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Good Day "63"

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:12 on 8th March 2016

You get walking ma'am, you know you must. C'mon let the POE force be with

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 12:51 on 8th March 2016
Good Afternoon to allSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 21:50 on 8th March 2016

Good morning...I took an rest while the rain came in today...I've been wanting to finish reading this book callled "paul" about the apostle Paul...and get all comffy to read and keep falling to sleep, so I felt I needed the Glucose readings from yesterday...198/140/183/169...and today 155 and I have another one to do when I get off here...the higher readings indicate having eaten an meal most the time. The lower ones just after walking.But I'm about out of Mentamorfin and having an time paying the $170 fee out of my pocket when they only last about 10 days now...I've got to drop some of the medications...or find others less expensive that work as well.  Doctor said that ALL medications for diabetes serve to lower your A1C testing most the time...maybe not as well, but if your not in great need to lower, they might work on an daily bases with the diet.  He says they should be 120 to 180 after eating.  So I'm still getting there I was 155 the other day also. Next two days they claim heavy rain incoming.

Jack Coles put out an earthquake warning from Oregon to Alaska over in at various dates in March, and he's saying 67 per cent confident there will be one...6.9 to 7 mag  higher if in water off the coast. He bases his predictions on picking up low frequency radio waves...and he's seldom wrong also. So that see's some of us starting to take down our breakables beforehand. Truly an chore of it's own somedays. Anything incomin gover an 5 mag will bring problems to us all you know. Fireplaces fallling down an dsuch. So I hope he's wrong this time or off into some blank unpopulatred are of Alsaka. SEattlr is an danger spot also in this prediction. I go for lots to do when you get back up from resting. Part of this is getting up to early when I stay up so late doing thngs also. like reading. Talk to you later...have an good the little bunnies for me and feed the little chick hatching out..and thanks for the POE power!

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:06 on 8th March 2016

I lost my posting...but the first number should of read 158...not 198...the highest number was Terayki with Pork for dinner alst night...It looks like I go tmy ink pen nudged...maybe my kitty cat...but I've ben prety much in the150 to 180 readings fo rthe last four days now. So now I work at stabilizing myself.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:50 on 9th March 2016

Hemmington in Oxfordshire (didn't ever hear of the place before now, but 10 miles from us here in Wheatley) had an earthquake couple days ago Shirley how come your man didn't tell us? lol

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 20:24 on 9th March 2016

By tomarrow the "pineapple express" will have been here and gone and I can get back to my walking Ron..It's coming in right now but the winds and really nasty stuff stays mostly over along the coast..with winds 70 miles per hour..... I finished my book on Paul...with tears as usual...something told me to skip some chapters...and when I came back to left off what I'd skipped..with her..Prisca telling the out come of everyone's fate with Nero and "Christianity"

