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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 02:25 on 17th February 2016

James you been watching them dig up Capt Kidd's ship in an Bay of water down by Madagasar on TV...been rather interesting data. Your know that Queen Elizabeth I sent the pirates out to raid the ships coming out of Spain loaded with South American Gold don't you. She would not acccept knowledge of it, but it was her way to keep the cargo down and the wars away from England at the time. Back in the times when everything was gold guilted in it's day, particuarly furniture. I found my treasure here lately...been missing fo rsome what I call and "Trinty"'s three lines that swirl into the center of's Gold.

You guys over there know about the "Vlacks of Serbia" should...they practice witchcraft and use innocent children in rituals by drowning them..Plug it into your search engine and it comes up pretty quckly in wikipedia.

James your not looking Viking at all to me. But my neighbor married one...Cornette/Canut family in ancestory.I told her if things got to bead econimically...I send her out "plundering" and she just laughed...she's quite up in years now..but fairly mobile yet. Must of been all the walking around in the nieghborhood all those years when we first lived here. I always save my biggest home grown tomato every summer for her...she knows what they use to taste like...not like what they sell these days.

Ron...the newest Paelo magazine has an advertising page about them. Usually all the finer restruants in Portland are at the fish market when the Copper River Salmon comes in and it sells quickly also.My little yellow dafodils bloomed yesterday...I'd say an easy one month to early. I planted another 45 of them today also after my 2 mile walk at the Golf course...but three days is of rain...can't walk then hardly. I might sneak in an walk tomarrow though and today I was below 180 177...but holding on for dear life to keep it and keep going lower. Maybe this is the weekend to go to the's got excerise equiptment/pool/hot tub in doors and an free complimentary door at their restruant....great view also looking over the Columbia River. Though they claim the snow level is dropping around the time I'd need to go. Have to think abot it I guess.  So, I'm off to make some Chicken Waldorf Salad...and get ready for an busy day tomarrow...medical appt and come home and make my 50th wedding anniversary dinner with the kids. So will talk to later on. Going to rest an bit tonight before all the commotion tomarrow. also need to look up this's wild...child sacrific wonder we conintually have missing children these days. But they got an ritual to blind your mate if you want to cheat an bit on him by making him dring water from an blind cat, and an spell they use...and when they are over...they toss some red panties in the toliet....and he thinks she's been chase and an virtous woman....makes me wanna laugh!.... Beware of Red panties if you see them in your toliet guys. Talk to you later on.....

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:01 on 17th February 2016

You feeling okay Shirley?

As for that James and the avatar he uses don't you think it looks like somebody else you might have known from bygone days?

Now let me think, where did I put those red panties that were in the toilet...

Stay safe and sound POEsters with todays advice being watch olut for material things, and no I don't mean sure your okay Shirley? lol

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 04:29 on 18th February 2016

Hey, when it   comes to being "OK"...I work at it Ron, one day at a time. I went over and saw the Reverand today,he always leaves me with an good word to help me,You know the doctors told me I'd fail doing things my way...and I told him so. It bothered me at the time. He told me to enjoy my walk back home...and I did, the most peaeful one I've had in an long time. Dinner just abou tdone tonight and the sink drain plugs up on me, so by the time they all arrived here, hubby's working underneath the sink. We ended up scaking the stuff under the sink and letting things go until after dinner was done...Hubby says we got to wash our dishes th eold fashioned way, but can't to it up I guesshe took everything downstairs. Crikey,,,where's te papaer plattes...I think we need an new disposal in our sink...I don t this it's as effecent at chopping stuff down as good as it use to we keep getting our pipes clogged up and it backs up into the sink. I had an huge green lettece salad and let people put on top their choice fo cherry tomatoes, choope dup avacado, or cucumbers and crutons, and two different choices of dressing. Then roast beef...mashed potatoes...chicken mediallions...roasted carrots and onions, brown gravy, straberry shortcake with whip cream and finished i toff with two small cakes, one chocolate, one caramel...Oh, and double sized flakey biscuts.All cleaned up now. 

Sorry about the red panties, but I thought it was the stranges "news" coming out of Russina territory these days Ever so once in an while I come across some gooidies in news. .Trumps smarting off here recently saw his ratings go way way down. Not to mention all the so called enemies he's accmulating also. Its' going to be an tough election coming up this time...people still don't like what they see for politicians. We need to get to working on our leadership these days.

