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Good Day "63"

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 11:31 on 16th December 2015

I finished the " bell" Christmas ornaments and have it ready to be mailed tomarrow...I haven't went to sleep yet tonight for this itching...but in four hours I'm suppose to be up to mail the ornments then go babysit the kid's animals while an tv repairman comes...and by tonight go to the Christmas concert at the High School. So I was rumming through the latest goings on posted on the web.... and see that since the Missouri cellphone and propane tank stealings going on that people are saying terrorist attack on Christmas Eve...let's hope not. I tend to think the people that say these things are as radical as or the terrorists themselves at times. But this is not the way to start off an New Year. I lost my first post I made here, but it really had nothing to important in it anyway. I hate to say this, but I don' t own any weapons to defend myself if anything should occur. I'm not ready for the National Guard to rule the roost either. I think they should have this itch problem...then they'd have plenty of lost time in dealing with it...and sleep. We have another rain storm headed this way also, but should be an short lived one. It might be an good Christmas present this year to be given your own chickens for fresh eggs? Wierd world we live in these days, that's an truth. I go for now.


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:11 on 16th December 2015
Good Afternoon to all--glad this morning is over --3 cemetaries to tend to -still its worth it.Smile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 06:53 on 17th December 2015

It's the one time of the year to remember your loved ones James; well done mate.

And Shirley, I happen to know several people over here who suddenly developed an itch (especially lower legs) just recently for no apparent reason that was driving them crazy, but especially so at night when the laid down in bed. However, a visit to the GP and medication sorted it quickly.

Interestingly, two of those people were at the Surgery with the same problem, from the same family, but who hadn't seen each other for many months. Couls something be in the air?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:43 on 17th December 2015
Good Evening --a bit late opn to-day been doing a bit of visiting --old aunt--losing it sorry to say Smile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:57 on 18th December 2015
Morning/afternoon to all POEsters...
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:15 on 18th December 2015
Good Morning --everyone ok ??Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 09:19 on 18th December 2015

Ron, you might have something as I think they tinker with time warps these days to manipulate time ..I've even felt like an invisible wave wall coming my way more then once...its how they are doing cloking these days also. Yes, it's very real. I was told one time, look at our President...he use to be heavily guarded by security...but you don' t see them any more...not that they aren' t there, but they warp them out of sight...and I saw this done one time on TV.  they do it through manipulating light waves in the air.

I had an very old friend call me tonight....last time we had seen her....she'd been in an car accident and was suing the fella that hit her and in lots of pain, well, she callled me tonight to tell me they just settled that court case, though it's taken years...and they bought an 31 foot trailer and were headed to her mother's house for over her birthday which is Dec. 23rd...I told we'd have to get get together maybe later January over lunch perhaps and get caught up in what we have been doing...but it was good to hear from her, as I ususally send her an card every year and I didn't know if she was still at her house or traveling...she's all over the place at times. Her husband Jeff i diabetic, but he's good at controlling his problem. Surprise call...but she's always been that way talking to me, like she knows I need some help in something....she has always shown up.  For some reason I was thinking about this itching going on and I can remember my parents old friends...Bill and Beth Matheny.....and he was always known in his day to be quite occasionally feeling under his wife's dress amoung company. Which was embarrasing, because us little kids kind of knew it wasn' tright to do out in public...he also reminded me of Ronald Reagan at times.  He died many years ago, I heard she remarried his boss at work there after...moved into Portland. I have no idea why this came to me...I guess because Dee Dee has an brother-in -law with dementia...and I think that's what he had also in his old age...she occasionally watches him for her sister while she does her tea parties.I can tell it's an hard job for her to deal with at times.  She says he stays up at all kinds of hours and they have to lock him into the house to make sure he doesn't take off somewhere. There's times he calls her by her sister's name and she has to reprimand him and bring him about his senses on that also. She says she sleeps in an recliner chair when she goes over there. She's already wanting to "go home" now..reguardless of her situation health wise, but she sounds an little better talking to her. I think she wants to be down in Eugene for Christmas and at her house also...she hasn' t been there for about an week now. Rutguers Hospital has just found an gene that might help dementia recently when they were doing research work for cancer of all things. As they took this medicineapart to see how it worked on cancer treatments, they found out in lab rats it was bringing thier memory back to them again. So they are working on that now to see why it heals memory so well.  

I'm up late tonight washing bedding and getting ready for the kids ot take off for thier weekend, and hoping they don' t run into the rain projected....I'm going to go over while they are gone, hubby and I and try to at least make thier beds with the new linen and get the Star Wars Posters on the wall. Hubby gets to watch the dogs and that frisky little kitty cat....the garbage people today found an live little kitty... looks just like her in coloring, and caught it going down the conyor belt before dropping down to the incinarator, it barely had it's eyes open and it was an tiny one. They showed it with pure "joy" on TV that they were able to save it's  little life. It never deserved to be born to have an fate like this one, had those guys not saved it's life. Life simply must start being precious to everyone again...the mother cat could of been spayed... if whomever owned her didn't want her to have kittens.  An more humane thing to do. So guess I better go check the laundry and head for bed myself.

As for my itch, it goes away some times better then other but making progress on it, and yes, our Govt. does have ways to affect our nerves physically these days....I think they have an way to highlight any health issues we have these days...keep the medical personnel working.  They call it low electro-magnitic pulsing. ..or low dose radiation pulses actually.  Natural Grocers just did an in store class on how to protect yourself from them and I wanted to go to it, but my sister wanted to go back to her apartment and I missed the seminar on it. It kind of destroys your body an little at a time....anything to do with the nervous system...which includes your heart. As people we are highly electrical beings you know. Take note you do not see many true pychics these's because they like to pick their brains with this techonolgy...and it's medically harms them also. So I abide you ado for now...have an good weekend. Christmas is not far off now.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 03:11 on 19th December 2015

Well, kids are offf on their Christmas weekend..I hope they are for the rest of us, I don' t understand why my hubby is doing what he's doing right now exactly....or if he'a got aother agenda in mind....but he's sure the dogs all must come into our house at the moment. While I have loads of stuff to unload out at the kids house this weekend before they get back into town. Three bedrooms to set up and all thier christmas gifts remaining to be put in sacks and  bags....under their tree. He caught me sleeping when he came home and didn't wake me I had an nice long nap I guess you know. I go for now and I hope I can finally have some christmas myself after this is all to you later on. It's pizza and soup time.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:33 on 19th December 2015

Wow another stonker off ShirleySmile

Good Morning -only 6 days to go.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 11:13 on 19th December 2015

Thought provoking that's for sure eh James?

Well done Shirley and hi to all POEsters wherever you are.

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