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Good Day "63"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:52 on 3rd February 2016
Good Afternoon --all ok ??Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 03:24 on 4th February 2016

Kind of an kinky day out..woke up to an crimson red sky this morning, giving away to rain by noon, as so said the weather man. Moved my house around this afternoon and in came the LDS church with two young ladies...and we talked some, as I use an lot of their geneaology records at times. As  always the devout.. she felt her bible was the true word of God. I wanted to say...all those of faith believe that statement no matter what they call themslves by.

Today is my sister's birthday, can'  ..tget ahold of her, wonder if she went to dinner at Mary's tonight...suppose to come by here Friday morning for breakfast with me. Long day...short on time, talk later on...Have an good evening everyone.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:57 on 4th February 2016

Hi to all POEsters...

How's the Rhubarb growing?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 14:06 on 4th February 2016
Good Afternoon to all--got no Rhubarb now Ron --only blooms,roses,and a few acer trees
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 19:56 on 4th February 2016
Not may that I know like rhubarb, but try it in a crumble.....lovely!
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 18:47 on 5th February 2016
Good Evening to all Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 21:46 on 5th February 2016

I have tried to grow Ruhbarb for years with no I gave up on it...but it does take an lot of sugar to keep your nose from bundling up somewhat...with sour-ness. I had an ruhbarb cake receipe, one of the gals gave some 30 years ago in the nursing home I worked at...maybe 45 years ago.  People don't want me to grow anything here, so I can starve to death I guess. That's what thier yards are also...grass...but it's that way by their choice reminds me of an prison compound at times. I just took my sister out to Shari's for her birthday, but can't say it was the best of service in ways this time around...she couldn't eat all her meal because she doesn't have the teeth for it...something she mentioned that she'd like to change. 

I have been going up in my blood glucose the last two was down to it's risen to I don't know... if it doesn't come down and stay down..I may have to call Washington D. C. and their hot line they asked for people having any problems with this I haven't changed the diet. I walked earilier this morning...but have some more to do before I go shopping for the super bowl this weekend, if I do. Been trying to clean out my freezer slowly also...well, actually it's the kid's freezer...and real junker they gave me after mine went out some years ago, It  was July 4th, so when the Reverand came around the corner...I was making "fry bread" out in front of my house and passing it off to everyone for July 4th...I told him I could use some of God's strength to keep me going that day and he complied with that one, he put out his hand anf grabbed mine...and I felt the surge of energy coming through him...I spent the day cleaning and defrosting and buying another freezer...and I've never like the's an chest type and I'm to short to reach the bottom handling meats that weigh up in bulk.  He made comment of the fire works that day going off...saying he wish he had the money from them to feed people with, instead of seeing them go up in the air..wasted.. but he understood it was an Holiday also..He's an very practical REverand knowing not everyone has food much to eat these days. So I go for now and next week is four days of sunshine and one of them it's suppose to hit 60 degrees. I think I have some tulip bulbs around here to's not just an normal Feburary this year and wonder what's ahead for this year....I can't take heat either. Something put on my medication I'm taking..heart problems and heat don't mix very well, and I think is what caused my sister in-law's death In Washington State.  Enviromental protection agency was out in the area yesterday also...wonder for what..and if it got resolved.I go fo rnow....we di dhave some tramission problems going on in both our car and our TV set again...maybe my diet problem?.......have an good day everyone!.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 08:26 on 6th February 2016

Thought I would come in tonight....I was one day late on this 6.4 Tiwian Quake..I mentioned to give about 48 hours on it...should of added another day, but all these time zones...I kind of get lost in them...I was worried about I checked on it they had 8 small quakes...four at anchor point where they just has thierlarge quake an four more scattered about those. Things seem to be rocking and rolling here lately. Thsi oen caused some damage and deaths...but the thing really go tme in the news today was the crane that feel in New York City....almost anun-thought of ocurance happening. I hear your busting out with rain over there right now in the UK. I'm still climbing in my blood glucose readings this morning...I've no ida why. Maybe something wiht sensing thiw quake...will see how it goes tomarrow...I walked an mile an half today. 

I was reading over your guy's postings....I doubt if James would want to have to go through this weight losing bit that I do....I understand my sister in-law went in person to go see if my brother got thier dog's medication and she says she got bitched out by him, an told her... he never wanted to see her again. Really hurt her feelings. I toldl her and you wanted me to go over there...glad I didn't. She's not contesting the divorce, but I guess her lawyer is working him over just the same. I still think he's spirit posessed by King Henry VIII...with Satan thrown in for some of it also. He needs to go see an wver you spell the word.  In thw meantime Dee Dee came down sick with an cold I guess...she's still at her aunt's house....licking her proverbial wounds I guess you could say. 

It's raining here tonight...and I'm getting ready for the super bowl game, bought hubby an half case of beer to start the year out right...and the game. Got some nacho stuff and toaco chips, and coupe cakes and fresh veggies and thought I'd make some chili also....of course I can' teat any of this stuff exactly. Well, maybe the fresh veggies.

Puppy Bowl XII is on animal planet...and if you have never seen it, it's quite cute. It comes on at 3 pm...with some kind fo fancy fluffy chickens for the cheer leaders. .They play on an real football statium kind of also. First time Isaw it was last year and thought it really cute.....;Prince William's son...George would enjoy it I know. It's late so I best get going to bed. Long day today and my ears are ringing like crazy tonight. I found out some interesing history last night but I'll tell you maybe in the next posting. Concerns King Arthur.  Talk to you later guys...and gals and football fans.....Place your bets as they say.

