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Good Day "63"

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:17 on 26th March 2016

Another interesting, thought provoking post in response and more besides Shirley, thanks!

Morning/afternoon to all POEsters...


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 08:48 on 27th March 2016

I was walking down the street today...and you know how people going buy throw stuff out the window....well, someone did that to me...driving an white colored here's this chicken McNugget from McDonalds being thrown at me and  I was ready to "kick butt" too! Absolute bunch of pigs in my estimation. I've been cooking ever since then also, and added some beef ribs BBQ style to tomarrow's dinner out at the kid's house. I lost my post twice now to Petra over in earthboppin...because they want to add new updates to my computer. I only need the ones that might pertain to me....though. How do I find out which ones I really need and which one's an bunch time consuming hooey. What do I do with the message from Micro soft that Mr. Gates after installling my windows 10 once again says he's taking over what's dealing with my computer for me....he must of picked something up in the hacking on me. By working with people like me, he learns whar his computer need in the future you know. Are you going to roll over again when we get to page 50?...just wondering. Eye doctor callled and wants an list of all the meds I'm currently on at my exam Monday also....which changes I guess you know evertime I see the docotor. Eating cookies heavily thsi Easter also...not good for the diet...and I guess what it boils down to is ...don't buy them to begin with....I don' tknow if that would settle with my aunt...her family owns an old time world wide cookie company. I go back "paelo" come Monday I suppose. Anyway...Petra...we were talkign about all the disastergoing on...and I said it would help if they'd build houses with emergency shelters in them befrehand...she said they will never do ti because it would cost proably about $6,000 per house to get it accomplished. So here goes soemone costs more toclean up after the homeless living o  the streets then it does to just give them an free apartnment to live somehwhere...but then again...if taxpayers have to earn thier own keep..why can't they?

I doubt it would cost that much for an simple room undergroundin an house in tornado country to save lives....and built right it would keep them in the area for re-building afterwards.  The rpobelm is everyone needs big bucks and someone else to do stuff for them these days. When I was in the mid-west the last time, I asked about wherethey put people out of jobs and need help...they all told me,,,the Federal Gov takes care of everyone back there.If you don' t know someone living back there...don't go back there. I go tthat idea already when my sister was talking going back there...she finally got it through her head what they were saying...we can't help you. You have to help yourself and so you might as well as do it where your already living. Yet they always want to "feed" off you in thier time of need also...kind of wrong.  I can see why dad said to me one time...there's nothing back there to want and they wouldn' t give if they could.times have changed indeed. Family isn' t to much family these days. Seems like there's always the same ones helping though. I also think the weathermen of today cry "wolf" to much of the time and the weather isn't as bad as expected and people don't want to prepare at times because of that alone...they don't have the money to spare. Well, our mayor left his job Friday I guess or is getting ready it should be an whole new ball game here pretty soon.  Computer is bugging me tonight...I can't get my hubby's computer compatible with mine because Home office depoe doesn't come out to the house so there is no way to see what's going on both computers at the same time...we are supposedly on the same hookup line....but his computer interjects itself on mine...and shouldn't. He don' t get stuff on his computer from mine at all.  It was brought up one time to me to get my own computer service line and maybe my problems would stop.  Hum. Well anyway...I hope when I come back in, your still here...and just an new thread started. Talk to you later on.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:19 on 27th March 2016

People really throw stuff out of windows over there Shirley? What a disgrace!

As for Windows 10 it seems a lot of people have a lot to say about it and from what I read it's generally not good comment so if I was you I would switch back, because chances are you won't need to upgrade for many years to come, by which time they will have sorted things out.

Hi to all POEster...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:37 on 28th March 2016
Good Evening to all who are aroundSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:45 on 28th March 2016

There's an lady that walks the 8 miles from where my kids live out in the country along the main road every week picking up the stuff people throw out their car windows...but it's an bit harder to do in town...we don't like it when they do that either. WE are not thier "garbage service" for them. Depsite that....we had an real nice easter dinner with the kids yesterday...left them plenty of left overs to eat....and the 3 days of Spring BReak and one day cooking followed by blood glucose is back up to  215 this I'm out walking and one week will beput into the diet this week also with the better weather.  I had my yearly eye exam this morning eyes are still kind of fuzzy.guess from the eye drops...says that I should start thinking about the cataract removal, but not to worry about it as it's not really bad as of yet..come in when it gets to bothering me. You know we have bottle deposits in this state, but many states do not and last time I was back in Washington D. C. it was really looking junky near the Lincoln Momument with stuff people had disposed of on the street..Why they do that I have not the least idea, it takes butan second to toss food containers into our garbage can out front and or for recycle. Grsndkdis laughed abou tththe chicken McNugget bit also...they couldn' t believe people do that to others.So anyway...I'm off to make somePaleo Soup and do another 3 miles walking today....already have done 2 miles.. My pink tuplis are coming out and the Tulip FArm near Aurora south of us started posting thier open fo rthis years season...they go all out for thousands of vistor's every year...canrnival..eating carts, rides, gift shop, tractor displays and an bi tof evrything. Glad Easteris over...I could not grt mysefl to watch "jesus" being tortured and crucified this year...really bothered me. I turned the channel and even feel alseep to the fallling oif the walls of Jerriico also lasst night.  John and I have been discussing the area over there and also the Cross of Henddaye.