The rain has come in now...for a couple days again. Walk when I can...but I need an lot of help in getting these Gloucose readings down and kept down. It seems my grandson made it into emergency today, he has an enlarge spleen....shared his soda drink with an girl and may of caught mono...his mother says...I thought you had to kiss  her to get mono...and we started teasing him. It's really quite serious though in ways. They think it's leaving his system now as it's last retreat out of his bode. That's why the kids haven't been around my house here to much lately apparently. He's about that age though...Freshman in high school. I asked his mother if it was safefor him to eat off my silverware...maybe I should bleach it?...she laughed....and he was embarrased... I wonder if she's using paper plattes and plastic silverware these days. Hum. Been awhile since we had to deal with anything of this nature in our house. Think I should tell him to beware of red panties?..... I think I'll go for tonight and rest an bit....Wild day today.They ask you as you go into to be tested....have you been this an question just for blondes or what? ....Talk later on...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:43 on 18th February 2016
Good Evening to all--a bit lateSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:10 on 18th February 2016

Well, Good morning James...drip drip, it's raining walking I'm into Gypsies and Mexican Land grants.. after the treaty they made leaving California to the US. My ancestor you know was Thomas Oliver Larkin and his last wife was reported to been Mexican...and he refused to give up his American Citizenship...but what he did is he bought their children land grants off this treaty in Glenn County, California along both sides of the Sacremento River to the tune of 44,364 acres in 1844...known as the Rancho' Larkin's covers nowadays three small incorporated towns and then he hired John S. Williams to run his new rancho. Most of the land has of course been sold since then. I am readnf of the general area they were into either cattle or sheep until an ddrought era forced them into fruit orchards...and of course sheer population took over from that as years went by.

The other thing I've been looking up is "Gypsies" whom many thought came from it has the most of them, nearly half of their 2 million population. But they came they came from the early 5th century fron northern India.They were the ones though that first came out with "Belly Dancing"....and living on the road to no where. they have an nasty reputation to helping themselves if they need anything and you have it...and Hitler slaughtered them in WWII...without thinking twice appparently....into the hundred's of thousands of them. They have evolved to today's most segreated society because they refuse to join ctzenship to any partcular country...or it's rules and regulations. They say because of that ther death rate is higher by 10 to 15 years earlier for lack of help. They excel in music and the arts of dancing/entertainment for the most part as they travel..and of course reading tarrot cards and sometimes the men will do metalwork and such skills they use to survive daily. They call themselves the Romani people these days. They apparently have some kind of union representation hoping to help them with passports, to see thier survivalbilty.... without national offiliation of any country.

Other then that went out thrift shooping for an bigger flower vase to put my anniversary flowers in, and I have roses now in full bloom in another vase from Valentine's day. I'm cold, thinking of building an fire upstairs here. My neighbors took off this morning..... pulling their small trailer.  Other then that it's just an drip drip day talk to you later on.....

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:20 on 19th February 2016
Hi to all POEsters...
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 00:06 on 20th February 2016

Hi, glad to hear it's anna's birthday...time for you to get off diet instead of me....wish her well and take her out for an steak dinner. It's been an long winter so far....but today...our first tulip is opening up...and this rainy of now will be long gone most of next week so I can get back out and walk. ZI was looking out my kitchen windows to clouds that were purple as they started coming over the upstairs was dark enough to turn lights on, so thought I'd come in here and rest for an bit as I talk...looked out the window on this side of the house and some lady with her big dog is trying to run the olympics back to her house with heavy rain fallling on them...she was running though and giving it her best effort. We were up at Mt. Hood one time when we were younger having an BBQ...and sunny out..and we hear what sounds like lightenign and thunder...sure enough...that's what it was....we ran like crazy to get to thei shelter area tofind everyone in the park someone grabbed the big plastic tablecloth off the table and stoood outside the shelter with each one of us holding an corner of the tablecloth over our heads. Kind of did in our burgers though.

I spent the last couple hours shopping an making "Paelo" zuchiine soup with roasted chicken for lunch all next week and an late night snack if I want also, some chicken waldorf salad for hubby's lunch and some raspberries for making an vingrette salad....and I got some hamburger meat...the XX-fat free kind for hamburger tonight to go with an Tropical Krab salad....with pasta and green peas in it. I can do it guys....I can get into clothes four sizes smaller then what I use to wear...if they have strechy waistbands in them. Of the clothes I bought yesterda only one of them would not fit me comfortably...but I think another 10 pounds off and all should be good for wearing this summer. I'm also washing towels, and forgot all about I better get them in the drier and as far as I'm concerned....we could go somewhere ourselves this weekend. Even paid my bills today. So have an good weekend everyone and enjoy later on.  ( Take an nice walk and enjoy Spring coming in right now).