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editPosted at 04:13 on 7th February 2016

Good day, go thubby to walk with me today...2 miles but we have blown it eating cake and nacho's with chips for dinner. Ok, on thispost...I'll try to condense it.  You all know the story of King Arthur, his castle called Tingel along the English coast....his knights and the round table, he's betrayals and his last fight where Modren kills him and he's taken back and laid to rest at said "mythical" Avalon. But di dyou know.....

Avallon, France...not to far from Paris sits about in the center of was in past times an forteress on an rocky kind of hill where travelers could obtain fresh horses. The Roman citadel was said to ben early Christainized...called the mount of Martyers. in the eyar 470 ad...the Roman Briton King named Riothamus died in the neighborhood fighting Vigoths...and was laid to rest. His sotry in the area kind of has made him an the real King this time the area was callled the Dutchy of Burgany. One of the Castles in Avallon area is callled Chateau de Chastellux owned by the same people for over 1,000 years. It was an 8 towered fortress guarded and marked during the time when Joan of Arc and Burganians were fighting the French and that of the American Revolution as the Marquis de Chastellux was an great friend of General George Washington and cousin of Lafeyette.

Near by is the Roman Catholic Diocese of Autun, an small village. it has teh cathederal of St. Laurine, and relics of Lazaurus and the cult of Mary Magdalena. Its history starts in 356 AD....and they say the area was founded during the rein of Emperor Augustus (63BC to 14 AD)...his maternal line that of Julius Ceasar. The Diocise of Autun includes the ruins of a Bendictine Abby of Taurnas and teh Abby of Cluny to which 2,000 monestaries were subject. They list teir first Bishop c. 270 AD. George Plangent was in this area due to his sister Margaret of York marrying Charles the Bold. But he started the wine making industry for the Clunic monks to help keep all these monestaries spread though out Europe, mianly England... operating in their day...and why he was drown in an vat of wine, to drown for his death in England....also called George, Duke of Clarence we will get to this an bit later. 

Back to Riothamus...we find his name evolves from the earliest of Breton England. His also said to be assoicated with Ambrosius Aurelisnous said King Arthur also, then later an uncle of King Arthur's father Uther Pendragon, and leader in the 5th centruy.

Bu tthere is another interesting faucet to these people...Saint Leger..or Leodegar (c. 615-679) whom was an Maryterd Burgundian and an Bishop of Autun. The St. Leger family is so famous they have an separate entry in Wikipedia...the were the in-law of the Cardinal William Warham...ousted by King Henry VII for not allowing his divorce to Catherine of Aragon...and whom married them to begin with...for Thomas Wolsley instead. It is saidthat the family of St. Legar is an old Anglo-Irish family with German roots, later transformed into "Sellingar: or some such...which I've never heard I've never seen over here in the states either in genealogy....the name goes back also to 1,000 years...hum. It is first recorded in England as Lord of the manor of Ulcombe in Kent County which also deals with William Warham area. Thsis man was said to been the Sheriff of Kent in 1430. 

Supposedly Robert St. Legar assisted William the Conqueror off his boat before the Battle of Hasting and as far as I've read on this his friend the Percy family was also at hsi side...and it apppears they all had connections with the Templar KNight's and several crusades earlier. Sir Anthony Leger, knight of the order of the Garter, brought Ireland under the CRown, having served five terms, fo rthat he was given Leeds to Caderbury Cathederal and is where Cardinal William Warham was laid to rest. Some of the French Leger's were well known in the era of the an trmplar master. British on line now has in list of of celergymen of Geroge Lawson's will an Robert Warham, the grandfather of Cardinal William Warham.

One last tidbit...coming out of Autun on the eve of the persecution of Septimius Stevens, assinging to St. Irenaus, two priest's and a deacon (St. Bengigaus, Andorhis and Thyurus)...all these whom depart for Autun...era on St. Irenaus is ca. by his death in 251 ad. ...AS to St. was marytered because he spoke up agianst the murder of the innocent Christains after Jesus crucification and because he refused to worship what he called an idol token and not Jesus. When I was doing reasearch work on the Roman's building roads through Britain it in it's  early day it took me back to an connection named very similiar to Thyrus...where the Apostle Paul was staying within the household before he embarks on his gospel mission of converting Christains...and those left in this household were afterward marytered for being Christians...Paul remembered them by putting them in the last chapter of one of the books in the name.  As for the Franks in this area later on, there is also an King Theriry in thier legacy in FRance in the Burgany area. This concerns the elegacy of not only hubby but of my maternal lineage also in much of Europe.I found all kinds of miracluous dealings with these saints back then.

All information was gleamed off Wikipedia and toruist/history information of the areas mentioned.  Now I wonder if this was the "mystic" isle of Avallon of King Arthur or not. I suppose he should be remember not where he came from but that he in his time callled upon humanitarian traits and valor in mankind....truth and honestly. This si abut as short as I can write this article and hope it's not to long to read.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:26 on 7th February 2016

Certainly a long post Shirley but always interesting from you and that Ambrosius bloke, wasn't he something to do with a pudding? lol Only joking Shirley...

Have agreat day POEsters.

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