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Posts: Joined: 1st Jan 1970 | Good evening....well, I voted today...and am in anguish..feel like I already made at least two mistakes..but to late to recall it now. Some of the things we voted on...are dam if you do and dam if you don't issues. Two days to get my ballot in the voting box and it's over for what we can do in the voting. Still have those boxes to wrap up and get mailed off and will feel much less stress and turn my thoughts back to this church that needs help. Not to much I can do with it either, but I hope to go buy all kinds of gravy mixes and maybe some canned cranberry sauce....Oatmeal for over winter. Trying to help them have enough for an church dinner, if they don' thave enough to give each family. Some Toys for the kids also. Some ornaments to make for themselves. First year they were open we went to Candlelight Mass on Christmas Eve...all they had was an single guitarist...but we sang songs anyway and the Reverand repeated the Christmas story and blessed us all.... and we shared candles that night, so simple compared to some of the huge churches, with huge choir....but the prescence to our savior seemed to be there in many the spriit of humble love and gratitude. So, I keep trying to help it an bit, and they keep telling me, not to push them..... before my own needs. It comes easy to help those I can. That night was an frist night in many I remember my mother palying her guitar nightly...then thehouse organ I bought her....her music was an God given talent none of us have had growing up so far. She played her music "by ear"...just listenign ot it.... couldn' t read musical notes an younger sister that was strickne with polio...though she out grew it by the time she was an adult, but I guess mother use to play for hours at home as she laid in bed she was self taught also. She liked two kinds of music..gospel and happy music....but she could play about anything she wanted to hear. Grandkids now all play musical instruments through school. My son had both Yamaha piano lessons and the Saxaphone is school. Went to go and see Grandpa(mother's side) in an nursing home,and took my son with me, we got in there and I wanted him to know that I was sending him to music lessons and the nurses aide when he got up to the piano only being four years old asked him not to " play with the piano"...and my grandpa, he tells her most sternly, that this was his great grandson, and if he wanted to play, he wanted to listen ...not to bother us....that we had traveled 3,000 miles to see him....and she backed off... and he played one of his Christmas songs on the piano...I think it was "Silent Night" back then....something simple. It would be the last time we'd see him alive. So I'm glad he approved of what I was doing with my son....keeping an bit of mother's talent for music in the family. Tjere has been many an time I've been very proud of something my son has done for others...I don' tknow if he understands that or not at times. One of them was during an severe blizzard out here...his boss and hm, and another two employees went to Yakima Indian Reservation( Washington State) to deliver them milk and dairy badly they needed it, that they crossed the mountain pass with plowes ahead of them to help get them there. It would be considered an very dangerous trip by most standards, but he also donated volunteer time to people in flooded Varonia, Oregon...the Portland Furniture stores donatednew furniture....and his company donated the gas and people to get it to them, so they'd have an place to live again after the flood...and call it home, the Park Division donated free firewood to thsoe that had wood stoves that they lost in the county from the stormt...and as "Americans" we get in an lot of trouble donating our time to what we think is helping others. I rember in reading in 1906, after the great san Francisco earthquake,...that the Pony Express riders were taking wagons instead of horses from back east to San Francisco, picking up the entire way loaves of bread and food (dried soup ingrediants) for the victims of the quake. Even though we make mistakes,.. I guess there are things we do to try to help.... that is help. In some ways my role I'm playing with the needs ofthis church near me right now in an way. I know the Reverand is that way...when we had that blizzard, some parishoner lent him an tractor with an plow blade on it to clean out the church parking lot..but he also came down our county"city" street and cleaned out the drive ways of all the old folks and an path in the street so they could get groceries or to medical care if they needed it...first time I met him, to find out he's an under-classman to me at school growing up. He's let me know, he hopes to be there.... if I ever need help someday also. Such memories I have at times...good people doing good things. I'm glad I made dinner Saturday night, because today saw us changing the oil in my grand-daughter's car, and grocery shopping an bit also. I was fresh out of fresh food and when I got there starting buying up stuff for Thanksgiving Dinner also...turned out expenisve, but I just took out another loan on my credit card with zero interest for some needs I have in mine,...and an one hundred dollar bill extra.... I've been making my neighbors live with my two oak trees out front with hanging branches for way to long as it is because I didn' t have the money to call out someone with an crane to take them out...but am finally getting around to it. If I d known this was going to be so expenisve, way backwhen, I should of turned it into my house insurance. Kind of late now. We all figured since they are all but hanging on an string of tree bark they would of fallen down by, they tipped over into the branches below them, but they still look very vernable at times. The expenisve part is the crane they will have to use to get up to them to take them out of the tree...unless someone has an kind heart for retired income people. Is it OK to admit you love your trees?...what they stand for. I guess for now...I best get going...clocks turned back another hour's been pretty dark around here by dinner time. We had an old time simple dinner tonight...,.Beef stew/dinner rolls/apple pie with whip cream......cranberry juice and coffee with French Vanilla cream in it. Have an good evening everyone. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 13:24 on 7th November 2016 Really don't know where the time goes nowadays, but yet another interesting post from the Queen of POE posts....Shirley! Keep em coming Shirley. Hope all is well for POE members wherever you are and with Winter here it's time to get sat in front of the fire with your PC on the lap and have your say in the POE forum. Hopefully hear from you later dear friends. