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Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 20:17 on 12th January 2016 Kind of an blah day so far...they say there's two people trying to access Terra in earthboppin, com they say they are being blocked, but don' t know exactly what they mean. She got food poisioning here an while back from Costco chicken salad over the holidays... last I heard they were still wanting to put tubes down her throat because of the damage the medicines did to her esphagas...she was fighting them. We kept asking her to get an second medical opinion, because she said her ex-hubands girlfriend was the one the hospital gave her to cure her and Terra didn't trust her. Until she shows up on line, we don't know if they killed her or what happened to her. They are asking for readings from her if any of the psychics can pick them find her. In th emantime I watched an "Barn builders" show and they tore down an old dilipuated Boy Scout lodge that was built in 1934...they were salvaging the old log foundation to it....and it was sad. I could fell the "love" these boys and their troop had to the an old trusted freind that been safe and secure for them through the ages. Italso reminded me of the one I loved in the Boy Scout Camp over at the coast. I heard ti got torn down now also, they built and new one, I've not been to it yet, but where they put it would be dangerous shoulld an tunsumi ever hit the coastline. That one needed repaired, but it was still as sturdy as an rock in my estimation. It was two room...doors out side in room...wood stove for heating side of the wall lifted up and was screened over in the summer for fresh air. The camp was very had an small creek went through it and buildings on each side of it up higher along the hills on both side...with an ravine and creek down the middle of it. If you went along the path of this small creek/ditch....your could go down to the beach, where the water fell over the rocks there was an small waterfall you could play in over summer...and an spectacular view of the ocean. Use to set on the steps in the early morning, drinking an cup of coffee..watching the guys make breakfast down by the creek, fueling their campfire.... they'd tie over an tarp amoung four trees up hiigh and then cook under it, by the campfire they just built to keep warm with....anyway...I'd watch the deer off to the side of me in the tullie bushes... watching them serenly contented and munching on their own breakfast. Not an care in the world and the guys busy,,but everyone kind of in an family setting together. Some doing thier crafts, some making their beds and straightening out their packs for later on. Other just laughing an talking. Teasing each other...getting ready for some breakfast..I have an funny feeling those times are now gone. It was an nature experinence...and people these days are more impressed by new fancy lodging instead of being in nature. I watched these boys scout on TV, take all their things down from the walls, take their flag stand, with the flag and an bundle of awards tied to it through the years, go outside load things up, hold hands in remembering the building, and slowly lower thier flag for the last time, folding it up and handling it off. Then solemly they left...but they had arrived with happiness on ther faces. I hope they get an newer lodge, made like the older one had been over the same space...up from the creek near by...Troop 248 in Ithink they said West Virginia. I go for now.....I bleached my bathroom over last night and am working on the rest of the hard floors before the carpeting. My back is bother me, it has been now for about an week, I don't know if the medications, the laying down so much, and mild heart attack type problems the other day, terra on my mind...but I do have an doctor's appt tomarrow...... It's raining outside today also. Talk to you later on. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:52 on 13th January 2016 Terra - can that really happen Shirley? Sounds pretty bizarre, but hey who knows what goes on behind closed doors these days. Hi to all POEstrers... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 10:44 on 13th January 2016 Good Morning to all who are around--even to the ones who are in hiding |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 01:41 on 14th January 2016 WE finally got it through her head to go to an second hospital and another doctor..