in general..she was able to talk to Peter before he was cricified, some of the others she'd know throughout the book, her own husband died as Rome caught fire and was trampled to death, he was nearsighted and couldn't find his way down some narrow stairs. Her husband's compaion told her not to worry that he'd stay an help her so she'd be OK...They were all getting up in years by then anyway. Paul in chains now in Rome knows his fate is sealed and he's accepting it and tells others the greatest gift they can do for him is to not make his work in vain..being the preaching to follow Jesus Christ. For an book on apostle Paul he never left the entire story without the words believe in God... and follow Jesus our Lord.Time again I've seen mysefl and many others as I read the pages of the sacrific made to make "life" an better place for all. It brought back something else to me also, for I decided one time to go an see Pastor Benny Hinn in well known for with an swipe of the hand taking down chairs of standing people and doing miracle work for people in the audience. Perhaps you have seen him on TV yourself. So I'm sitting there in the audience, up above him, listening and he tells us he's going to do this toothers...and asks us all to hold hands so none of us fall and get hurt...and this lady beside me says...I'm an Baptist...I wondered what that he says an few words and swipes his hand out into the audience...and everyone beside me went down and her an I are kind fo holding on to everyone we could possiblydo so with until they kind of come out of it....and I wondered...hum, does that mean I don't believe in Jesus or what?....I always felt like there was an sort of telepathic thought line between us anyway....and he says...the only people this does not work on is usually small kids....because they have not learned to "sin" as of yet. That is what I'm doing when I do this...rebuking your sins in life. Well, I thought that one rather interesting because I've done plenty of things in my life that are nto the best to do or think. Maybe iti had something to do with my mothrer tellling me she had to go to kindergarter cause I said I use to go an talk to Jesus there all the time...she thought maybeI meant the "organist"...but when she got up there she knew that one wasn't wrong so she just said as long as I stayed near my teacher things were OK maybe. Thsi school was where I was out swinging on recess, in my frilly little girly dress and it caught on an bolt on the swing and when I jumped out to the ground, it made me go in an circle as the bottom of my dress tore off...and I was embarrassed and everyone else was laughing. So I'm glad now that little kids can play in rompers and jeans these days. Not to mention that I was getting up on the stage there to sing Christmas songs, alll decked out in my angel wings, and the kid behnd me tripped and took an hold of my angel wings and I promply turned around an slapped him a good one...also making my mother embarassed, it's ok..he grew up to be an preacher....But as you can life was hardly serene and pollipop growing up some days. I rather enjoyed Benny Hinn when he got the audience to sing the words.."Amen" in different tones..I felt as if I were in an serene heavenly place....conforted. Well,,,rain here so I think I'll go build an fire as it looks like winter right now and I'm making an new Paelo dish today...chicken breasts stuffed with Spinach and cooked bacon and mushrooms and then baked. Sounds good to me and an salad of some kind. Talk to you later on....I will enjoy seeing the sun tomarrow for all this rain I've been seeing, but at least the tall trees don't have dead branches on them this year.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 20:31 on 9th March 2016

England very seldom has earthquakes health issues are not letting me be as much "sensitve" to them as I

am ussually...ears doing funny things right now also....most my work is intutive "knowings"...does that make me animal like or what....come to think of it I've always talked to animals...people in health issues where they can't talk, and  sme people I meet and know exactly what they are thinking...I've lost an lot of friends from that one alone.

I generally have no problem "seeing through others" as they say....but work never stops... so best get going.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 20:32 on 9th March 2016
Looks like you are having a good time over there ShirleySmile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:52 on 10th March 2016

Pineapple express Shirley?

Hi to  all POEsters wherever you are, whatever you do today take care

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 21:09 on 10th March 2016

The "pineapplke express" Ron is the tail end of an hurricane or tropical storm ususally...most of it hit last night, along the coast and went north...north of Lincoln City, Oregon they had gusts of wind 72 to 74 MPH and an man was killed when a tree fell on his car ...up in the Coastal mountains...they clocked winds at 92 to 94 in town it's windy..about 25 to 35 MPH.....there was an big enough break in the clouds to allow me to an chance to walk 4 miles in Red Susnet Park.  Rain comes back in by tomarrow and our Scotts are suppose to walk an hike of 5 miles bu tthey are doing that at Ozbow Park along the sandy River, mostly in an Ravine type situation of the country park.

I'll try to get back here later on, I'm making coconut shrimp for my lunch right now and salad or fruit (berries) the difference today in walking was my blood glucose this morning at 8:12 am was 186...after the walk at 11:40 it was 158. I had to go and get some more Mentaformin today and for some reason this very expensive prescription was given to me costing $49...and that was waviered to "zero". I almost wanted to this the right stuff?, but it looks it. Catch you all later on as I have some cooking to do after lunch...Hi James!....was that you today in the aPark working fo rthe city edging the grass?.....just thought I'd ask.  I wish I could of made it to the Golf Course today, as greulling as it is...but it was hanging off in the driection with an dark stormy cloud and the Park had an circle of sunshine that alllowed me to just barely make it walking with no rain....I drove home in it though. Talkto you later...have an good day!!!

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