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:06 on 8th November 2016 Yeah, it's nice to read what people are saying to Rick right now also...I've been on the phone, ytuinh yo explain to domr young high school the method if raising money is not and Gvrtnment Bond, that most of us senirot citizens can't afford anyway.....but volunteer entertainment at school in an concert/girl teachers vs men teachers in Basketball school flea raffle going on to win an old but nice car....pony rides...wagon rides....fresh hot cookies/chocolate to buy walking down the street and looking inside store window displays...things like that. Low cost oil washes....decorating telephone poles.....Christmas them....comdedian acts...magic shows....selling wreaths....parades...(like bed races)...done in Holiday style...dress modeling. . AS I told him, it's not just about saying "i need money, now give it"...most senior people have no income that Social Security doesn't provide. It will take today's generation before people make bigger incomes off Social Security. So roll up your arms and get to it...see what you can come up with. In the meantime, I turned in my ballot in. Last night I watched an show called Nostrodameus...election 1546 A. D(?). he predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the election. Think about that if it comes true...and the quantrain reads as they posted it to everyone. Including the quantrain stating the word "rigged" going through the city. I also got one box wrapped to send off but have another one to do...I spent considerable time un sticking the tape off the was not easy! I ended up before I cut th tape...bending over the edge of the roll someplace...but there were times, I felt wrapped up in twisted tape at times. I think I could of sent myself up there without to much trouble. I fnished off some more shopping for the church, he's looking good, the donation day is once an week now, but the pantry is looking good. He's been getting more help lately also. Today I took to him Cranberry Sauce, all kinds of Gravy mixes....four boxes of apple cinnamon Oatmeal...big family sized ones, 6 small cans of canned ham, 5 package of little sausages, 6 packages of soup, makes 8 quarts each(vegetable beef) half case of green beans and half an case of corn, 6 big cans of baked beans, 6 boxes of Alfredo noodles, 6 paks of applesauce, 6 cans of pears, two huge boxes of Welch's Fruit snacks...and that finishes my contribution to the church, plus what I gave before...if they make an dinner at the church, they have enough to probably have it with no problem now, but his donations from the stores... put it back in operating, at least one night per week. For me total..buying sale items, I've spent about $250 total....for about $400 worth of food over all. So I'm at my limit now for giving. I also have some toys to give them also. He needs his office back also, sometimes just going in and having an nice chat with him did me an world of good. Helped me in my faith. I always know almost indistictively for some reason to go an visit them and see if they need help you know.......I guess it's my "calling" from God. Toys go over next week. So I guess I should go pack another box, beecause dancing with the stars comes on tonight...gettind down the nitty girty now. Have an good evening. Best people can help Rick are teh businessmen in Denver on those people that lost thier homes. We let our housing contractors place the new homes way to close to water sources for the pretty they did the Seaside High School....right across from the beach/ harms; way of an possible tusumi some day. They are going to to try to relocate the they did in Veronica after they flooded. Have an good evening. |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:24 on 8th November 2016 Hope this finds all well, i don't believe that i will be turning on the tele today, this past YEAR of election has been (pardon my language) Bloody Awful. i may turn in my American passport and move to Switzerland. Have a good afternoon/evening all. |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:37 on 8th November 2016 Sarah, did you get my message about my photos? |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:54 on 9th November 2016 I understand what you mean Rick...I see my hacker or whatever did an nice job on my posting up above. It's pure chaos on TV tonght...all the shows of course are pre-empted.....and in most cases, Trump is about one per cent ahead in most the's going to be an very close call I think. Our results here don't even start until 8 pm.It will really be tomarrow morning before we have an better idea of the out come. Trump presents the truth very well, but he doesn't live some of the american ideas in ways....why should anyone vote for someone that has not paid any taxes for 20 can't run an country without monetary support very well. It is now almost an positive that its OK for married men to grope other women also..just being "one of the guys" as they say....when will it be our daughters and little girls....hopefully never....but doubt that is happeneing even now. JohnL and I have been talking for an long time about some kind of"ring" going on to kill off any woman that is independent....rather it's the Goldbergs behind that I'mnot sure completely, but they have an lot of connections to it. Johnl tells me to be careful....they are out after women that are not domesticated home bodies...have an sense of brains....and that they are like these posts following me around to make me look illiterate and incompetent. In my busness world I use to call them "the good ole boys" becausethat's generally thought to fthemselves...while they discriminate aginst women....control them. We will see if Nostrodamues prediction works out also form 1546 AD quatrains he wrote back then...he said Hillary would win the election. In the meantme sent off my two boxes of "Christmas" to Judy and Harry and their daughter also. Hope it arrives safe and sound. Wll be the last I'll probably send as it's been one year since her house burnt down and I sent the first boxes back then. Maybe gift cards here on out....the postage was $50....and I thought that was pretty impressive considering how much they weighed....some nice guy helped me take them into the post office using my dolly today...or I'd probably never made it lifting them. I know most lkely that back in the days of yore, when the management