaw on top of they do these days.Maybe if I'd made my own chicken,..... but didnt' like this store bought stuff at all...and let's face really wasn't on my diet.So, I'm out to find something to stay warm in and talk to you all later on. Maybe another blanket or some such? Fire is dying down for the night. No more TV news for tonight...heh? |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 18:01 on 29th February 2016 Hi to all POEsters, hope all is well wherever you are. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 19:45 on 29th February 2016 Good Evening to all-- |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:04 on 1st March 2016 Well, guys.... at noon my blood glucose reading was 149...pretty good today. Walked this morning and spent some time planting two pots, and took the granddaughter to her dentist appointment and tomarrow the grandson goes.Dinner made steak pieces and ceasar salad and sweet potatoe...took my bath and am reading my book like an good girl should. Even ran into our neighbor two streets over and despite his massive heart attack, he's recuperated and looks really great. Says he takes care of his dad full time now. He has health issues also. Said he didn't want to put him in an nursing home...I told him he was an good son to his dad then, because there is so much they can't do in them and they drug them for every little thing at times. If we living outside of them can barely cope with the medications we are made to take, imagine those in them, Just started raining but it's Spring also. Flowers coming up and plants budding out all over the place...I see baby ducks here and there also. I spent this morning making my "cross" planter for small panies in an cross inside the bottom of an big planter bottom and after they get planted with five down and two more for the mid-cross...I cover the top with white rocks, and fairy lady in one corner and down at the bottom an metal butterfy takes an votive candle...and those LED mini lights around the outside rest of it all I can not use my "tablet" for an "ad-on" application that refuses to let me cancel it out. So I can't play my game of solitare and that has me upset...if I don't want something...I don't want it. Got my first bill from the first emergency visit with the bladder infection....they covered it all but $75...I have to pay that. Hubby's came in for $50 on his hearing aide from the Veteran's Dept. As long as the electric bills keep going down from winter...and don't go up for summer...we might come out even some day. Well this week's expected mega quake is said to come March 2 to the 4th sometime....we oldies get so tired of hearing this cause someone is bored to tears and needs some excitment..... As if we don't have enough already to cope with. you know what we say is cry "wolf" long enough and you might have it some day.I talk to everyone later on...lomg day today. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 12:57 on 1st March 2016 Good Afternoon to all |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 19:53 on 1st March 2016 Keep up the good work Shirley! Hi to all POEsters... |