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Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 09:09 on 19th December 2016 Actress Za Za Gabor died today at age 99 years old. When they do their yearly recap of new for this year in the obituary section they are going to have some very significant people to mention. We made it to the store...bought cases of soups for over winter...and chili...and some instant noodle and rice mixes also....I hear they are raising food prices to make our new year like hell for us. OK...these stupid dudes that want to repeal Obama care...I'd like to know what they propose to be better?....Last year his medical services saw to it, that medicare paid $11,000 dollars..mostly for prescriptions...and I only get $8,000 an year to live cost was out of pocket $320. My medical costs are nil compared to most people's....and Health Net already has turned down the injections for my sister's diabetes meds. The state is looking frantically for another health server that will cover them. I feel that they need to suffer greatly for what they refuse the people....and many of the homeless situation is peoplecan't work because they are disabled or can't afford they lay around in tents and when the pain gets bad enough smoke "pot". Which is or will be another problem in teh days ahead as addictics if they don't kill themseves in the process. When the Gov kills all the people off...who do they expect to pay thier taxes that they so badly need to party on?...heh? They aren't contributing to paying any taxes for this country...everything is an tax write off for them...or an "kick back" from someone. Now see, if we did these things an refused to pay our taxesyearly they would say we were irresponsible and rake us over the coals. In fact they would most likely spend more money recovering the cost of the tax bill in going after it...then what it's worth to begin with. So goes thier thinking most the time....OK, how did Trump nearly go bankrupt one year and is suddenly fuorishing the next? WE'd all like to know so we can stop protesting. This problem is not confined to just him gang up on us...persecute us like they did in the Roman days. I'll try to figure out if the garabge man is ever going to come and pick up our trash from last week's snow storm....before the city burns down like it did during King Herod's era. I must get's after 1 Pm..but have been very busy talk later on...I'm swinging back and forth as to rather we have an "Christmas" this year or not in ways. Some moments are like when I was making "Christmas"other times it's like some "jerk" took it over.... and it's being ran lousy this year and disappointing so far. WE got our electric bill highest we have ever had to pay...nearly double what it usually is. One week and the "Black out" starts on Christmas lights. Did I read "energy saving" lights on the box?...for whom? Maybe another of today's blantant lies to the public sector? Cost me half this moth's social secuirty check. |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 21:29 on 19th December 2016 Ello ello ello! Hope all in Poe' Ville are and have been enjoying all of the Christmas delights in your own part of God's little acre. Happy Christmas to all! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 07:13 on 21st December 2016 Merry Christmas Rick, how are things going in your territory?...snowy most likley from what Leslie has told us, but she's on her 9,000 foot level with her green stove making the best of things...invited us to dinner and that would of been nice to go to...even though she's several states away. Our snow all melted yesterday...and we needed that also. WE are about into an week fo no garbage collection here also because of the snow. Neighbors bring in over freshly made cookies out of the oven tonight also...oatmeal raisin. Some good news, my oldest grandsom had his board of review for his rank of "Star" in scouts tonight, and most likely will be approved and we can have his ceremonies, along with our Scout Maste'sr grandson by next Tuesday...that means next comes "Life" and then to the top..."Eagle" rank he has two years to get through them and earn them as of yet...he has to to this before he turns 18 years old also. One of the last things he will have to do is pick an community project, organize the work scouts...act as thier leader in doing it... in our community also. I saw Dutchess her Christmas Photo and stunning red dress...and hear Prince William and her will announce her third child or already has...they found out it will be an boy also. She is three months pregnant now and this time around none of the problems with morning sickness either....also good news. I went and saw my sister in-law today...we haven' t really seen her since hubby's older sister passed on....she looks good in her size and body, but has she ever got an case of twitching muscles in her face really bad...I had heard she was having difficulty in this area. I told her maybe after the tree recycle we can both get back over to see them again. Finished off some Christmas cards...and of course ran out of stamps today. Go to see my sister and hopefully we can see Mary and the three of us go eat some place Friday. My sister an I are going to be washing her big comforters in an laundromat, cuase her washer is to small in