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Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:56 on 21st January 2016 Message to Shirley from your POE friends! STICK TO THE DIET matter what!! Hi to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:28 on 22nd January 2016 I was back down to 245 Glucose testing this morning....walked my 1/2 mile today....back hurt an bit last night...but slept in an made up for I'm working at it, next doctor's Jan 26th. It's one minute to the next in some things...bread is one of them, but I at least found with Sarah Lee whole grain bread and per slice 45 calories it's better managed. That means the most to me if I'm eating a sandwhich, or having toast for breakfast. I just got done making some slamon patties...they want me to eat an lot of fish. I started reading the book .." The Red Queen" about Maragret Beaufort...the Queen of England past. I though if King Henry VIII is spirit posessing my brother....why he felt she was an whore...right now it's all mother's apparently...could also been the Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalens also...he says this as "Henry VIII"...went so far as to when the dissolutions of the churche's occured, he saved only his sister Mary's burial and I think it was his father....whom another person was not whom his mother married. Hum. I spent some of the day gathering information on that. You know rather nitorious or not in their day, they sure did keep everyday life from being boring at the castle....and I always find it thard to think they were often married by age 9 to's a wonder they made it being pregnant back then being that young. Margaret was one such of these child-mothers in her era. Anyway, my sister just callled one little ole car...$800 an year for car insurance....they need to lower it for low income people to at least half that amount....and retired people also. It's her only car, so no second car discount you know...not good...another one of those things that needs changed more realistically. I go for now, granson beamed and showed me his next three appts...the last one he gets his braces off and he is so thin right now from lacki of eating from those braces. I hope he changes that one also. I must go for talk to you all later on. Have an good day. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 06:47 on 22nd January 2016 Hang on in there Shirley! Hi to POEsters wherever you are, whatever you're doing today...take care all. |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 15:38 on 22nd January 2016 Good Afternoon to all |
Rod Burkey Posts: 554 Joined: 2nd Sep 2008 Location: UK | Posted at 16:03 on 22nd January 2016 |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 04:42 on 23rd January 2016 Hi everyone...long day...full moon out there....went to the kid's house....their old 11 year old dog passed away and spent time with the grandkids either moping or crying tonight. Not to much you can do but hold them and comfort them an bit. Took one of them his Birthday present. I got into wwrting about Barking, England last night and just finished with Woolwhich...Docks....and South-hall manor, and it has all the criteria of what I think could of been our New England Edward Larkin...ship-wright there...but the head man's name is Edward Boughton,..could his son or grandson taken on the Larkin name or assumed it? I know why he came to Boston/Charlestown, Massachuestts....they were building ships, and by they, I mean his "boss"from this area prior followed him over apparently. I know Edward was no farmer...he didnt' own enough land to farm but for himself if that....what are the duties of an ship-wright? AS for Barking, England, George Lawson left in hisi will to provide his dues to it be paid. Since he was an Reverand and possibly investing Gerntleman also, he owned considerable property. Barking is 9 miles from London..Grreewhich...Royal Place for the Tudor family. Woolwhich is 11 miles from London, both on the Thames River.Also took down the town of Lewisham, because of theLawson's over here writing their name upon arrival as Lewissone...some thing of that manner that sounds like and they have an long connection here with Cardinal William Warham in-laws in property exchanges.Most of those of Boston are known for thier unique " dilec"t in speech...very Irish sounding connections. The Kennedy family was so well known for it. In Kent there were some transplants of the name of Rochester Cathederal...and of course the useage of the name in Charles Dickens novel of "Larkin".That guy was an Doctor.... and I believe Templar Knight also. But anyway. I doubled my walking today to make it twice as far as yesterday. We will see if it made an difference or not. My son gave me an "talking to" about eating right and doing what needs to be done in my health like an true parent tonight, setting it straight with his kids. Hum. I made my first Bay Shrimp Omelet with Avacado festa topping for dinner tonghit with fresh berries, for my hubby...he got hash browns as was all legal on my Paleo diet.... and now I have to make the Paleo perfect meat loaf...they all go cross countryy skiing tomarrow with the Scout troop. While I get to stay here I guess you know and keep on walking and dieting... this morning I spent grocery shopping. So have an good to you later on.
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:12 on 23rd January 2016 Tell them not to eat the yellow snow Shirley! lol Have a greeat day POEsters wherever you are. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 03:02 on 24th January 2016 You make me laugh Ron...yellow snow...gesh!.....he finally came home and said that we could go somewhere next weekend. So, since they just issued an new program for senior citzens at Spirit mt. with discounts throughout the year...I'd like to go and get my card if possible next week, and maybe stay over night. Usually abou tthis time they have low room rates anyway. Ron, you can drink on this diet...not much but either half an glass of wine... or an 12 oz. beer if you favor it. I spent the day working on it and cooking. Walking also. But I do go to the stores now and see 80 per cent of them are not on this diet at all. Zippo and most the cooking shows don't ahere to much on the diet either. I went back into British History on line...checked out some more on Kent County near the Thams River and this Edward Boughten...I found out he was made to turn over to King Henry VIII two parcels of land and coulel others else where if our Edward Larkin is there...he had to leave the area.He had no choice. One of his relatives is Elizabeth Boughten,..she's in "Who's who of Tudor Women"...they said she was of Causton...and have not seen an thing of it before now. They say her mother was an Susan Brocket that sounds like of fishy to me, as I see some other names never associated with them through the years. She married Richard Wortley...I think I willcheck out see if it was Wheatley...possibly some more playing around with genealogies. Then they say from her second hubby, she produced an son named John Cavendish. .Much of this area goes back to an tie with John Gaunt and Ghent in Flanders history. I wonder if King Henry VIII rer-wrote things back in those days also.hey did the bible. Barking Abbey and St. Peter's Abby of Ghent were both Bendictine Abby's...Barking the oldest in England, St. Peter's the oldest in Flanders. John married Katherine Swyndow(?)...and her later chidren were given the name of Beaufort...and might I ask who was the one made the decision in Wikipedia to show their name pronounced "Beau-fart" George Lawson makes the statment there were problems with the "red rose" he was getting allhis posessions taken away from him. I found out that one of the around 900 AD, Wessex kings had married into this family as did his cousin also...they restored or set up some of these abby's apparently in both areas. Anyway, better get going for now. Talk to you all later on. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 18:39 on 24th January 2016 Good morning...just finished my walk for this morning. While Alaska had an 7.1 quake this morning, I woke up to find I had dropped by Blood Glucose down to from when all this started on Jan. 325...I'v went down 127 points in about 10 days...actually less if you consider it took me an couple days to set up the Paleo Diet routine.There was no damage other then things falling over in this quake...I consider it been an "God" quake of an sorts.Maybe Sarah Palin backing Donald Trump?...hard telling. Though we are told she and her family are extremely agressive people....they have all been arrested at sometime for brawling and fist fights in general. Anoither kind fo thing to take notice of this morning....Mexcio city's "Popo"'s shwoing red spots inside it's core right now....maybe more action to come and also where the quake was in Alaska...was in the cnter of three volcanoes also. Washignton D. C. is digging out from an snow storm...14 people have died. Rediculious to think of that happening in an big city. New week starts tomarrow...I hope I can lose another 20 points and I'm back to normal if I can stabilize it all. Talk to you later...have an good week. Doctor appt comes Wednesday moring...almost to early to see his office open for the day at 7:40 am. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:16 on 25th January 2016 Progress Shirley whichever way you look at it, hang on in there! Hi to all POEsters... |