of Flavorpack foods moved up there to run Tree Top foods...that those guys were most lkely repsonisble for the large truck came down every Christmas to the Elks Loge to be passed out with cases of fresh apples in them. I use to see my hubby's deceased grandfather, he would always tell me in my troubles to go north, could never figure that one out until we went there last summer...I made it a point to visit it last summer...they have an nice Methodist Church there, and in an past life I was the preacher of one of them in Oregon. I think he was trying to tell me that the church is alive and well up there. Judy told me that they have weekly dinners for thier community.... reguardless of faith also. Anyway, everything was sent out and an major concern fo rme thsi Christmas is over well as my participation in the church pantry here also.Still got th elittle kiddie toy's to deliver though...maybe some cookies. See how things go on the cookies. My step mother and I made up 17 boxes of them and another one of breads/cheeses and meats for just our immediate family one scattered all over" kokmo" as they say. I was much younger back in those days. Well, best get going...hubby is at Scouts tonight...have daughter in-law making him an quilt one of these days, we already havei bought the kit to do it with. She made me an Christmas quilt one year that I just dearly love, she's really good at making them. So will go for now...have an good evening. Hope no violence from the voting results's been suggested if Trump doesn't win it might happen. I think myself they are the best of friends and one would or is helping the other break this cycle going on over here of everything going "wrong" maybe. Perhaps our first woman President?...lot of women have done an good job of politics... when they got the chance to do it. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 09:08 on 9th November 2016 I'll remind Sarah about your message Rick to make sure it hasn't been missed. I take it you didn't vote Trump. lol Sorry for your immediate feelings if that is the case, but from where I sit the USA needed somebody to kick a few backsides and I reckon he will do exactly that and so in turn make America a better place to live and work. Give him a chance Rick you might be surprised. A few posts back in this thread I said that I thought Trump would win. The main reason for that prediction was based on the unbelievable squalor and deprivation that we have seen on television. The greatest Country on the Planet and yet they can't look after their own people so I say Congratulations Donald Trump, but now do what you know needs to be done and start looking after the people who have now trusted you to make change. We need the same thing to happen here in the UK after the so-called Brexit (meaning us getting out of the EU) but from small acorns grow and the inevitable will happen, the massive and truly English Oak will survive! Hi to all POEsters on this momentous day! |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 14:47 on 9th November 2016 i certainly see all your points Ron, i am sending you an article just out this morning concerning the election. i think you may find it most interesting. i did want to know how you feel in reguards to the leaving of the E U. Hope all are well, who's putting the kettle on then?! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 18:48 on 9th November 2016 Hi Rick...Looks like Nostrodameus was dead wrong on the election for 2015....are things in an semi-state of chaos and disbelieveth in Colorado also like they are here. Hillary doesn' tlook to sad, like she's on sedatives and Trump looks like he could "cry" this morning. It will take an couple of days before it all really sinks in. Protestors burnt the American Flag last night after learning Trump won the election downtown Portland. The state as an whole votd for Hillary...I think because we see her as th last possible true career politican left any more...well, she's not any more either.Right now I've got issues with Bonds passed last night and an Social Security income that's limited and wonder how I'll pay for the new tax mesaures. Only one thing was completely clear last night....every town that had an Cannabis dyspencery in the area(state wide) voted 79 per cent to have it taxed....but you know that also requires having people smoking marjiuana to make something to be taxed...but it did cement the drugs into mainstream society last night. The Cartel is here to would now take an civil war to ever get them out of more foot in taking us over someday in my then we will be so blissed out..we won'tcare any more. Some people are calling "Trump" an statesman, but not an politician nor an businessman either ...his new role for being President. I'm going to the Goodwill to take my mind off it all...looking things over seems to do that for me in unsettled times. I was very leary about the Presdency...and I think many other people were also. We will see in the days ahead how things proceed and if they are any better then what we did have. I hope I don' t end up having to leave my home to rent it out because we have't the income to pay out a lot of money... being retired. But then again, hubby's brother ended up doing this, and dropped dead before he ever got to live much in where they moved..and afterwards his wife moved back home to her parent's...I don't have any parents still live to do something like that. Sooo...another page to turn I guess. Talk later on...keep calm amoung the chaos....get out of the shell shock as they say. Time marches on! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 06:50 on 10th November 2016 Good evening everyone.....promise you won' t hate Americans by the time Trump's 4 years is over...OK. Go read on your ipad...KGW some of the things he is contemplating. Today was like the Bahamas here it was so early November....shouldn't be that way though. Rain incoming in an couple of days though. Fisnished off some shopping today, picked up the grandkids sweaters....and thinking of some PJ's also. That about does it for this year. Today is 11/9...and I bought the last "set" of Christmas Red pillows in an entire store...and they were the only ones carrying any pillows that were low cost amoung several stores. Stuff is going out the door quite quickly these days. Anyway, tired tonight an ready to turn in for the evening. Was on the move today to get my mind off everyone right now. What's done is done as they with that will talk later on...I see the tabloids have Prince Harry with an new lady also.Nice to hear what he's up to these days. Catch you later on... |