(terra) and am thinking much along those same lines myself in ways. Let me give an word of advice...when you buy pre-made salads....put your own meat into them...then you know how old it is and if it's been processed safely. You can not imagine the hell she has goen through. Followed by myself with this fungal infection...they made me take an labs tests this morning and an blood test this morning. I came home and took my own blood glucose test....325...though be around under 180 at the max...bu tit was not an "fasting" test...of not eating anything from the night before. I got my powerball lottery's over one billion dollars you know tonight. WE just seldom win in the west on these lotteries, particularly on the west coast and in Oregon...let alone hardly ever me. But we will see if indeed there is an true God given " miracle" yet in the universe. I was up another almost 24 hours without any sleep due to this fungal infection, which flared up again yesterday, I feel like I'm having an heart attack every night..or someone stabbed me in teh back, I told him that today, how he ever became an doctor is beyond me...he says where was the pain....and I told him....that was the last mention of it. I loved teh state of the union address last night, it had all the right things said in it for making progress in an healthing leadership scenario...tied of Trump bad mouthing everyone myself these days...though it's what he is begining to be known for now. I like seeing Michelle Obama last night also. I have not see so much enthusiasim since the Kennedy reign. He really made sense for an change and politically got it across well. Iran also released the 10 people held by them also without any incident....and that made me happy. The killing needs to stop for everyone on both sides...killing is not the same as defending I watched "Mick Dodge" on tv yesterday scare away some tree poachers with an bull horn and lights...they took off running in their truck, thinking they were getting arrested by authorities....but even "Mick" knows...our trees are at an premium these days and to replant and to save that which we already have...we have got to make some kind of stand to make the earth livable for man and beast alike. It insures our own survival in future days. I am not sure what you would call him, I think they said he was an survivalist instructor at one time, but for an man living off the land, he is cleaner then an good many people walking the streets these days. Wise also. I go for now, I slept most of today...see how tonight goes. Talk later on. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:50 on 14th January 2016 Tree Poachers Shirley... Crikey, is it really that bad in the USA that trees are being stolen. Fires maybe, but an actual shortage of trees that they go out 'poaching' them? |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 05:15 on 15th January 2016 Yes Ron, has been for years now...firewood is now $100 to better per cord of wood...and type of wood. Yes, people are desparete for money these days...we can't keep up with the raise in prices. For some it's an difference between going cold all winter long and being warm also. Our electrical bill last month was 388 dollars...about $200 more then we could comfortably pay. Your talking an 2,000 fot house. Our electrical company has been fakes to the public ever since their commander Kenny Lay taught them how and what to do.He raped Oregon's educational system back then, because we rely on the profit taxes to pay our school system...he reinvested it...saying he made no profitfor years on he never contributed one dam "dime" toward our kids in this state. The hispanic's,,,they get free education by way of "head start" Federally funded are now about 3 years ahead of the publicin education of other students. School systems...never could stay on an budget and function with it...we pay the price years later..all kinds of excuses why they couldn't stay on budget...they should try living on an retired income and only that with out fringe benefits most of us never see. Ok, figured it out son pick out our pickup truck 22 years ago...which averaged we paid little over $700 to own each he just got equals our house we bought at almost that an month in truck took us 30 years to buy our house....we owe almost that much now from an reverse we are paying over again for it, but that's what happens when you lose your job from teh company folding up and you have to start all over again. I keep saying automobiles are to expensive these one listens as long as they can make that monthly payment...or dump it down the line. Now you know why people drive theri cars through deep water/floods these helps them something they can possibly afford better. Crazy the way people are trying to stay afloat daily any more. Is it this" bad" in England??? Illegal immigrants have done much to push up the stealing going on also...from which most of them drive better cars... then most Americans can depends I guess on how much "help" you can get.... to according what you own these days. My doctor (?)never called back now he's got an report that my blood glucose sugar reading was 325 yesterday...this morning was 301...shoud be about 140 to 180 top. I went on the Paleo diet...hope it helps before the serious health issues happen....Chris and I are both suffering from an back ache...could it be heart issues..I hope not. I find this weird, of all the years, this is the one year I threw out the cookies and goodies over Christmas, never made any really either. I go for now I guess...hope I can sleep tonight. I need some rest...besides 5 or 6 hours every other day from body later on. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:55 on 15th January 2016 Shirley we don't buy firewood logs (we rely on the gas fired central heating system) but those who do will pay anything from £50 to £140 per tonne for either seasoned or kiln dried logs, which can be hardwood or a mix of anything that burns in their 'log burners' so I reckon we are probably paying about the same as you, although at the moment there doesn't appear to be any shortage. As for your second paragraph, it's all but the same here Shirley; 'visitors' are given everything yet contribute virtually nothing compared to say the older generation who have worked all their lives, it's a b....y disgrace and one day the government will wake up, but it will be too late, civil unrest will have taken over and there will be riots here. We can only hope for a vote to get out of Europe soon (60% want out, thus stopping 'millions' more arriving with the 'right' to be housed whilst our own kids struggle. Politics as a discussion is banned here in the POE forum so this is about as far as I can go. Hi to all POEsters...
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 15:44 on 15th January 2016 Good Afternoon to all on this fine winters day. . |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:47 on 16th January 2016 Hum..again discouraged today by breakign the diet...did good until I took an blood tesst this morning..back up to ovwe 325 points...when I di dnothing to deserve it. I ate one roll to many, half an piece of bread to much, and andsmall dish of raspberry pie....I went out years ago and stocked my pantry with small white dishes that are one and one half cup when you fill them....generally what I eat out these most diets I never went over what they gnerally allow in calories. With me it seems lik enothing works at times. I find out I got an call from the doctor this morning, must of been while I was sleeping or walking today..probably sleeping because I had another night of feeling like Ihad an knife stuck in my back for some reason. This makes number three time in the past week or so. I worry about them being mild hart attacks. He looked at my back, but did nothing else. Never recomended an xray on my heart either, or heart valves to see if the blood was running through the veins as it should goes away if I rest. Which means I'm not getting much done these days. Back to the pick-up over 22 years we averaged less then 10,000 miles per year, which surprised me, because we used it an lot in Boy Scouts with my son way back when. Hubby callled the guy my son found in Craig's list to go an see that car tomarrow for $4,999 dollars. If only people realized this is probably it for her in driving an car for an very long while. It has 127,000 miles on it..2009 year modellittle over 2,100 miles per year. He found an even better deal on an pickup for my hubby, but we can't spend an dime until after tax time and property taxes for next this year is saved. I'm still paying off Christmas also, and last week was no help at all. You know you have to have money to save money, by getting as much as you can on sale and before they raise prices again. Walmart is closing two stores in Oregon before the month is out...both are on the west side of Portland. That does not surprise me as an store on every corner is much like gas stations use to be. Prices go up, people have to spend less, they can't stay in business. Mr. Trump is attacking as usual..kind of getting tired of it in an way, some of these things need pointed out though..and he gets all the more popular by our unhappiness in the not being able to speak our minds in the past years. I still worry about his leadership if he should win...not every country si going to take the pointing out how they don' t do things right in his eye. Lots of terroist activity going on also. Trying to watch some of he new seasonal shows coming out right now also. Tomarrow is car looking day so wish us the best, cause it's not like she has all that much money to spend....things are getting "tight" around our house also. We have to get Chris's trailer back to him, he donated his truck and trailer when hubbys truck broke down for the tree recycle. My son jumped in also to both help him fix his truck and bring his own also. Had he not gotten this new one e'd been up an creek without an paddle. Lots of people unhappy over the billion dollar lottery...some that won it in the millions live better then most of us do. I still have not even looked at my tickets...cause they are not saying anyone in Oregon won an thing...and that's what this state si all about at times. Not winning an thing. I go for now and talk later on this weekend. Tell you what we ended up with for an car...if we do. Have an good weekend everyone. Where ever your at....? |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:24 on 16th January 2016 Morning or afternoon to all POEsters wherever you are looking in from. Why not go one step further and comment here in the forum, you could even start a new thread about your favourite subject, or gripe! Shirley I think dieting is a mental condition also, meaning that if you are in the right frame of mind it happens, if not it proves very hard to lose weight so hang on in there mate it will happen! |