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Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 17:48 on 17th March 2016 Hum, really sick to my stomache this morning/diareha....and Sheila may of found out why also...heavy heavy magnetic coming off the sun this morning...but I notice many people are also reporting they had real bad dreams last night also. I can't get into USGS this morning to check out their earthquake acitivity reports. I di dget in my Roast Beef into the slow cooker though with onions and carrots....and have the fingerling potatoes and peas yet to deal with it..if I can't make it across the room without losing more on my stomach. They are also heavily chemtrailing this morning outside as well. ing on, it's overcast in some ways also. I don't feel good. Bad St. Patty's day today for me. Also having communication problems on the computer ...maybe by tomarrow? Expect an earthuqake somewhere with this strongi magnectic storming going on. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:26 on 17th March 2016 I'm back...the soda pop kicked in and so did the anti-diareha meds....and so I went to the Golf course today...and I felt like I walked past my son's best man at his wedding many years ago, but not sure. I guess I should of hollared out his name this morning from 143 at 8:17 am I dropped the Blood Glucose down to 107 at 1:39pm before I ate my lunch... some Paelo chx zuchiini soup...and I added crackers to it help keep my stomach stablized. That's th ehighest drop I've ever done in one day...36 points. Chemtrailing all disaapeared for some reason and it's clear blue skies out with some wind but not like earlier today. I don' t like the constant strong wind we have these days...I don't ever remember having that so much as it is constantly now. So my roast beef si shrinking as it cooks, I hope there's some left for dinner and it was expensive to buy also. Found my Buiscuit baking mix that's "Heart Smart" maybe make some of them with an cross across the top. zero trans Fat, Low fat, Cholestrol free.....Maybe one.... and found some small lemon cookies that are extra thin...5 of them are 140 calories...and I put an dab of green frosting on top..with the inest little chocolate ships you've ever seen and placed mint tea beside them under an St. Patty's Day napkin with shamrocks on it. So, If I've any beef left from it shrinking so badly....I might have some kind for an dinner to eat tonight. I still have enough time to get in another mile after dinner also to help with the calories an to you later on....James....singing?...When Irish eyes are shining...lalala. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:07 on 18th March 2016 Good morning..terrible walk at the Golf Course this morning and I wonder hoe those guy scould play golf in thestraight on heavy winds. It's been snowing on the low hills this lst week they got some 3 this wind blowing was an codl one also. I struggled through it, but felt like driving some one Golf cart fo rthem bundled up in some blankets.Not many walkers there today....mostly guys also...and they chemtrailed again to try to knock down the winds so everything is over cast also. Next week starts spring vacation break for the kids and Reynolds High School hasan small carnival in thier parking lot fo it...but Sunday and Monday..its suppose to rain and much of next week looks ugly weather also.....Feel sorry for the kids in ways. You like an few sunny good days amid all the rain and we've made it this month for the ususal rainfall records... and it's been only half month at doing it. I have no idea what the kids will do next week...I'm sure they are tired of looking out at rain. I need to do some grocery shopping out of detergent to wash clothes talk to you later on...Have an good day! |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 19:30 on 19th March 2016 Good Evening to all |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 21:14 on 19th March 2016 Hi to all POEsters, hope you've had a great day and Summer is coming! |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 22:32 on 19th March 2016 Not before my tuplis bloom Ron, my whole front yard is planted in them next to red azeala's. Better day enews said last night I struggle through my walking yesterday in straight 31 mph winds. Today was like paradiseon the Golf course....everyone was there....had to wait in the parking lot to get an parking space, and everyone was freindly saying "Good morning" or smiling and giving an "hi" with theri hand, golfers were out all over really pleasant walk compared to yesterday. This woman in green was looking 5 to 6 months into motherhood...and she was running of all things. Her stomach noticable and then some...she must want to be an skiiny mother after the baby is born. Guys are up sellling candy bars for Scouts...and I stopped by my grandson got my loose money butI didn't get any candy...I todl him they could have it, and I delivered Sarah 2 lilies about to bloom for Easter...we decided this year to have it over at their house....Sunday dinner. Other then that...I've done my 5 miles today..and I'm on my Paleo diet on que also. Just can't break four of my pastchio's for today's snack. Squirrels are out really good right now also, several people were taking camera shots of them at the Golf course today...and we got us an weelittle baby one around my house. Tiny little critter. Can it ever run though...swooish... and it's up an tree. Nice day today and enjoyed by everyone. I even bought me an dress of all things...not done that one lately...gonna cut it an bit shorter though and I have an lavendar rain coat to wear with it. So best be moving along...that day is pretty well gone and dinner is coming up. I'm enjoying seeing all the flowers and the trees blooming right now. Talk later on...Have an good day! ( blonde for James did I see today...I'll keep trying..but everyone else was there!) Next week they are having an Easter Egg hunt there also. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:34 on 20th March 2016 Watch them Squirrels Shirley. If they get into your loft space (attic) they will chew on the electric cables and apart from killing themselves could potentially start a fire and burnt down! Hi to all POEsters |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 14:38 on 20th March 2016 Good Afternoon to all --plenty Squirrels round our backs here --too much bird food available so its a feeders paradise for them. I have a pair of Great Tits testing one of my boxes close to the house lets hope they stay. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 17:29 on 20th March 2016 Helloe there everyone.....strange thing these days....I got my graduation card from my grandaughter...she graduateson June 3rd...subject of my reasoning to dieting this last several years...but she only is guaranteed 5 tickets to go to, whose she leave out...her borthers, or if parents and grandparents of them get left out...that is of course unless she can get some more tickets....and it's way to heck gone on the other side of Portland.apparently they have to rent an place big enough for everyone and the school isn't it. Thye plan to be giving out as it is, 1,770 tickets to go see it. Things have changed through the years I guess...but's at the Rolling Hills church in Tualatin (city)... on the west side of Portland So I bought me an long dress yestersday andam going to whack of the bottom of it...I have an matching light raincoat to go wiht it and black sandles. With thatmany people will most likely be breathing room only...and wonder if we wil be able to see her at all also. It would be nice if each student had their picture taken while they received their diploma though....2 months is all I have to go yet strenously on the dieting, the dress is one size fits all...and summer dress at that. It is raining this morning....glad we all got in some nice weather yesterday...but there's an lot to do around here, tree rounds in the back yard to be chopped up and stacked, lawn furniture to get out of storage...lawn to spruce up in to paint...just for beginners. But today is Sunday...usually my day of rest so as to say. Iknid of miss that these days...use to be growing up you heard the church bells ringing through town callling peopleto church...kind of had an homey sound. When the kids got married...I asked John if he'd do the honors for ringing the church bells after the wedding in this old historic church we had the wedding at, and he did. It was an candleilight wedding...and we had an white stretch limo outside to take them to an historic restored Bed and Breakfast Hotel/private place kind of exclusive... callled "The Rose" downtown Portland. Hubby drove them down there and at the same time picked up his"tux" to gather them back to the rental place. I fololwed him with their car and from there they went over to the coast for the honeymoon. Kids will becelebrating their I think thier 20th wedding anniversary this year..while we do our 50th. My how time passes quickly. With thsi rain, I am feeling cold this better get soem socks on and maybe an fire in the fireplace for an bit...Talk to you all later on...another week starting!!! Presdential hopeful.. Ben Carson... is in Vancourver, Washington today for an politicall rally across the river today at 1 pm..Hudson High School I think they said. busy busy as they say. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:55 on 21st March 2016 Hum...tonight finds me bored stiff to say the least... not even "Naked and Afraid" show really excited me any...I can't seem to find any decent tv shows these days since they finsihed thier last season last week. I need an show where I'm learning something I guess. that's what I like about the living off the land type shows perhaps the most, what they teach you in skills. Hubby says they made $300 off thier candy bar sales. But today...was slow moving....we managed to get the two tree trunks cut down to thrree pieces of wood chunks with the chain saw...and he replanted the raspberries I bought yesterday from the drought killing ours last more bird and squirrel food today and some of the patio chairs placed outside and matched up,,,not my summer chairs though...I use plastic ones when its rainy weather...stack chairs I think they call them. Bought me some more clothing in smaller sizes. Cooked for the most part though. Made the Paleo Spaghetti on veggie spaghetti squash for dinner with Texas Garlic toast. But that leaves me bored still and the game on my I-pad is driving me nuts...everytime I need to make one more calls the shots on me and ends the game and I have to start all over again.I think that's why "Super Mario" went over so well, they gave you an chance to keep going on. Once you got the knack of what you were doing you had no problem to go to the next level and it was something new. I have the feeling unless I buy more lives in this game, I'll never get anwywhere with it....I'll be stuck in the same level until I'm 108 at times. So what are you doing?...anything exciting, or laid back and enjoying an quiet moment? I'm thinking of going to an small easy puzzle to finish off the night maybe. I sure am tired of the drug shows, the police shows, and the scandel type nonsense also.... I don' t care whose pregnant by whom, nor how to treat thier pimples either.....,just to much for me...maybe tomarrow will be an better day?...let's hope. |