her appartment....but at any rate...will be done over winter in case she needs more warmth. I was pretty well put out by finding someone had put my house up for sale, not us...and I told the bank lady about it, there were many things about it an lie/ she said, let's plug in your street address...whats for sale?....and the square feet they listed...which was wrong for our house... and see what comes came up with my nieghbor's house...Riley's. They listed such an high selllin gprice for our would never sell it's not worth what they price listed it for. I really don't know what all this craziness is all about either....I think maybe something going on that isn't correct though. I can' t get ahold of them though...they have an leave an message email and I tried that....My house has never been for ale please remove if off your listings, and left my phone number.....they have as yet never callled me back to say they did that. I was also very put out so as to say trying to take out an Citi-bank simplicity credit card also...first... several generated robot people to talk to.... that never transfered me to where I needed and who I needed to talk to, so called back and waited my turn maybe some four or five times, everyone I talked to was cut off line with me, ...then an gal told me she'd process my application...took very private information also..said they were based in the Phillipines....and after taking my data, sent me to an approval section of their company.....and that lady said, almost immediately...we are declining the application....I was mifffed by then. I finaly ended the conversation by saying...if that was your intention...why the" hell" did you waste my time taking down my personnel information...and hung up on her. Whomever took the application now has an "password" she said I had to have, back up security code for it, my social security number, my birth date...besides address and phone number, age and rest of it all. What is my guarantee they were not scamming me to take my identification so they could "be me" perhaps also. I will wait 10 days and see if I hear from them....... Tis the season I guess as they say. My doctor says I can' t do this kind of business and get upset with my heart or my emtions these days....Dr. Letts. I don' tsee him any more these days because he was forced to stay with an certain hospital affilation to practice in thier clinic. Anyway....Christmas is but an few days away now...working on dinner and wrappping up the small stuff that needs done the days come quickly. This year has been day I feel like it is Christmas, next day I feel like is an long ways away from now...or there are problems galore for the day. Many things I never got done, an dI haven't been able to go anywhere Like I wanted because of the snow. It took just an day to go from zero degree wind chill factor to 50 some degrees. Been listening to the BYU chiors because everything haas been pretty well cancelled up here last week, all the school concerts across town were. Couldn't make any of my fresh Christmas swags fo rthe church as the greenery was all frozen....but I stopped by there today and they did an find job of decorating anyway...and had an huge room of toys to give out...I asked her how many people they have and she said 85. Don' t know if I'll make it for Christmas Mass, bu tit would be nice. It's still an bit iffy for snow the end of this week as of yet also. So....Merry Christmas everyone! I'm still reading my Jewish doctors meet the Great Physican (Jesus) ...first three chapters were kids attended church as Jewish kids growing up, became chapter included their thoughts on dying and incurable illnesses....and where is Jesus ina n personel crisis...and then next chapters are those doctors whom prescribe an personal recongnition of Jesus prescence in thier lives....and in thier practice and why. Then I have three other books to finish reading...Cussler books on the Fargo's adventures, one on Dirk Pitt, Navy specialist...and one of Native American Museums and history...and I wonder why they don't have site seeing buses and interpreters in across country bus tours to examine the places and artifacts. The man that had written this book was an Smithsonian Institute professor and "digger" out in the field at one time also. So, with that I go for now and hope you all have an few great next coming days ahead.... for this Holiday Season. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 08:42 on 21st December 2016 Good morning/afternoon Judge Rick and Queen Shirley! Thank you for your seasonal wishes, which are returned to yourself and of course to all POE friends. Winter Solstice ... the shortest day today 22 December in the Northern hemisphere and 21 June in the Southern hemisphere so yippeee the days will start to get lighter, although it won't notice for a little while yet. And Shirley the fact that some scumbag crook has put your house up for sale should be ringing alarm bells all round. As you know nothing about it, it's obviously a scam so beware of anything else that maybe happening, that so far you haven't thought about! Keep a close eye on your bank account for example. |
