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About The Weather

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ThreadRepliesViewsStartedLast Post
Today is the hottest June day in England for 41 years!1351421st June 2017 18:56
by poe
26th June 2017 15:47
by Rod Burkey
Whats your weather Like To-day
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
57602867th April 2016 09:19
by James Prescott
7th November 2016 13:24
by Ron Brind
What's your weather like today?....7
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 62 63 64 65 66
65317027427th January 2014 22:52
by Sue H
6th April 2016 21:07
by James Prescott
What's your weather like today?....6
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 42 43 44 45 46
4568271119th August 2012 22:40
by Sue H
27th January 2014 20:29
by Ron Brind
Water for the Birds
Pages: 1 2
10104541st December 2010 11:56
by Terry Wigington
20th August 2012 23:24
by Sue H
What's your weather like today?....5
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 46 47 48 49 50
4905481225th June 2011 19:34
by Sue H
19th August 2012 22:37
by Sue H
West Wales Hit By Major Flooding3355510th June 2012 09:01
by Ron Brind
10th June 2012 22:47
by Sue H
Autumn Photo Shoot In Southampton Area8815719th July 2011 20:17
by RAW10
20th July 2011 04:46
by Paul Hilton
What's your weather like today?....4
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 46 47 48 49 50
4904913330th September 2010 15:45
by Sue H
25th June 2011 19:33
by Sue H
A Taste of Spring
Pages: 1 2
15119483rd February 2011 15:21
by Barbara Shoemaker
4th February 2011 14:42
by lancashirelove
30th November 2010 - Roads Closed, Rail and Flights Cancelled, Schools Closed!
Pages: 1 2
171160930th November 2010 17:10
by Ron Brind
21st December 2010 10:47
by lancashirelove
Anybody snowed in yet, maybe a neighbour needs help?0267327th November 2010 12:18
by Ron Brind
27th November 2010 12:18
by Ron Brind
Are your winter woollies clean and ready??4412918th October 2010 17:37
by cathyml
8th November 2010 00:14
by Cathy E.
Damp in Most Places!!!
Pages: 1 2
12954110th October 2010 21:17
by Debbie Barnes
14th October 2010 17:56
by Debbie Barnes
What's your weather like today?....3
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 45 46 47 48 49
488415692nd January 2010 18:34
by Ron Brind
30th September 2010 15:43
by Sue H
bright sun shiny day4584612th July 2010 07:19
by Patrick Van Calck
13th July 2010 07:29
by Patrick Van Calck
April Weather
Pages: 1 2
16113196th February 2009 21:02
by Brenda White
28th March 2010 09:40
by lancashirelove
Spring is on its way
Pages: 1 2
16106428th March 2010 14:43
by Jason T
16th March 2010 15:50
by Barbara Shoemaker
Oh no! Six more weeks of winter!
Pages: 1 2
10104152nd February 2010 13:37
by Diana Sinclair
5th February 2010 03:16
by Ruth Gregory
What's your weather like today? 2
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497497193rd April 2009 15:34
by Sue H
2nd January 2010 18:32
by Ron Brind