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quotePosted at 00:14 on 25th August 2008

Cathy, your daughters vid. was absolutely crazy Kool or is it (sic) , She did a good job of the movie but what was it in aid of ?

Have not heard of it.

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 01:52 on 25th August 2008
I don't remember which one I sent. Memory is failing me again. If it is the one I am thinking of...she went to this convention called Otakon, which is a Japanese Anime Convention. She is into anime and manga. Anime is the video version and manga is the book version. People go and dress up in costumes of the characters in the books and videos. They meet the voice overs and have panel discussions and see new videos coming out soon. They also have video games and a venders hall. It lasts for three days. You can find any of her videos on youtube by searching for her screen name which is "bornfreeeee." There might be one on there of our cat Ralphie (who passed on) licking a lollipop.
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Jean Pickersgill
Jean Pickersgill
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quotePosted at 08:16 on 16th November 2008

I've just been looking at the pictures of Flamborough Head in North Yorkshire and they have brought back memories of many happy holidays spent there as a child. We used to stay at a place called Sea Farm Camp in a caravan which had originally been a railway carriage. I can remember clambering down into Thornwick Bay and spending hours just digging the gravel for sea glass. In those days instead of the glass just being misty green as nowadays, the colours were like a rainbow - reds, blues, pinks and browns. We used to make a game of it and pretend we were pirates digging up our buried treasure and carrying it back 'home' along with the primroses which grew in abundance along the path. In the mornings we would go to the farmhouse for the freshest milk, eggs and bread (still warm from the farm kitchen) and we would have the most marvellous breakfasts sat with the door open and the spring sunshine beaming through. Oh for the good old days again. I could go on forever. By the way, Flamborough is famous for it's large juicy crabs (move over Cromer) - so I think I'll go and have a 'Thornwick Bay' breakfast - eggs, toast and a large glass of ice-cold milk.Smile

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 14:57 on 16th November 2008
Great memories Jean. It was fantastic that we kids could go out for hours and walk, hitch hike and be safe.Todays kids are missing such a lot.
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quotePosted at 04:02 on 17th November 2008
Overlooking the River Dee
Picture by Peter Buttress

I used to camp and fish here when I was anything from 14 years old , with no fear at all. It was at Thurstston Shore overlooking the River Dee, with Welsh hills on the horizon
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 11:49 on 17th November 2008
Oh boy, I wish I could walk up those hills again. That makes me so homesick Wolf.
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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 14:49 on 17th November 2008

I have found a pic on here of the church I got married at, not sure it was happy memories it evoked though, with storm force winds and driving rain, my veil flew away, the car door blew back on me and hit me in the face, no photos could be taken outside and that was just the start of the day, the photographer tripped up over his cable and hurt himself, my nephew split his head open and had to go to hospital , it was a nightmare wedding from start to finish Laughing

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 20:13 on 17th November 2008
On 17th November 2008 04:02, Wolf wrote:
Overlooking the River Dee
Picture by Peter Buttress

I used to camp and fish here when I was anything from 14 years old , with no fear at all. It was at Thurstston Shore overlooking the River Dee, with Welsh hills on the horizon

Looks fabulous Wolf!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 20:15 on 17th November 2008
On 17th November 2008 14:49, Lyn Brant wrote:

I have found a pic on here of the church I got married at, not sure it was happy memories it evoked though, with storm force winds and driving rain, my veil flew away, the car door blew back on me and hit me in the face, no photos could be taken outside and that was just the start of the day, the photographer tripped up over his cable and hurt himself, my nephew split his head open and had to go to hospital , it was a nightmare wedding from start to finish Laughing

LOL! OMG Lyn! It's like a comedy! Laughing
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 20:21 on 17th November 2008
On 17th November 2008 20:15, Diana Sinclair wrote:
On 17th November 2008 14:49, Lyn Brant wrote:

I have found a pic on here of the church I got married at, not sure it was happy memories it evoked though, with storm force winds and driving rain, my veil flew away, the car door blew back on me and hit me in the face, no photos could be taken outside and that was just the start of the day, the photographer tripped up over his cable and hurt himself, my nephew split his head open and had to go to hospital , it was a nightmare wedding from start to finish Laughing

LOL! OMG Lyn! It's like a comedy! Laughing

Sounds like my first wedding Lyn! We had hail and my Dad refused to go out in it because he was disabled and he said he would get too wet so we were 20 minutes late, my ex father-in-law left my ex mother-in-law for a 20 year old 5 days before the wedding then turned up at the church and wailed loudly all the way through. He was a dustman (refuse collector) and guess what the DJ's played at the reception - yes "My Old Man's Dustman"! The marriage only lasted a year to the day!
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