He tells me that he thinks it had been made to try to institute the "fake" christ in wihat what was said about it...maybe...but it was supposedly said to been the "fire" in 2012 of the Glacatic Crosssing going on back then, to represent armegeddon and the secon coming....and I gave him an different perspective....there is with "God" an "spiritual" fire of purification also...where your body isn't burned to death....when God was present at Mt. Sinai...and gave Moses the 10 commandments...he came upon him as the "burning bush"....God's "fire" escence to me....and it states, though the bush looked to been burning the bush was not "consumed" by it.  Only mankind destroys mankind and earth by burning to death...and consuming.This "fire" is an concentrated form of "God's" nature or pure energy in creation also. Anything with "life" has this energy to it. To me the cross was indeed about alchemical properties of "life" and to process that...such as an base metal into Gold you have to have the four elements of creation...metal/earth, fire, water, and air to do that process. The native Americans know this..thier colors are red or fire, yellow or earth, white or air, and black or base metal...and of for water. Even they say the "red path" is the spiritual path that goes into enlightment.  I go for now, can hardly wait for thenicer weather to arrive today..leave us with an warm "Spring" fresh clean air to it. Have an good day everyone!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:36 on 29th March 2016

Throw a cigarette butt on the floor here and pick up an £80 fine Shirley!

Hi to all POEsters...


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 02:15 on 30th March 2016

Well, they are getting better with the surviellence cameras all over the place in stopping crime....but  there's an old saying also can't legislate "moraily" with scumbags.  Since yesterday, I've dropped my blood glucose from 215 to 132...and walked in the last two days little over 9 miles....the church showed up today and asked me if I'd like to come to their "world celebration" observance they are having this Sunday...didn't have the heart to tel lthem my hubby is not their religion...though they'd probably welcome him there just the same. I'm just getting around to sitting down an bit from today...all day long something going on. Took my grandson to the orthadonist for impressions as an back up on his braces he gets off April 5th in the morning. It's been years since I've seen that kid without full steel wiring in his mouth..maybe he can now gain some weight, he's pretty thin from not beign able to eat an lot of things.He's now an freshman in high school and it would be nice he could start looking hansome for these school days coming up in the future....besides he says he wants to be President someday. Gotta look sharp for that job.

I'm pretty tired tonight from teh last two days...but I have to do it all this week for time of those A1C tests comingup by the end of the week or early next week....everyone from California to Oregon and beyond in some cases is waiting for the results on it. Includes me seeing an dentist also. So, I go an wash the smeely sweat off me and settle downon the sofa an bit as it's abou tthis time that it's the only time or early in the mornings I can.

Talk later on...have an good day everyone....nice day today...lovely day....but clouds increasing by tomarrow. 

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 21:36 on 30th March 2016
Ron --in my town if you drop litter it is a £100 fine--a cigarette butt including court costs is £500 in some case higher --Cool
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 03:10 on 31st March 2016

Ok, which one of you guys wants to come over and tell me to "cool it" and bit....I think I fianlly with the 7 miles today stressed myself out to badly...hubby wanted to knwo if I wanted some water...which I had in the car, but by thenmy lungs were wheezing I had broncitis. I did have very long time ago. After near death experince number two. Took me weeks to recuperate. That my dear sirs is why I don' t smoke and probably never will either. But anyway, they say to not go over 180 after eating...I just registered I'm in the safey zone...but my knit top was soaking wet, and my skin was perspiring up an storm also, forhead lightly naturally I'm heading for the bathtub. I made arrangements for the AIC tesrt and lipid profile test for Friday morning. So th next 48 hours I hope to be an goodgirl on this diet bit. This batch of test tapes are four readings after the other an nearly 50 point different in them. Something not correct there either. I'm taking the lower one closest to what Iast registered in it. Kind ofknwo by what I eat and what I do what it should read anyway. I weigh abut 75 pounds more then my hubby..he wasnt' the least bit affected Like I was in this last walking session tonight....Fitness TRail parking lot was again filled to the brim with cars and people walking...beautiful day...Besides the walking planted 32 Mexican day lilies of various colors and two small bushes....while the neighbors cut down two more trees. We were all outside today....nieghbors.Talk to you later on, once again they gave us the tree limbs off the tree for this next winter or if we need it for Scout outtings also. They have an natrual gas fireplace in their house. Flick an switch type. Gonna be an lovely evening also. I think it got up close to 70 degrees today in these parts. Have an good evening.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:44 on 31st March 2016
Good Afternoon on this bright Spring day----hows the blonde Shirley??Smile
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