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Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 19:37 on 14th March 2016 I don' tknow where my other post went to but I'm back...they are taking down the three tall fir trees across the street this morning, which means I'm free to cut down my tree out front...then the only tree of concern might be Kenny's treeto the south of us, it would go over th etop of my neighbors house if it fell...and mine, it's pretty tall also. It's an good timer to cut them, firewood for next winter. Ok...where would I go if I could...well, alll over the world to put it mildly...and locally also...there's a a lot I have not been able to get involved in here because of working and kids all my life. Now I know an lot of England's history, it would be nice to go over there also...probably take me an good year of traveling over there. Iwrote somtthing last night that I found...trying ot look up William Larkin fo says...Sportsyvania County, Ca Records of wills.... William Wharton:, leg. sister Martha;son-in-law James Williams;"brother William Wharton:brother CharlesWharton:brither Zacheus and Joseph Wharton, sister Ann:mother Ann Turlong (page 284) They were all of St. Georg's Parsih along with all the other names associated around our family and neighbors through the years. It's coming out out of Illinois and I think it might be made up in ways...but this kind of makes for an Warham to Wharton to Larkin name association. According to Grits...whom is an Ancestory. com historian and also ankin to Govenor John Sevier, she found in his personnal diary the James Larkin I think we are related to...he waspart of Siever's private militia and died in 1795 in an Indian raid he an others had volunterrred to go fight and try to save the local people...he was the one I was loking for married to Mary McAdoo kind to the REverand Samuel She is Macadoo...and his brother married Sarah McAdoo. She is the one I have that married Benjamin F. Clark justafter James died appparently....which means William E. Larkins was mostly an only child....named after his William in early Virginia. He apparently had an brothe rnamed Samuel also. Since it's said that the Reverand had married an "Wheatly"...could she have originally been an "Wharton" also? I consider the McAdoo family as an older lineage of the European "Anjou" family of Royal heritage...including England. But I maintain that the very first form of "larkin" I've ever seen is from the Percy family traveling with William the Conquoner (mispelled) Normany France and I've follwed this line all the way back to "presci"...but he had an son born to him in Switzerland he name Lohegrine....and that's the first name I seen that could of ever been later into Larkin.Before ireland adopted to "O Larcan" version of it. I've never know our family to have that Irish "O" in fromtof our name otherwise. This one I've follwed from Switzerland, into France and then with King Authur and his group and into Ireland tough..he's the one that save Queen Branbrant's legacy in the area of Belgium. There's an slight suggestion here that he may of married Jesus Daughter "Tamur" also in Ireland...if not legacy of her. Percy's were given their Northumberland estate by William the Conquoer (spelling)...Ill have to look ti up I guess. It wasthem that Cardinall William Warham...after King Henry VIII ousted and had an chid he asked to be raised by them...if he should die for any reason if he couldn't raise the child himself. King Henry you know was next ot an madman by the time he died..inone year he killed 7,200 people in England alone. There are several Percy family over here and in different spellings whom were the first in colonial America. Lawson's come up next to them, having beenousted by King Henry VIII they were in-law's to his Queen Catherine Howard family. ..first cousins.They have now put the Lawson's as kin to two differnt Planetgent lineages also. I feel myself it should of always been Thomas, Dulke fo Clarence though whom took the name of Lawssone..or his child...or th eoldest son of the Reverand George Lawson named Thomas. Warham's brother in-lw..St leger was from France also, I did some work on him but was sent to Ireland to run it for England also. What they all had in common....the were early and long time "Templar Knights" sworn to protect the HolyFamily ofJesus. Now you know why as an pyschic I see jesus, and I beleive that he lives in Hawaii at times...and travels as an immortal being...though the bible doesn't allowhim until the second coming in the bible...which has been re-written...but take at look at how many people hecame to after his death in the bible also. I believe I can now document my sources quite well. Though I have amny adversaries to this work.I can notcoorest any of my mistpellings now...and the little airplane Icon was for hooking up the computer while travleing in the air on an airplane...I had it the useage fo this, just th eicon makes hooking up much faster.I must go now...these trees are so big that ther's plenty people out there just watching them come down. Talk to later on |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 19:42 on 14th March 2016 That should of been Virgina wills...not California sounding wills....I go tan lot of help of no help in writing th epost above so hope you can understand it. i have absolutely no way to control whomever it is that causes me problems and about all I know is they wan ttotal are ineffienicent with the truth. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 19:55 on 14th March 2016 Messed the posting up pretty badly...our James was the son of William Larkin of Virginia...some have claimed he was Cardinal William Warham's child...and possibly the painter/artist callled Willam Larkin over in England...or the next generation....though I don' t see the in-laws with him if so..his mother's side...where I do the percy family continually. See my spacing and how erradical it is today trying to post. Clark family married Lawson's in Indiana..on my hubby's side....Benjamin F. Clark That is what this has pretty muchbeen hiding from King Henry VII and one side fighting the other side for supepremacy in legagacy. So many records can be callled "false" if you know the whole story. Possibly even this one until I get it checked out. It is King Henry VIII that is the true diabetic that is killing us all over here. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:44 on 15th March 2016 I find it amazing Shirley that you are more aware of England's history than anybody else that I know. In fact I think it's fair to say that most Americans are far more interested (and aware) of our history than we Brits are, yet when you get stuck into it we really do have a bit of a nasty past, with cruelty beyond belief. Hi to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 18:31 on 15th March 2016 I just lost my first here goes the next one I guess...blink*..and it was gone. We seldom pay attention ot our own area unless there's money to be made from it Ron. It almost takes an outsider to change anything. The workhas always been interesting to me as far as historical talk about mystery..intrige...excitment, sadness,the discrimination...the free thinkers...the innovators also...the murders...the births....the traveling and moving on and the "spit fire" religious revivals. Where would our movies be without "Gone with the Wind"...or Elizabeth Taylor in "Cleopatra". Ot the "Greatest Story ever told"....they all start from history. This morning...since it's raining out ...I laid on the sofa and watched an new series about people that had won big lotteries and buying different houses. Of th ethree programs I watched only one couple came out with what seemed like and reasonable up grade for the money spent. These two guys...bought an bigger house, but not better in my estimation....from one they had been looking at for $999,000...the one they bought was only $650, backyard fence you'd have to replace for the patio wasn't big enough and no pool or nothing to the house...the entire basement was big, but unfinished also...the rooms smaller...while the other house had huge bedrooms...fireplace in the master bedroom with huge bathroom to it and I'd guess most likely about 1,500 more square footage then the house they bought...the bigger house was in an country like setting...this sit on the corner of an street...kind of exposed. But as they say...thier money...not mine....but by the time they get done revamping this house...I bet you they will be spending about as much as if they bought the bigger house. It's interesting how people spent their money in ways. Why they do the things they do also. They didn't cut down the trees yesterday, they brought out this huge crane thing to trim up lower branches and most likely make them more suceptiable to blowing over in the wind as they age. So that means I can't cut down my tree for fear if I do, those trees ever go down, it might possibly they head for my house...they are tall enoughto meet my house if they fell. My tree would be the only thing that might stop them somewhat....but even then I'd like to top my tcut it down completely. It's growing in the sidewalk.. one edge, but it also hooks it securely into being pretty stable. I can get around the sidewalk probelm like another neighbor did down the street, by cutting out an new curve of an sidewalk around the tree.Most the big treestha tgo down, do so because of moisture in the ground loosens them up with blowing winds...not this tree, it's surrounded by sidewalk and asphalt street in front of it. If the trees across the street went down, it would be as hazardous as our tree could be thatwe have an main electrical box sitting next to it...for the whole neighborhood. Hubby's oldest brother took one look at it and said, it it ever "blows" and an cable underground leave your house on the other side of the yard...because if the grass is wet, it could carry an electrical current along with it....that you wouldn' tknow is there until you got eletrocuted. Like most neighborhoods...we are nto without our problems and trying to resolve them also. I walked two miles blood sugar is down with in normal but barely...why I have no idea.Tomarrowit turns cloudy and next tow days after that it's nice...back to the Golf course. I've completely stopped losing weight for some reason. Guess I'm eatign to much?...have no idea. I'm hovering around 140/150. Getting ready for next week though with the kids out for Springbreak from school and we all have doctor appts to attend to of some kind. Eye exam fo rme, braces coming off one grandson...seems like somethign relse also, but forget right now...and also my A1C test at the hospital. Then Easter...going to be an busy week next week. I guess I had better got for now. Talk later on....have you over there gone into "Spring" now full bloom or not? |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 19:32 on 15th March 2016 Good Evening to all who are around--another stonker there Shirley keep em coming Hows that there blonde?? |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:54 on 16th March 2016 Wait until the 'blonde' signs in James you'll be running! lol Hi to all POEsters, enjoy the day my friends. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 12:56 on 16th March 2016 Good Afternoon to all who are around--just finished a bit of work outside so now in for a lazy afternoon |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 02:29 on 17th March 2016 Hum...I got an nice chat into today with an new nurse at Health net....she might be blonde never least she sounded nice. Then I walked my four miles and finished off after dinner with the 5th mile for the day...and yes, it cleared off sky wise today...even my kitty cats got an chance to bask in the sun today. Did an little grocery shopping also. Tomarrow is St Patty's Day...gonna make an slow cooker roast beef stew. I got some kind of cookies that are extra thin...and I'm going to frost them ever so slightly green for tomarrow...can have 5 of them at one time....and not bother the diet. I'm reading an book I found again that I didn't many years read half the night and woke up at 5:36 am and ate breakfast...and slept 6 hours more in time for lunch today and been running my feet off ever since. Not much exciting going on around here....they put an new "pot" shop in town next to the McDoanld's which ticked me off and across from an you can work it off if you can't pay for it no doubt...then this morning on the other side of it..about half an block down someone ran over and killed an guy instantly.......hit and run...we have been been having these kind of things going on nearly every other day since they let them sell their is what it really is. Makes me mad to see them....couldn't put in it an low key part of town where you wouldn' t notice it much....had to put in through the main throughfare. They showed his wife on tv just crying her heart out at the scene also..sad. Very sad. Looked like she had an young child with her standing with the they looked to be trying to console her. They don't know who did it...but an business shop out fronnt took an video of it when it happened. Makes you think maybe Donald Tump can indeed change things, even if he isn't to polite about it at times. I think th'at's what his popularity si right now...people tired of all the crime and crap in general going on. I better go dig out my slow cooker for tomarrow morning I guess....let's see....carrots/onions/little celery/mushrooms and the sauce and fingerling potatoes...or I'm thinking of steaming them with some green peas maybe. Let you know tomarrow how it turns out....with some Irish luck, it might really be good to eat! later on. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 10:15 on 17th March 2016 Good Morning to all out there --have a nice day |