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Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 21:30 on 2nd December 2016 Ok, here's your thingy for this Christmas to read.....maybe you have before now?... It's called True Reality... AS I was lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age I really don't give an hoot anymore. ...if walking si good for your health, the postman would be immortal. ...As whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water and is still fat. ...a rabbit runs and hoos and only lives 15 years, while.. ...A tortoise deosn' trun and does mostly nothing, ye tlives fo 150 years. Any you tell me to excerise?...I don' tthink so. Just grant me teh senilty to forget th epeople that I never liked. the good fotune to remeber the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the differnce. Now that I'm older here[s what I've discovered: 1. I started out with nothing and still have most of it. 2.My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran 3. I fianlly got my head together, and now my body is fallling apart. 4. Funny, I don't remember being absent minded 5.Funny, I don' tremember being absent minded. 6.If all is not lost, then where the heck is it? 7. It was an whole lot easier to get older, then to get wiser. 8.I wish the buck really did stop here, I could sure use an few of them. 9.Kids in the back seat cause accidents. 10. Accidents in the back seat cause kids. 11.It's hard to make a comback when you haven' tbeen anywhere. 12. The world only beats an path to your door when your in teh bathroom. 13.If God wanted me to touch my tows de'd have put them on my knees. 14.When I'm ginmally holding all the right cards, everyoen wants to play chess. 15.It's not hard to meet expenses....they're everywhere. 16.These days I spend an lot of time thinking abou tthe hereafter...I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I'm "here after". 17. By the way, have I sent this message to you before.....????
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 04:05 on 4th December 2016 Hacker really worked over the previous message, I never see wha tthey do until after I post the message...I understand that this is currently going on, they broke into an bank in Russia and stole 2 million rubbles...and its' going on bad right now. Was quite nauseated to my stomach earlier...I would guess from the constant work going on and yet there have been previous years I've done much more deorating then this year so far. Anyway I fell to sleep for an bit, woke up and see out my front window what looks like an block of constant outdoor lights this year, ours included..and we are only half done. Dinner was hot dogs and chicken noodle soup...very impressive eh..LOL* Well I go for now, as I see them(?) interupting everything I type right now...alein invasion or what is it...seems like everyone says the same thing...nothing makes sense except seeminly being out of control in one's to you all later on. Have an good evening! Snow is can just "sense" it right now. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 19:26 on 4th December 2016 No, don't think you've sent that message Shirley. Can't beat a good hotdog with onions and mustard eh? It's been very cold here just lately and at one stage it looked like we were going to get snow, but somehow it managed to turn it's back on us, thankfully! Hi to all POEsters wherever you are.
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 06:34 on 5th December 2016 WE finsihed the outdoor lights...hubby's trees he's never decorated before look super cool man...I guess that's how th ekids would say it...the blue tree turned out pretty good, th epeach tree was pretty small to try to light it, it look slike an weird lightening bolt....the birich tree is red, it looks like an candle flame...but you know with the deer and dleigh and the park bench with the painted picture of snowmen, another deer with green as hsi feet, an dneck going uo and down like he's feeding and the blue entry way to ur house...plaus the neighbors all step out to an massive light display....nearly as good as "Peacock Lane" is in POrtland. All of us put this one timers to come and on shut off, so we don' thave to be bothered with it. We went out to the kid's house earlier...they got thier tree and were making an shelf behind her sofa to display her LeMax that I've been buying her for several years also. I haven't gotten mnie up this year, as I have no place to put it the room decor is different this year...but my tree....looks just beautiful this year even when I don' tturn on the lights. Just something about the white deer, white snow flakes, crystal encrusted ornaments and the rest of them in reds and greens and gold. White glittery pine cones also. I have an pinecone decor this year, the Elks Lodge would be knock off theri feet with this decor. Boughs of artifical pine boughs with cones, look lik ethey have been brush with snow....huge deer in an jump position, head on it;s antlers are round shaped candles, over the top of an lower china hutch...and gold brass deer and sleigh...the body of the deer is oak wood...tiny whote furry deer on the tree also. All I need it the mountain cabin and I'm ready for an pioneer Christmas in ways...and we have the big rock fireplace in the livingroom to set it off nicely. anyway...out to thr kid's house....we ran into strips of what looked like " hail" had fallen and it was kind of an mushy snowy kind of many cars travel the road there, that we had bare pavement tracks though....the real stuff is coming starting tonight until through wednesday. I'm ready, bread..check....milk...check, eggs check,,,cases of water, check, big roast to cook tomarrow for an couple of cookies...check..beverages and tea and coffee...check...extra batteries...yes...can't really think of anything to much else, but the decorations should be done no later then by Tuesday. I even delivered two dogs