Richard Sellers![]() Posts: 4691 Joined: 16th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 16:39 on 21st December 2016 Dropped in to say elloooo and all, Shirley, we are cold and had over 4 feet of snow this past weekend with more on the way, how is your weather your way? Mr. Ron, thought of you whilst enjoying my 3 cd box set of " Carols from Oxford", had a pleasant supprise the other day, received a Harrods Hamper with mince pies, tin of biscuts, Christmas ornament and a teddy bear looking very official as one of the Queens Guard ! Ah,,,, if only to be in England. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 09:04 on 23rd December 2016 Hi Richard...good to see you...well all our snow in the valley melted, but mountains are again due for an snow drop I think here soon...been so busy here lately, and don' tknow if I'll get in before Christmas or not, but say, England is hours ahead of us timewise anyway. It's always good to get an much welcomed gift isn't Richard....I was surprisdtonight also, fo rhelping to get some food to my "ex" sistre in-law's mother....she placed an huge Pork Roast in my hands and said...enjoy it and Merry Christmas! Since we took hubby's "Ham" from his boss out to th ekids to cook, this will be an nice dinner over the next several days. I go to help my sister tomarrow, maybe have some lunch with Mary and her and I for the Holidays and hope to get to see some Chrismtas lights also. All day Saturday I most likely will be cooking for Christmas Dinner with the kids and her sister. But everything is done now and just an few things left...time is going fast. As to your being cold ...I understand....I think now we can start using this wood we split an dstacked this last summer. One reason I'm going to help sister wash all her big comforters tomarrow so she will have an nice clean stacked supply of them if she needs them. All I can suggest Richard is some hand and body warmers maybe...I also ask people to come inside over winter also...or go to someplace they can be inside. The body warmers are $1.99 an pack and last 12 hours....about the same as th electric bill is fo ran day also. You can also get ahold of three wick candles at the Goodwill store and put them into empty popcorn cans and they will keep your car heated,and there's Tom Brown's suggestion to make an smaller inner sleeping area surounded by your matress and the wall....and sleep in an air mattress....or hang curtains over your bed and draw curtains around it also...keep out the chill....more bodies...the warmer also. We used cut foam mattress pads and wrappped them with duck tap to wear under over sized rain pants or wool pants and army surplus stores...nothing like an woodstove or fireplace...that's about all I can suggest...remember...going down to the freezing line in the ground will get you to 50 degrees most the time, it's easier to heat it up to snuff those "zero" chill temperatures if your above ground. Build an igloo above ground and use candle melt with the snow to seal out wind as you make your igloo...and again, insulate with furs or blankets if need be...besure if you build an fire in an small container...the container has air ventilation and is on top of bricks preferably....steady heat is easier to deal with then blazing fires any day. Never leave an fire unattended either. Will be thinking of everyone if I'm not back in until after enjoy the Holiday as best you can and talk later on. Good time to read books, build puzzles...soak in the tub...and play electronic games and internet chat with others...Merry Christmas!....OH, and it helps to have an nice warm soup or stew on the back burner to warm you up also. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 05:36 on 26th December 2016 Ron, told the bank the other day.....everything is now locked down at the bank in my name....whcih will severely hamper the American economy. When women have to go back to the old ages and rely on their men, it will bring the conutnry down and is doing so already. Women no thaving their own credit ony goes to hurting them over all, and how do they go into business....... for themselves....... if they can't have an line of credit to support themselves....IMPOSSIBLE. Ask Donald Trump where he would be if he couldn't borrow money for his business transactions....or to buy things such as buildings or a small shop to do business. WEll, Christmas is over here here and took some stuff down off the walls already. Candy and goodies are out the door also. I'll freeze some of the left overs here later on. Watching old Indiana Jones movies. How about someJames Bond movies? Kids got an leggo building set, they had some really awesome jet fighter planes they had made and of course "Star Wars" vehicles. We went to the movie yesterday...the our yearly annual family movie to go and see. Nothing went my way this year I guess you fact I bought most my own gifts for the most part. My hubby has never been good at picking me out gifts. He generally lets me do the shopping for others also. He did get me an little tiny pearl necklace though. That was kind of it but don't didn' t stop me from buying the things I needed this year. In fact he has an shelf unit to build for me now also. Kind of missed not going anywhere, but that was due to the early snow. So now it can officially be "winter" outside.. This is the first year I can remember not going to church mass either locally or on TV...but not that I haven't been there at the church tying to help them this season. Been seeing the "Warham" family...and wished them an MerryChristmas.The smile reminds me of the Mona Lisa. I go for now, feeling an bit antsey trying to slow down from being so busy in days past....was either on the go or dropping off to sleep in an recliner here lately. Get caught up on that one, and found my floor exceriser also. Talk to you all comes 2017!
