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Aunt Miya's Advice Column for the Lovelorn

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 15:25 on 15th July 2008
On 15th July 2008 07:56, Ray Stear wrote:

Yes, I gathered you meant Auntie. I forgot Catcuses don't grow in hillbilly land.

I do need to visit the USA, to sort out what grows where. I don't suppose for example you have many 'hoedowns' out in the Arizona desert.....or do you? 


Hi Ray:  I guess before I answer that I'd need to know the British definition of hoedown.  LOL!  We do have both kinds of music here though, country and western!  Smile

That's a quote from a famous movie, and I bet Paul Hilton knows which one.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 16:24 on 15th July 2008
Blues Brothers ?Undecided  Other than that, you've got me on that one.....
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:45 on 15th July 2008
was it star wars<?
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 21:55 on 15th July 2008
I got cactuses growing in my kitchen, on the window sill. Have to be very carefull watering them though.
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:56 on 15th July 2008
espeshially with that tinfoil cardy on Peter and all
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quotePosted at 22:08 on 15th July 2008
do you wear that tinfoil cardy to stop radiation burns Peter?Undecided I saw it on the tv once where a fella covered his room in it in case of nuclear fallout (idiot!)
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 23:18 on 15th July 2008
No, its to stop the aliens reading my mind. Got to cover your head too. Lol
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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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quotePosted at 02:46 on 16th July 2008
On 15th July 2008 14:14, Miya Buttreaks wrote:

Rise n shine y'all, Auntie Miya is here! We had a rite mess yester day an that be why I wasn't round to talk ta ya much. Cletus Beaver was a cookin chitlins ystrerday an the blame fool fergot ta loose tha valve on tha preasure cooker an the dang thang blowed up. It stink like somthin' what dyed in its own s*** an done run us outta tha house. Even tha pig what sleeps under tha bed wont stay in thar. I still be cleanin' up tha mess today an not sur that I can be on this here computur much again but I's try.

Ray, yu shar does blows hot an cold on yer lady friend. first ya wants tha potion an then ya don't. I give ya tha secret recipy what so ya can a make it ya self infin ya wants ta.

Auntie Miya's Love Potion

1 pinch of snuff
2 teaspoons of black bile
3 pinches hamhock
3 pinches of wolfs bane
3 fresh poison ivy leaves
6 fresh rose petals
6 drops pig slop
3 cups pure moonshine

To make another person falls in luv with ya, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxin' moon win tha
Place all ingredients in an uh copper tea kettle. Boil three cups of pure moonshine and add to the kettle. Sweeten with sugah and honey, ifin ya want.

Before drinkin', say this rhyme:

[tha one ya sweet on] DESIRE ME.

Drink some tea and says:
[tha one ya seet on] DESIRE ME!

On tha next Friday, brew another pot of tha luv potion tea an give some to the person ya sweet on. He or she will soon begin to fall in luv with ya.

Warnin': Yur sweethart will fall in luv with tha first person or animal or thang she/he sees so makin' shur ya keep em locked up till they is ready so that they sees only yu.

Good God Auntie Buttcheeks,

That all sounds much to complicated for me.My purty gurl aint anymore and I am suffering from unrequited love.I'll join a silent order and contemplate my watsit as I suggested earlier.  I quite like watching Manchester Unrequited play actually ,so I'll become a football supporting, contemplative, celibate, catcus, ladder, and woman avoiding old geezer; it could be less stressful in the long run.

Thanks anyway Miya. You tried, bless you!


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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 11:09 on 16th July 2008

Dear Aunt Miya, I haven't been able to participate in this thread due to a few problems over the past few weeks. I'm feeling a little better now but hopefully you will be able to resolve at least one for me. The one that really bothers me right now is how to get my kidney wiper working again. Can you advise me on this? I'm only 62 years old but find things difficult when I get to the vinegar stroke...if you know what I mean? Well see, take a bottle of vinegar and imagine you are shaking it over your fish and chips from the narrow spout in the end! Somebody told me to put wax in my ears so I couldn't hear what was coming, but at the given time the ears go bang and the wax hits the walls! Naturally of course, I look up to see whats happening, and end up slipping off me perch! By the way Ms S it's been great fun reading through the early posts, very funny, but most of all I think I have now seen the other side of you, so I look forward to your answer re my problem inter due course!     

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 13:34 on 16th July 2008

Ray's goung to become a football hooligan? Oh no, not another one. Its bad enough with that hooligan Ron on here.

Dear Aunt Miya, how can wee stop Ray from becoming a football hooligan?

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