their Christmas goodies today also. Only person I can't seem to get ahold is DEE DEE and she was in New Mexico supposedly with her uncle brother says she don' thave an uncle Bill....hum. She' snot answering her phone here lately and an bit worried she's headed back to Oregon and the snow down her way is suppose to be some 20 inches in th emountain passes....hope she drives she' sout on the road anywhere. Hope Trump hasn' tdecided in that area... that she's an illegal alein also..he say we only have 311,000, plus of them here...that they know about anyway. ..that's come in the last year or two. He released his pictures of the wall he wants to make on our borders also. Besides taking out firefox, they also took out my abilty to access KGW news recently also..on my Ipad. Last thing I was doing before going to bed was checking the weather patterns that were current, now I can' tdo that unless I go to my computer. Any's getting late and was enjoying some of the olderHoliday tunes from days ago am in need of some sleep now. Have an good week everyone. WEll, Ron as to your snow....none of the weather patterns are the ususal ones these days. . WE try to cope these days, it's the wild storms that bother us though...and the destruction they do also. Don' tneed them anywhere I can think of either. Talk to you later on...move on into Christmas!!!....sooner or later you'll get it all decorated and done. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 08:38 on 6th December 2016 Good evening...we had off and on snow showers today...but hubby sent home the professional weatherman's prediction we are to get clobbered next week with the real snow storm of the season....he says up in the mountains consider the snow in Feet and not inches daily as this latest Polarr Express goes through. We never had the snow today stick much here, but other places it sure did....Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood had 14 inchs of snow today. They say by Thursday...maybe wednesday high winds coming from eastern Oregon....Corbett in the Columbai Gorge might see 90 mph winds and down off the mountain there, it may be 60 miles coming off the river toward Portland. i hate that wind, and hope he's wrong along with getting clobbered with an heavy snowstorm also. So what did I do today.....made BBQ pulled pork for dinner tomarrow, baked an apple dutch pie, wrote some Christmas letters to family members I've not seen recently to get mailed out. Rested an bit also..seem to be getting caught up in that aspect...and tonight finished the decorating and putting up an small tree in hubby's area downstairs. Watched big snowflakes falling, that was pretty...and watched food network Tv shows and hints most the day, and listened to Christmas music tonight as I played solitare on my I pad...the Christmas version of it . So it's time for me to head to's after 12:30 pm...have an good day tomarrow everyone. I must get to the store before next week's storm, if it happens to restock milk and basic supplies. I doubt with this prediction we make plans to go anywhere. To much of an hazzard to travel if the weather is nasty and really bad. Talk to you all later on. Nothing like looking like an penguin I guess. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 07:19 on 7th December 2016 Hi there...well the house is decorated now...I had Joyce come over and looked at their decorations from our second story, and then walk through ourdecorations to get back to her house. She seemed very pleased. Ok, the warming centers in Portland are going to start opening tonight to get people out of the will remain below freezing here until the weekend now, Portland righ tnow is 27 degrees and Mt. Hood is 8 degrees at Timberlione Lodge....the winds start in tomarow, man how I hate them...don't know what the wind chill factor will be but they are saying east county 45 mph gusts possible or higher and Corbett, about 90 mph winds..I could never stand to live up there dispiet the pretty view. By Thursday, in comes the snow, freezing rain and turning to plain rain before teh weekend starts. This will included down in Portland city also. They have now shut down the city street water founatins to keep them from freezing. I hope people can find an warm place and weather the situation out until things return to normal. It si times like this I'm glad for my fireplace and woodstove downstairs...and I have back up propane heaters also....three of them. I made my BBQ beef dinner with an green salad, and baked sweet potatoe tonight and fresh berry fruit tart for dessert...and it tasted great too! So I go to bed now and hope the weather doesn't get to far out of hand...and actually feel Trump made an good descision when he said cancel the new "Air force One" plane at some 4 Billion dollars to build...he most likely has his own private jet anyway. He stated our economy doesn' t need this kind of expense right now...and probably is correct. So talk to you later...dragging out the hot oatmeal, the chili and hot soups....have an good evening. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 06:46 on 8th December 2016 It was indeed cold outside today also....made it to the store for some ribbon on clearance.....gorgeous stuff....I picked up this magazine callled House Beautiful, Christmas issue...with an little girl in white by the tree they display..and she reminded me of pictures of myself about 4 years old maybe. But I also have an picture of her as an angel also and about that same age. I can remeber being that age...and I remeber crying and saying I didn' t know these people I'm living with callled mother and father.I would rember living in this huge grand house back then also. That was where I really belonged. My sister started in then persecuting me, and has never let up my entire 68 years I've been alive I guess you know. Back then she was about 2 to 3 feet taller then me, and she use to hang her arms around my neck, and