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Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 04:06 on 16th November 2016 Yes, i thas gone fast, or to me anyway...but with the fallling, I've spent abotu 4 months of it in crutches, canes, andleg support stockings...nto much walking. Feet been bothering me the last two days and I took to resting more off andan afternoon short nap....the muscle feels like it's tightening up in the bottom of my foot, someone told me to go get some tennis balls and roll then around under my feet for excerises. I stayed up last night for 3 hours of finsishng off the Reverand's wife the last Christmas ornament....3D manger scene on burlap...and then placed into the ornament.Surrounded by pearls and an back ground of lighter turquiose that looks like rays of light coming down, rest is in Gold edging. Back is turquiose sparkle cardboard with darker blue ribbon, with pearls and three small intricately made snowflakes...with small jeweled ones here and there to the bottom. I delivered it with enough candy in an huge Russell Stover candy Box and an Santa box loaded up with small wrapped Christmas chocolates and wafer like coconut cookies....all it's wrappped individually....for the kids. Some of the small candies were "Mr. Goodbars" minitures and the cococut wafers had "nice" stamped across them and I told the Pastor/ was not planned, just happened so I guess all this church kids were meant to be god little kids for Christmas. At any rate, I told him to give this to the whole parish of his Church for me. They gave me an fresh plant of flowers for my Thanksgiving meal also. The so called "supermoon" tonight was reall ybig and bright coming up..should be receeding now. Got caught in one heck of an downpour earlier getting to the church alsobut they helped me wipe off all the water sprinkles on everything. One more small box to gindih off and send out and Im done long distance wise and in all four directions....just finish it all by following Jesus, your own way... and help sharing goodness to each other. Must go fo rnow, but have lots of house cleanign to get caught up in also...So take it easy and will talk later on.....quiet in the Rockies....any snow yet....we are expecting it tonight at abou tthe 3,000 foot level in the Cascade Mts...about time. When it quiet is the time to read an book or even better yet, play some music, preferably in person....maybe an small quitar....or some such. Make the spice tea and get the Molasses cookies and stir up the fireplace if you have one.... and enjoy the end of an busy day. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 04:10 on 17th November 2016 Good evening everyone..where ever your at....Rich's Tree Service finally made it out this morning to give us an estmate on our trees.....the wone with th four branches hanging down, holding on by an thread so as to say...he said that he could take them out, and restructure the tree in case we have any bad winter storms this year....plaus do likewise between my nieghbor an I on the 2 maples that are inbetween us....he would trim them back enough to make our houses be free of any danger of fallling limbs....all together...that would be ...with the discount...$1, 810 American money....the biggrest tree will have to wait until this summer I think it's $4,392 dollars to get it cut down completeland trunk ground out of the soil..... so we can straighten up our sidewalk again.. So think we will do the first suggestion and we have an pickup truck to move out of ther way to get in teh bakyard also before they get here. I have finished sending off everything and now this last two days finds me in almost and deep sleep most the day along. Like I'm sleeping in intervals of about 6 hours each daily. I'm teeking thing up with my sister tomarrow so when I come back I can start thinking about my neighbors. Joyce, shose been gone two home late this afternoon....I will have to ask her if she had the heart pacemaker operation or not...but she looked extremely happy and their dog "Rico" was out there just running around her all over..... stopping for kisses also. He was glad to see her....I asked the Pastor or Reverand, say an healing prayer for her. yesterday. So my kitty cat is now bombed out along side my computer rght now as we get in an little extra quality time with each other. I go for now...I'm cold they had their big first of the season snowfall last night up at Government Camp where al lthe ski lodges are at and the lifts are at on Mt. Hood....about 7 inches I'm understanding.....but not being that far away, it now has left an chill in the air..... that it's getting toward winter. Have an good evening and bundle up.....! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 05:10 on 18th November 2016 Good evening everyone...I forgot to mention the otehr night this young lady is traveling through England and doing her own filming enroute....other night we started in Cambridge and workd out way north into York and then over to the coast toward Farn Island or Castle?....where you got to watch the incoming tides daily....and yes, she was riding an bike and just barely made it over safely. You kind of get an everyday glimpse of life in England..rather then an documentary series. So, I guess Sweden just set all records for an recent snowfall. So did Asia on climate conditions. WE are in an up and down pattern going on, summer like one day, first snow of the season the next day...weird indeed. Next week looks to be showers all week if not rain, so I must do something about the rain coming in my garage...craft roon in one corner of it and out under the garage door. Not al lot, just enough to make it an wet on the indoor/outdoor carpeting near the meditationb area table. WEnt ot my sister's house and finsished her off on some food for th enext couple of months today and tweeked up her aptt again....if she'd just haul the papers and trash bags she collect out the door, she'd never have an problem with cleaning things up. So anyway, her storage bin and under her table is now filled with canned food and her refridgerator freezer with meat and she's got new beddin gon her bed and that of the sofa sleeper as well for Christmas...I was looking at my tires on my car today...I need two new back tires...and I think we will get them this weekend it will be safer driving this winter. Other then that, it's finding any options open for an lower cost to take care of my trees out front and along side the house...for an bi tless to cover the price to two new car tires. Budgeting is never easy I guess you could say. I get going for now, as my kitty wants to leap over my computer and watch me type I guess you know....he likes quakity time with me. So talk later and have an good evening. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 05:25 on 19th November 2016 Good evening...even though it's morning over there in Merry ole England righ tnow. Making up soem finger sandwhiches to take over to my sister tomarrow....Egg salad on Rye Dill Bread....and Corned Beef on sourdough. Might slip in some swiss cheese in them. I'm in break time right now. Two tiered fancy dish for these, with some spice drops on the top probably...get them over to her tomarrow. Finishing off the last of the Christmas items for her coffee table. I thought an red posettia she doesn't have to worry about them, and this snadwhcih plate, which sits in front of her TV set and she can munch at bit when she wants. She has no teeth you know, so she should like taking over her Christmas clothes so she can wear them over the HOlidays to go to church in also. Thenam going to take her to Costco with us to get my new she can look around there also. Then I have to come back, to take out some food hubby's boss sent home today my kid's house. .He sent us home an green Califlower that they call an "broccoli-flower" of those new hybrids. I think it might make an good tasting Graitn dish with cheese though. Sister is making an pecan cake...her frosting is sugar-free Butterscotch pudding...she' s an type 2 diabetic. So that she out of but not me, so will take some over to her also for that. Lots of food items righ tnow on sale, so been buying them up as well. They load up their stores for Christmas food drives...and one of the Turkey growers donated 640 free turkey's this year. Hardly an kick in the bucket to what they most likely need to feed everyone. I gave them two turkey's one get one for free. So, I guessyou know its time for the Holidays. I go fo rnow and get back to the finger sandwhich making and talk later on. Havean good day over there! I've bought two magazines from "Victoria Bliss" to see how your decorating this season and what you have going on. We will get into them an bit later on....bye for now. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 09:11 on 19th November 2016 Looking back at the threads Shirley it seems you pay a fortune to fell trees over there. Is that because you are legally bound to employ a contractor, or are you unable to deal with it yourself? Further, why excavate the root can't you treat it so that it rots in the ground? Hi to all POEsters wherever you are. |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:30 on 19th November 2016 Hello All, Hope this finds everyone well and good and ready for the upcomming holiday season. The ski resorts around here are finally opening up for the season and all is well at 9000 ft. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 10:24 on 20th November 2016 Hello Judge Rick - can't really imagine what it must be like to be permanently living at 9000ft. Does it make you short of breath at that height, or doesn't that happen until you get even higher? Morning/afternoon to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 02:52 on 21st November 2016 Wonder how he does his ski runs at 9,000 feet heh?....I was really getting into the cross country bit with the Scouts on ski's when I fell one year in an shoe hole and did my leg in for about six weeks...they put an cast on it. But we went to Trillium Lake on the road with all the hundred's of other people to the Lake...and I really enjoyed that, just an beautiful day...couldn't figure out why everyone had their big dogs with them, and found out...the dogs help them get back up the hill eaiser on their ski's. I miss doing things like hat at times. Ron, Rich's Tree Service deals with the big equiptment part of taking down the huge trees that most landscapers don't have. They are also an full service company dealing with trees and landscaping also. That's why they can charge more money. I can' t believe Thanksigivng is nearly here...I started working on the nieghbors today and thier outside gifts by thier door for Christmas. I was generous daughter in-law sounded like she had an cold I took her out some Mike's hard Lemonade and some Angry Orchard Hard she could rest better. Plus an roast beef dinner so she wouldn't have to do much cooking. Son came by with grandson, picked up the old pickup...for the grandson, when my son gets done working it over...his birthday is in then he can maybe get hsi driver's it would of worked out better this last summer when he was working where grandpa was to of had his own transportation...though they worked in the same place... for the most part never saw each other. Sob...sob....they are growing up sooooo fast these days...they were just little kids just yesterday! I miss them not being around as much as they use to be. I better get going for now...lots of work coming up this week and into Thanksgiving dinner...still have the Pecan Ice Cream to get talk later on...Have an good evening! |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 18:02 on 22nd November 2016 Angry Orchard Hard Cider eh? Hic, hic sounds a potent mix Shirley? Hi to all POEsters wherever you are. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 06:58 on 25th November 2016 It is an potent mix Ron...but an working mother with an cold needs some good rest and it does the trick. Well, I had my candle light Thanksgiving Dinner....sister an brother and kids showed up....then they went Black Friday Christmas Shopping and bought 3....50 inch tv sets and saved about $600...and hubby says you should of seen the shoppers, it looked like they were taking the whole store home with them. I haven't talked to my brother in an year....we had our spat just after Thanksgiving last year. But I gave him some money to buy some boots, and some snacks, and he had dinner over here. He left though, cause he wanted to go see his friend in the hospital and he said that he most likely isn't going to make it, had both an stroke and heart attack at the same time. He was way over in Vancouver, and an few miles away from here. So, now I have given everyone in my family this year "something" for Christmas. I feel better doing that...not leavign any one out. Raining here an dheavy snows up in the Cascade Mts. this week, It started snowing up there couple nights ago...Mt. Passes all have winter storm warnings, as does the coast with heavy winds. I designated my youngest grandson to be "Keeper of the flame" for my dinner fire...he did really good. I bought his favorite Presto logs wrapped in paper outside to start them eaiser. So now all I have to do is move furniture around so I can decorate an 12 footChristmas tree, but I already have everything. Still got to make the popcorn balls and wrap them in ribbon i tgoes four directions around and has an big loop for hanging on the tree...lime green check on an burlap background. So I go now, cause with the cooking I was up all night long and all day long, with short 3 hour intervals now and then....and could use some rest. Talk to you later....Christmas has now offically started...Ron, any Christmas Avatars to post? |