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:04 on 27th December 2016 hi there....I was amazed on the news tonight the really famous an important peole that passed on this last year,,,the list just goes on and on. Tonigth another seemly "sam" going on with an house...apparently their loan lender was Wwlls Fargo bank...which went belly up earlier thsi year...well, they are trying to take this guy's house away from himstating he didn't pay his taxes...wasn't he didn't pay his taxes....they never recorded them. Most likley from the bank defaulting days of yore...he needs an really good lawyer...he needs "Rick" our POE lawyer/advisor. He claims that he paid his mortgage, but Wells Fargo never listed the taxes he was paying monthly at the time....when he sent in the money in one lump sum. Which is what most people do buying an house. WE took this morning to make my "smoothie bar" at thenend of the kitchen counters...looks real nice and I'm just abot set up to use it also...been waiting for an blueberry smoothie for breakfast ever since I got the unit...he went and got me some wheat germ, as most the reciepes call for I can proceed on my diet here soon after New Year's Eve,This helped me solve my problem of not enough counter top room very well and wasn't all that expensive. On the very top, I added some of my picture books and an row of cannisters. On each drawer on the side I put in my pancake syrups, and odds an ends and in the mmiddle open two slots, my boxes cereal and Instant oatmeal. I need to get two more...for the counter top next to the coffee maker, one for flour and another for sugar. Now that Christmas is done...everyone is back to shooting each other or an policeman, and killing themselves in car accidents for the most part. I wonder how many of these incidents are from smoking "pot" and not being alert enough. Cause these are not little fend bender type accidents...the cars come out with the people dead and the cars looking like they were in an high speed at the time of inpact. Anyway, taking down Christmas decorations, as hubby goes to Kenvin's to get teh trailer for the Christmas Tree recycle...and he's still doing board of reviews on Scouts so we can get them through their cememines tomarrow night. It was lightly snowing in SE Portland about an hour ago, but suppose to turn to rain tonight and get warmer. So I go now, lots of "putting away " going on right now to you later and hope you all had an nice Christmas.....on to New Year's Eve! |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:14 on 27th December 2016 Wish I could lose my hacker...and it may be an spirit entity also....whatever, it makes me next to fall as if it was an ballerina dancer...wants me step high on my toes, and comes in unexpectedly and about makes me fall down as I msistep with my toes. And most interesting..I was in an store recently and this lady was looking straight at me as we passed....and it nearly happened to her,lilke the entitiy was entering her....from me perhaps. I guess I'll have to ask for some Reki help... or an Shaman.... to remove it. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 07:25 on 28th December 2016 many people dying here lately...could stand to stop for an while. I went to my grandson's award ceremonies to find only 3 people left in thier troop....they need at least 4 more guys in it...with parents that will come along now and then. One kid moved apparently and two hispanics dropped out...whcih is something they do all the time if theythink they have to migle with Americans...or be one. So far I've seen three different businesses affected by thier.. all our people or we leave policy...cause when one leaves, they all leave, if they are all hispanic they have thier own leaders rather then the boss owns the place, he's smart of he hires one of them... at least thier own foreman. I think that's another thorn in the pot over here....they want to be of thier own culture only...they want the money and help we hand out so graciously...but that's all they want from us...not to be amoung us as citizens. Makes for strained relations. I got my "smoothie" bar set excerise equiptment daily cleansing tea...and after new year's Eve, will be back on my diet...kind of on it now , but not as strictly yet. Suppose to snow over the weekend, but nothing to severe...Mt. Hood is loaded with snow right to car as far as you can see going up and down to the mountain to ski. I hope it does not provide an problem when ti goes to melt in the Spring. Still has an way to go for normal yearly depths. Long day, so best go for now....see why I ponder about going on airplane flights....Carrie Fisher had an massive heart attack as they landed at the airport. In the Star Wars movie we just saw...the rouge....last thing they showed was Princess Liyla, the star of all those old films...or Carrie Fisher. Have an good day everyone!...clean up time starts now and decorations go down until next year. |