drop her weight on me and make me walk her around everytwhere like she had polio and couldn' t walk, she would do this until I would cry unbearably from holding her weight. nor would she leave me alone.....only dad was she scared of enough to stop doing it....when he was around....and he wasn' t around all that much. Dad had an rifle back then, and when she was about 8 or so years old, they got into an argument and she went to get hsi gun to kill him, it was then mother had ti taken out of th ehouse and sold instead. I guess to much TV..westerns you know...kill the bad guy stuff. You learn in life by what you see going on in the world,.Winds were not as bad as they thought they'd be...thank god, as they say, but since yesterday no matter how many times we set the deer up out front, they keep getting blwon over...even siht stakes in the ground and tied to them. I think he should move them over and tie them to the peach tree trunk and an trellis we have out front instead. Picked up some chicken today to stuff with spinach and cheese, Paolo style....and some meat to make an batch of spaghetti oldest grandson is with me tonight, as the kids didn' thave to go to school this morning and they all have tomarrow off also....that's when the real snow and baddies will hit....1 to 3 inches of snow followed by freezing rain until it warms up...wonder how many of the neighbors tree branches will crack and come down. Hope none, but you never reason we had Rich's Tree Service out here lately. Anyway with the clearance sale on ribbon today, I followed th epicture with the little girl in white and tucked in bands of red ribbon in my tree tonight. Looks real nice also. Not so over- welming as is garland made out of tinsel...we use to use tinsel in the store in the old days, we would wrap "hoola" Hoops with it, and staple clothing on them, in modeling postions...and hang them from the ceiling throughout the clothing section for displays. We had "volunteers" come in and do this,and then we'd give them an voucher for 20 per cent off any merchandise they wanted to buy that day. So if anything, it made the store full of people helping us for free basically...but everyone got something out of the exchange. Anywa, I guess I go for now, see if it snows by the time I get up tomarrow morning. Talk to you later on. Loading up on "Pain RElief" from the cold weather we are now having....drinking warm tea also. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 20:47 on 8th December 2016 I'm having an break right now, cooking.....everything si now an blanket ow white snow outside here....thin layer of it, I'm baking chicken fillets now, and will do the spaghetti after that and then get the fireplace and wood stove lighted.Trucks don' t seem to be having any difficulty traveling, doing garbage collection today in my area. I have always wanted an shute donw and outside my 2 story house where the sorted garaage to fall into an enclosed garbage can on wheels, to push to the curb up my small kitchen from all the waste baskets...we have an garbage disposal, so this is, bottles, plastic, and paper mostly...and one for things can' tbe put in the disposal. AS you know Indonesia had an terrific earthquake yesterday, and I wonder if an eruption of an volcano in the same area Sunday had anything to do wiht the earthquake. An 8.0 it was lowered into the 7's magnitude, and of course everyone is on the moved again, that isn't dead. We read an article recently that claims they (Suoth Pacific) are having more earthquakes(an bigger) then normal because the earth is tilting thier way...and there's more gravitational mass being put on earth on that side right now...the earth is trying to balance herself. Supposedly years back they claim the aleins/military were in the area opening up the blocked "ring of Fire" area so instead of an big explosion, the volcanoes would not react so violently, but release pressures accumulated. Well, back to work and check on the chicken and make the spaghetti I talk to you later as being confined in my house gets me wanting to talk more so. Snow blowing is real fine stuff right now, glad I can look out my windows. It's insulating everything right roof and what not; Hope fo rnot to much wind today...doesn' t help the trees. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:15 on 9th December 2016 I am back....ate my spaghetti and feel alseep on the sofa...woke up to some of the most amazing news tonight.... firstly astronaunt John Glenn died..he was an American hero in ways, he gave us dreams for an future....then did you know it is either ice or snow from the west coast into the middwest..and on to Buflao , New York and off the Atlantic coast....I can't ever think of an snow storm stretching clear across the USA...ever. By the time it gets back east, it left it's mark with on 70 car pile up and one 40 car pile up of 18 wheeler trucks, motorhomes, cars, delivery trucks and you name it...I think about 5 people have died between them both, but it's going to take some time to pull them all apart to search for the people. May none of you Brits get this storm your's an monster. I'm looking out on glassed iced windows right now...teh storm warnings are down at of midnight....and it starts warming up and returning to regular rain and temperatures....but right now and for an bit over night it is in the teens here with the wind chill factor...our usual temps around around 40 degrees. Hubby came home around 2 pm today because od the weather and doesn't know if he reports tomarrow as of yet....everything , including at an complete stand still more or less. Kids were withouth electricity for an bit this morning...everything is shut down for miles in every direction. How about Mick Jagger at age 73...., just had his 8th sone born. I guess you never are to old in someone's life. But they said tonight that the obsitity treaments here in the USA...I take it for diabetes...has seen the life