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Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 14:44 on 29th January 2016 What do you reckon Shirley, do you think you could cope with our James for a while? And yes I agree, c'mon members 'lets be avin yer' as one female Chef/Cook once said. |
Posts: Joined: 1st Jan 1970 | editPosted at 22:08 on 29th January 2016 Well, right now I'm into McGrath's Fish House...looking for an cup of shrimp salad....I found the Portland Mo's Restruant, it's at the Portland airport...but being frisked getting to it doesn't turn me on exactly....James could always apply for permier "frisker" I suppose. Besides, historically right now I'm into the Whore of Babylon...which has been interesting. This all started last night when my diet and blood sugar was to high and at 11 pm I had to be an "lady of the street" walking in an cicle around my neighborhood...and it was dark and it was spooky. I ran into Randy with his new doggie in his yard going to the bathroom(dog)...kind of gave him how I was feeling about tthings right now..and it wasn't very good. I woke up to an 20 point higher blood glucose this morning for an fasting number and blew my cool again...walked another 2 miles and I'm tired. As I said, none o fthe doctors have supported me in anything but becoming addictd to Inslin as an treatment for my life forever on...they want themonthly income to drive their Godly huge motor homes around I guess...while they kick theri poor helpless cats out the door to be killed by automobiles starving and cold. they pride themsleves on thier "posessions" I guess over humanity. So now I'm back up to254 and have to never be over 180 AFTER eathing. Back to the Whore of Babylon..... There really was an queen of Assyrian Queen named Sammu-Ramet..811-806 BCE. I have no idea if she was an whore or no tthough. My reasearch work centers around King Harrod's family. His wife was said of an Royal Family...her uncle was named high priest...and he's really th eone that talk the gals intoJohn the Bapist head back didn't look to good for his being an priest what John was saying about his family, Anyway...I consider his wife the "Whore of Baylon" perhaps and an consrt to "Satan" back then. In an battle the Jews were indeed "exiled" to Babylon for some years before returning and building temple again in Jerusalem. After Titus wins the battle...uncle Josephus follws him back to Rome...where he changes his name to Joseph Flavis Agrippa. According to Wikipedia...most of his given bio on himself isn't true...and can't be true. In Rome he allies himself to some famous people though as their secretary and speech maker...and he eventually turns himself over to be an Historian. His protector in Rome and main sponsor was killed in 98 ad....and him most likely after 98 AD FRance had been conquored by the Romans...esp Normany area and founded there was Cathederal of Amiens, France...where John the Baptist severed head was kept at one time, still is but the did an duplicate to it you see now at the church. It is the last Templar Knight Ritual until Scotland...the first ritual is the occult church of St. James of Compostela...where they give over thier spirit and all they know to date to accep tthe ways of the Lord through service until they become one with him in spirit. I figure Satan liked to jump back and forth into people using the same tactic in history. Anyway....anyway...Marcus Vipsonius Agrippa built 13,000miles of road in named the Via of Agrrippa to Ameins, FRance....the main road of it's day for the templar knights ritual training. I talk wiht John L about this along with "Grits" at times...and John mi- understod me, "Satan" doesn't re-incarnate...he assumes the spirit posession of others in contolling keep going. I am kind of fighting an armegdeddon at times these days with him. I would of never known that had it not been for the Native Americna Shaman tellling me that...he says he likes my ideas I have, they could make him rich and wealthy....he should talk to my hubby on this one. I beleive he's chosen the wrong person maybe. Anyway...Titus is also into King Authur's genealogy...Titus anyway. Which is in this area around Paris also with the Holy GRail story. I believe he came through King John Lackland though in his day....whose parents litteraly dumped him into his kinghsip in basically bankruptcy...and moved to I can see why Satan would easily use King Henry VIII to close all the churches down in his soul posession. He King Henry 8th) also favored his sister Mary....with ties to Scotland...the last templar stronghold...and communion with God....and that's what Satan wants to be an God-like creator controller God.That's what made him an fallen angel to begin with...and they might be immortals in aspects. Evil certainly is within the world these days.Wherever he goes he likes to re-write things to suit himself...that I've noticed...its easier to control others if you can do this...but I think he was hop scotching between the names of Henry and James for an long time. I believe he has to have the "Whore of Babylon" as his finance partner. As my hispanics say..."sex sells".. and most the time over anything some way. So it was an interesting night coming back and reading abou tthe Jewish exiles into Babylon and trh story of them. Satan knows I need to get my blood sugar down and he's all for helping those that don't want that to happen....I norticed it very much at the docotr's office th eother day...and hope my God helps me be faithful and true and get wher eit is I need to be. For I may only have him now to help me. I am thinking of getting an dog to train with me if I have to be an night walking street lady these doubt the pride of others in not helping me. Espiceallly forn security reasons over summer. But will see, it's harder to take animals with you if you travel though unless you own your own rig o fsome type. This weekend was supposedly given to me to re-cuperate and maybe go to the coast during the day and have an bowl of Bay shrimp salad fo rmy diet...s I best get going as I have some things to do before to you later on. James is on hs own for an bit...Ron, go take him to an pub and relax yourselves this weekend. Have an good day everyone. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:51 on 31st January 2016 What a good post Shirley, never know what to expect from you, but as for taking James to pub I don't think I could afford him. He drinks that 'nectar' stuff! lol Hi to all POEsters, hope your day is good. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 17:21 on 31st January 2016 Good Evening --yes a week at Shirleys would be ok -looking forward to it. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:42 on 1st February 2016 When did everyone start pulling out...when Catherine kind of left...after that they all kind started having things going on that took them off an out of the web site apparently.... But yes, it would be nice to see others back in here talking again. My weekend went bonkers for me...we got over to the Casino and they said they were completely booked up because of an concert...which I never saw anything about an concert on line and it wasn't posted on thie markee board, but I did find out something...that being where we went next is an entire shopping center now made into part of an college and partly specialty medical/ health offices next to the Evergreen airport. By the time we got there, the only places left were looking with full parking we drove back home here. I keep wanting to find an"time for me" that nothing is going on to relax far it's not happened. Next week is the super bowl football game. Anyway I was back down to 229 Blood Glucose reading this morning...before the birthday cupcake this afternoon out at the kid's house....ot in 1 1/2 miles walking today..... I'm tired and ready for an bath. New week starts...make it an good one. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 12:36 on 1st February 2016 I've got a super bowl of lamb stew Shirley slippery fat and all, is that the same thing? Lovely it is too lol Hi to all POEsters wherever you are. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 07:40 on 2nd February 2016 I have no idea if lamb is on this diet....but I'm down to 203 in Blood Glucose tonight....I just finsihed off making some "paleo Zuchinni Soup" for tomarrow. I didn't walk today cause of it raining know how Monday's are...right?..heh..but there's some weird things going on right now...I expect an earthquake in the northern Pacific coastal area Japan northward, over to Alaska, and I hope not to mucn further south toward my way...two more people with intutive abilties have come in tonight citing symptoms for this area also. One gal said maybe Indonesia...but all of us are thinking an significant quake. Today, an whale, an dolphin, and some other kind fo fish washed up along the Oregon coast...they think from the recent high tide surge of last week, but you never ususally when they wash on this side, they say the other side of the Pacific see's quake action...but hard tellling as we had last week 1,000 mile long strip of weather front stretching from the Phillipines into Californa and nothward,so the sea surface could be greatly in turmoil...and today southern California had very bad storms going through ripping out huge ole trees...killing one person...they are still cleaning up. .Our automobile came up with an electrical problem also....maybe HARRP?...they say they just recently handed it over to some college students to play around with. Jack Coles is also picking up his signals forthePacific Northwest let's hope things calm down and nothing happens. Give us the next 48 hours on this. I didn't walk today, and I took an short nap after dinner tonight also. I think I'll go to bed with my crystals tonight and see if they can help. I talk to everyone tomarrow. Ron, as to your Lamb...there's an guy out in Montana that wrote an book on using lamb in Cast Iron cookware using brickets for the fluel to do the cooking, he's got some pretty good receipes....passed it on to my Boy scout in the family. I always think of lamb with St. Patrick's Day stew's coming up pretty soon. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:04 on 2nd February 2016 Breast of Lamb stew Shirley is lovely and the fat just slips Hope things quieten down out that way for you and that you can report soon after 48 hours that nothing happened. Hi to all POEsters...
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 15:08 on 2nd February 2016 Breast of Lamb eh--you must be well off--when i was working we used to wrap them up for the pensioners free--then all of a sudden the ke-bab places opened up and you couldnt buy a breast of lamb anywhere,that is why they are so expensive now.--enjoy it Ron |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 01:55 on 3rd February 2016 You know, they don't sell lamb here very much...there was one place in Sandy where you could order it though.Last time I had lamb was at an Greek restruant having an festival...belly dancers and the whole could justput one arm on the next person beside you and dance their little dance in was an New Year's clelbratio, at one time in the festivites we all broke ceramic signiffy of letting go of the old and the new incoming year. i enjoyed the night myself..dudes on the next table came over an wispered in my son's ear...I asked he what he said, they said to come to their table next time the belly dancer showed they could enjoy her also. He was young back then and set there blushing while she danced. But anyway....only lamb I've been ever able to get ahold of cooked. OK, my Blood Glucose this morning was 194 points...getting closer to the 180, if I can just keep it up. Today Icooked "Breakfast for dinner" and am now sending it all out to the kid's house. Cinnamon rolls, strawberry cheesecake, turkey sausage patties hash browns and three containers of assorted fresh fruit including apples and oranges with the raspberries and kiwi... and one loaf of bread for making French toast/pancake sytrup....and you know what, as I sit here...the dozen eggs didn't go....hum. Guess she'll have to wait tomarrow for the eggs. OK, I did send out two boxes (8)..of JimmyDean breakfast sandwhiches also, with eggs/cheese/ham on an bun. I'll talk to her later on and see how she did with it all. Suppose to rain I walked mile and half earlier today. Could stand to be losing more weight as the blood sugar goes down my caculations I've only dropped 5.5 pounds since Jan. 13th. Well, grand season ending of "Curse of Oak Island" tonight..we finally get to see what's at the bootom of "X10" later on. |