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Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 18:41 on 7th February 2016 Some of the new geneaology Ron...are you guys sure your ready to give up your King Arthur to "France"? Next four days are super nice days, cultimating with about 63 degrees everyone is geared to make hay while the sun shines.....hubby took off to take our scout on an 10 mile bike ride...5 miles in boring on the Springwater corridor and back so he can get an merit badge. I'll probably walk them today some where...five miles...and later this afternooni s the Super Bowl game. I have about 100 tulip bulbs to plant also, so am working on some of those fact...right to you later on. Have an good day! |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:37 on 8th February 2016 I wouldn't give France anything, let alone King Arthur. I forecast a win for the Broncos Shirley!! Hi to all POEsters, wherever you are. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 00:06 on 9th February 2016 So did I, my cousin Dr. Brian Larkins lives in Denver...and Leslie in the hills up above, though we have North Carolina family also....but just "gut" feeling they'd win. I didn't get to watch much of it though....opening ceremoies with Lady Gaga...and started cooking snacks for hubby and I....and then ended going to the store for some more potting soil to finish my containers and tulips I'm planting. showed some really lousy pictiures of beyonce last nightbut they showed an clip of her early this morning an her act looked alright. I decieded to really go into this "Paelo" diet this morning...the goodies this weekend made my blood glucose go even higher...and I went to Glendoveer Golf Clubs excerise tract on the outside perimenters of it, which is an quite testy hilly up and down 2 mile short it's challenging. I took my reading before I left...229,...and when I got had dropped down to 217 from the walking....but it was last Thursday I' getting there and for some reasonit takes the walking to do this for me. So far I've been good on the diet today and will try to repeat this all tomarrow, made some medical appts for routine testing this morning also...been an busy day for me. can't believe it, today and tomarrow are breaking heat records also for this time of the year while SE Massachuestts get sumped with 6 to 10 inches of snow. I'm wondering how the coast did today, they were suppose to have temperatures up to 70 degrees. We have an ton of moss in our yard this year and need to get soemthign down about we stand Mt. Hood has 110 per cent of it's annual snowfall...eastern Oregon 120 per cent...but it won't take to many hot days to break that also....and we are high on the rainfall records also. But it's helping to break the drought of last year, esp in the Cascade Mt ranges for this summer. So it's about time to fix some "paelo" burgers and not use hamburger buns, but romaine lettace leaves to holdit all together....with fresh tomaoto and avacado slices. Hubby is getting mashed potatoes with this and we both get some fruit compote for dessert. Coming home from my walk this morning...stopped fo ran red light and my carwas quite visably "shaking" from the wind hitting it. So despite everything, it's not really an kind of pleasantday outside to enjoy in ways. Let's see....VAlentine's Day comes next...and coupel days later 50th wedding anniversay...but we hope this summer to go visist the church where we were married....and then I think it's "Spring Vacation" for the kids this year...end of March. I feel werid doing garden work right now but all our tulips are up and ready to start budding...going to be an early Spring. I best get going for today...and back to work around here. Talk to everyone later on...if I remeber James has an smashing beautiful yard...I think it was him that set us an link to his yard one time....way back when. I think of Diana Sinclair with the snow in Massachussets and wonder if she's still living there. I like to go to reddit,com and see the pictures some of them send in on these snowstorms. Talk later...and as always...Have an good day! |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 16:02 on 9th February 2016 Hi to all POEsters, trusting your day has been good? |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 01:25 on 10th February 2016 It's been wild getting caught up in all the news here lately.....I'm not an blonde, but felt like yesterday the wind had blown everything out of my they said tonight....we had gusts of 88 MPH on crown point and it was in the 90's hurricane though....and yesterday over at the coast an unpreceeded 76 degrees for this early in Feburary....and today was in the low 70's. You would think we are living in upper Florida right now. So...they dragged out the chemtrail airplanes this morning....and as now the wind has been stopped dead still...with it kind of hazy outside. Between yesterday and today...I walked 5 miles. I dropped my blood glucose down again to 194...but it's got to go down to 180 before I'm an high normal...and they want it arournd 120 to 140 for normal all the time......Ugh...I wonder how many others have such problems to battle with daily. Picked up an Victorian Magazine....laid out for differnt kinds of teas an person can have, I kind of miss that idea of everything stops for an mid afternoon tea would probably be much better with it. I love looking at the tea cups also, and found some that even I have around here. Pam was just telling me that ants are attracted to eletronic elements...henceforth the reason why the top of my computer recently attracted them all I guess...until that I never knew I had any in this room. Feeding hubby well on my diet....tonight we had turkeyclub sandwhich with all the fixin' tomato and green pepper..cheese/mayo.....and Krab/pasta salad...Dorito chips for him and fresh fruit compote...mainly blueberries and raspberries sweetened in splenda with an squirt of whip cream on top... I think he's ready for scouts tonight and I can rest...I can barely beat him home some days to make dinner.Today was picking up an prescription....and buy lawn moss...and walking two miles at the Golf course again, and noting everything I stick in my mouth and taking my tests...and just getting up an moving about in general. I also did some shopping and tonight plan to make another batch of soup for tomarrow. Maybe I can get some tuplip bulbs planted before the rain comes in tomarrow night. So better get going I guess. Where's James at, and what's he moderating?...the blonde I was talking to at the golf course maybe?...smiles* She wasn't all that bad looking either. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:32 on 10th February 2016 That James is probably sat upstairs listening to a bit of James Last, Shirley. He like me appreciates good music and songs where you can hear what is being said! Perhaps my age is showing Hi to all POEsters... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 10:08 on 10th February 2016 Good Morning to all who are around--no not James Last Ron --a bit too slow for me-been very busy this last few days --who is the blonde Shirley??is she worth taking home to Momma |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 04:44 on 11th February 2016 Yes, James...that she was, very attractive looking. Short blonde hair, kind of an page boy sorta 50's style. I had an mosterous day there today...and by the time I got home and did some flower beds, I liked to fell to pieces. I had about 6 different Blood Gluose readings, one after the other that were all over in the meter, so gave it up..made some chunky chicken "Paelo" soup tonight for tomarrow...but I did get almost 100 tulips in the ground...had to..they were sprouted for Spring. Hubby and I went up to Home Depoe also for garden soil...and it looks like today they brought in an LOT of plants for this Spring also. Even six bags of bull durham fertiler...I had an barnyard farmer tell me one time it was "Perfume" to every farmer for miles around it works so well. Hubby will get that job....winks* I'm tired tonight, so was an bit off the diet with the soup I had an small cheese/oinion fritter roll....suppose to be tastes like it, about half an bowl is about all I can handle at one time....needed something to dunk in it. So think I'll head for bed, as I have some more work tomarrow to do outside if it doesn't rain to badly on me. If I go walking it may be more locally. Nice to see you what were you up to anyway?....Anything exciting?.... Doesn't have to even be acceptable these days. You know what I ran into researching the other night...this Saint way back when, he gave the name of the 3 anit-christ's in his day....had never heard of any of them, but then said that after the last Anti-christ'reigns for 3 1/2, the secind coming of Jesus comes about....which means he gets done in possibly along with all the rest of us perhaps also. I don't know where this is suppose to lead to good times on planet earth really. Anyway...have an good day tomarrow and if I get some time will come in and let you know if I'm surviving planting season thsi year. That astroloigy "death"aspect, I had over early Christmas... is now leaving you know....started the major part of it January 25th...but is over around Feb. 14th and gone. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:01 on 11th February 2016 Shirley says: "Yes, James...that she was, very attractive looking". I wonder if she will ever read this post, or find out what you think of her? lol Hi to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 23:27 on 11th February 2016 I don' t know....but you know, I use to make clothing for kids up through the ladies...I'd go to the best shops around, see an Very expenisve dress, go find the same material and remake it myself...of course it did not have the designer name tag on it, but it looked the same. Back in the days before there were so many copyright issues for every little tid bit around. Today finds me into "Castles"...I bought two books, one of them of the world, and another one on Scotland, Ireland and Wales...Celtic Castles...mostly in ruins now also. Closer you get into Germany, and such places the less decorative with taptestry in the castles, not as friendly looking inside either...and the more you can tell they were mainly used for fortress and military living. France has some nice ones, but by far the more lavish ones are English properties.England by far has much more to see I think. Nice respite for an rain day and not much to do around here. Neighbor cut down his skinny little pine tree as they said they hoped to do some day. Took three guys to do it, but it reached over across the street. I went an bought me two more bookcases....just don't have all that much room for all my books as yet. Give hubby something to do for me on Valentine's Day before we go out to dinner. I'm in here on the computer because Martha Stewart is on TV in an program... and they are making cakes galore for Valentine's day....I could see the problem calories of my diet right decided to get away from them. Between the rain and the Holidays it sure doesn't help me losing much weight..I'm already thinking donut for President's Day before we get to Vaentine's Day. Maybe I'll listen to Neill Dianmond's "Cherry Cherry" song instead...hum.. I guess I should get going though as it's about time to make dinner. James can provide the music....NO????...did I hear an NO? I'll let him go this nice to him. He'd prbably go for an "Cherry Danish" instead. George Washington can 't have anything Cherry...he cut down his Cherry tree long time. Talk to you later on.... |