epectency go down one per cent this year...thanks to all thier pill pushing I would assume...that isn't doing the cure on this problem. Kind of like cancer, with it's millions and billions of dollars spent it has barely made an difference in some areas. So I go for now...have food now in my refriferator so I don' thave to cook so much in the days ahead. I guess I can kiss my Christmas Present of going somewhere out the door with this weather. It was about all we had left to do on our list. But am happy to not have to fight the weather, and things can always wait until later on if need be. Have an good evening everyone! I have much enjoyed looking through the magazines we get from over in England of Christmas decorations and treats....and I bought an book for my meditation room, It's Jesus persepective on healing. I still have 3 othe rbooks to finish reading also. My neighbor says...Yeah...let's go out to dinner. Hubby put in long steel rods on both side of the deer display with sleigh, but it look slike it's keeping them up perhaps now also. Wind needs to's causing trees to go down that are iced over. Big trees at that also. Merry Christmas everyone...I guess it's about time to start saying that... Merry Christmas! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 08:38 on 10th December 2016 HIthere and good was an slow melt of soild ice....being house bound....we decided to go out tonight for pizza at an place that has two fireplaces roaring away...and no one could sit next to them, the tables were reserved. But anyway, we had our pizza...and it was good too! Had my green salad with it and most satisfied. So then we went and bought us an movie just released..BFG....kind of follows "Pete's Dragon" I think...but will send it home with my grandson tomarrow and a gift fruit package also..which has fresh pears in it and cheese spreads and all sorts of goodies. I suppose they might like that as something different to kick off the Holiday spirit. Schools were all closed again today...just to much ice and snow accumulation...and Jerry sent me home another of his weather reports, they get at his's not promising to possibly see Christmas Lights this year....either it will be dry and cold or snowing for most of the month and spilling over into January. There goes an LOT of light displays of holiday extravganza and fund raisers as well. Though I must say, I've seen them many times over the years. I like to buy books for my meditation room next to my craft room downstairs....little books or stories to read of people and their faith and how they deal with it also. Last one was on the Native American one old Shaman asked the doctor treating him..Can you dance?....If you can' t dance you'll never understand the rythums of God and into perfection...and in his old age...he got up and showed the doctor how to dance. This book starts out with another whom since he was an child was raised Jewish and was never really into it, but had this nagging he needed to know Jesus and his God...but just had an terrible time trying to find it in an church. He finally found it though...through his patient, dying of Cancer. .He had to step out of the church to reconginze God, and he had to understand that Jesus gave guidance...but not perfection... in that as we expect sometimes of personal success.. His life up until then was an struggle in the spirit of happiness....but he learned along the way....that happiness does happen and is there, and the world isn't always such an bad place. When your one with "God"your internally blessed with happiness...and with God.... Look no further. Peace resides there also. So does death sometimes also. That leads me to we have continuous Christmas Songs on the radio...and many of them I like, they are old bouncy type tunes to keep your spirit reved up. I seem to be missing the deeper soul songs though, so I needto find my older Andy Williams, My Bing Crosby, my country western, and my Amy Grant...and some of the songs that stir my soul into memories. Kenny Rogers. Lee Greenwood, Nat King Cole...others. I decided that every person should be taught on an organ to play...Ava really understand the depth of the song playing it. I feel like I've been missing Andy Williams and his song of "The Bells of St. Mary's" also. and of course "Silent night" and the religious songs we sing every year. My mother always liked "Silver Bells"...I think Bing Crosby sang it. We need our music.... it soothes our souls. Dee Dee showed up at her mother's and gave me an call tonight....she came what's known as the "back way" through Reno, Nevada and north, and missed much of this snowstorm also...she was on freeways before it really started to hit the worse area's of Oregon... that way is pretty much flat ground all the way...and freeway/highway driving..Can't seem to get ahold of my sister, though she told me today Cory was coming over for her apartment inspection. I hope she didn't haul her off somewhere. Was suppose to go help her put up her Christmas Tree next. But things are still not moving with ice around here. We hope to get my oldest grandson back out to his house he can see his mom and dad. Schools were closed through out the state today as well as yesterday. Not much to do, Christmas puzzles never came out into the stores this year. We like small ones of about 100 pieces, cause we get them done an out of the way for using the table in other ways. Besides the smaller ones we compete with how fast we can build them. I do like decorating with Christmas Scene puzzles as much as I like laying around Christmas Craft books and Christmas magazines also. Nothing to take to much more then an hour to get involved with. Most of us have that much time for an small break. I guess I had best get myself in bed for tonight's almost 12:30 am.....Cinnamon rolls are near the mircowave for in the morning...with some coffee/fresh fruit.... Have an good day everyone!.... Morning comes soon. |