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 06:05 on 21st February 2016

Well, today started out blah!...I felt as if I was dying having two bouts of diareha for some reason. I did manage to walk three miles, but two of those miles felt very "out of it" having had one session of this in an portta potty at theGolf course this morning...then we ran into my husband's boss and his wife..."walking" like we were doing, which wasn't so good today..very slow walk.  Came home an checked my blood glucose it had risen severly to 290 from the stomach cramps and what not.  Emergecny emdical responce as at the Golf course also, as if they knew someone was having problems. So came home and made the mail an ddecided to go pay off Kohl's Dept store with the last payment on Christmas...made it half way there...could feel the urge more diareaha was coming on...stopped at McDonald's outside thier bathroom and never made just came, couldn't stop got back in and came home to clean myself up...been in bed the rest of the day.  Trying to rehydrate myself and keep food down me. Ihave no idea what started this off either. I was though having problems with it couple years ago, but it went away on it's own. Don't know if it's an mild heart attack or not...but I get the feeling it's my neighbor's drinking...he's an young kid, he always manages to park his car out front when one of these episodes he lives here ro something. . Last time they hauled him away by ambulance...and yes, he's an young one. You can not drink much when your diabetic. I think back then he went in and go tisluin to balance it out...but that's dangerous to do. You have to adhere to your diet...and I know it's's hard for me as well....but it helps to make friends that are our own age withe the same problem...kind of an support group so as to say.A I feel an  any rate I feel an little better but conisering emergency if it keeps up....though I can hardly afford it right now. 

I found something I'd like to question....wikipedia about, it's what they have to say on the German name of Straughan...whicn is one of my mother's ancestor's also. They lumped summed them into the McGarth-Brayfamily of Scotland.  One of our ancestor's sent me an Coat of arms, with an stag on it from German ancestory.....and I've never seen our lineage akin to Scotland except through the Percy family. But they recently have records of them being prior to the Lawson's area as preachers...this would be Cardinal William Warham(Larkind in the USA. So it is they have been left out in German records apparently. Reads were "Quakers"...these people should not be hard to find in Germany. They did not change their name to Reed until they got to Ohio. One of the Reeds/Reads worked at Ditton Manor where Queen Mary was raised as an child, mother of Catherine Aragon and married most unhappily to King Henry VIII. If Scotland comes into the picture it may of been through her. I am understanding that according to an publication many years ago I picked up at Washington D. C.....the "Blue hens" were Col. George Washington's private spying troop fo rthe Revilutionary War on the where about s and doings of the British troops.....Part of this legacy includes "Trories" in it.  How would an person get ahold of "English" records for German's back in this guess is blacksmith's or ammunitions makers....some of them I know were with Admiral Amherst before the war started.  I feel bad that tehy have been left out of an legacy.

I bought an book callled "Paul" about apostle Paul because he was at their house when Jesus was cruicifed...and after he left  on his ministry....they crucifed the house owners he left thier names in the bible...not to forget them...but as things go...the New Standarized Bible leaves them out now. So it is maybe they could use some help? This book says it discusses his travels from Rome to Britain and I'm hoping it gives some insight to far it's merely re-tellling the bible...where Paul appears in them....but we will see if anything comes about.

For now I go, but sure am glad with this that I didn't go up to Cascade Locks for an over nighter....cause as I said, had it gotten an worse...I would of had to drive about hour to get back here and to the hospital.At least my mamogram test came back "normal" I go for now...and hope tomarrow is an better day....and my  nieghbor changed the white car for an red one took it's place for an bit today.  I hope my blood glucose goes back down to normal, jumping from 155 to 290 is significant, esp in an short time....he's moved his car back up to his house again I see. We have had words on it before kind of... as it's dangerous where he parks it out in front of our house...on the corner.  But I can take it for an hour or so, last time it was over an week before I said anything. His parents are her with her kids and him with his kids and to many of them for the house they live in...all teenagers or older. It's an shame they can't do something about his diabetes...he should go see Dr. Christopher Wilde...get help and get rid of it once an for all.....At any rate be hypnotised to not drink...that might help also...stop it while he's he can enjoy his life. I have explained ot hsi parents already while it's listed as research tissue culture operative,.... the medical care is for free. He might have to pay for the hosptial stay, but most healthi insurace would pay fot that..if he carries any. If not his parents should get some for him. I think they can do that until he's 21 years of age.Anyway...I go for now. Talk later on. 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 01:57 on 22nd February 2016

Well, I spent in the emergency hosptial most the day while they took tests on me and then upped my metaformin by 500 more mgs...I todl them I"m expected to pass an a1c test next month.. Guess what one of it's side effects is...dirarehea. When I walked in my blood glucose was showing 381...and apprently that's what they do....shoot you with insluin to bring it down...when I left it was reading on my meter 229 and on their meter...240. I feel this is an no win situation right now....just an lot of money out the door. Money we dont have and if we did have it by brother wouldn't be divorcing his wifey in April....if he really is. He's an chronic lier also...besides giggalo.

But anyway, I'm I'm going to go for now. Where are the doctors that actually "cure" people...I keep hearing they are out there, but where are they? niece ended the visit by taking my blood Glucose...Emily...she's now working as an nurse there at the hospital. Talk later on. We got our two miles walk in early today and as we were leaving it was beginning to rain...just barely made it. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:29 on 22nd February 2016

Sorry to hear of the problems you are still having Shirley, hope today/tomorrow is a better day for you.

Can'thelp with the Straughan question either.

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