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Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 01:22 on 8th January 2016 Hi there still...where?...moving about......LOL, great memory correct..laughs* You people have heard of the bible code correct...where they figure out the future days by taking in an mathimatical code of some kind from the bible...someone posted one over in earthboppin...and it said that on the left side it answers many questions people have been whose going to be the 2016 Presidential the left sideis Donald I took an look at says when it's all done and over with..he will be considered an "big bag of wind".....first time I ear heard that one....first time I ever heard that one coming out of the bible codes. He is certainly making things "Nasty" though in how he challenges people.I had to laugh reading that's like G,W.Bush replied to the lady when she said that she thought he'd probably be glad when it was all over....and he says,.... Who cares what you think?...then hushed it up as the media mentioned it...and became sweet and kind...said it was an joke.. As our webmaster gets a little more crazier every year these days and no one knows houw to get it stopped any more. I've had 3 hours sleep in the last 24 hours and feel like my brain was sucked out with it revolving in thinking almost as fast as I could think...Ok downloaded think I will go for now and sleep some more. Roses, keep them on thier toes while I make ZZZZzzzz's...... Have an good evening everyone. |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:46 on 8th January 2016 There you go Roses, Shirley is asking questions and hope you will respond, interresting stuff Hi to all POEsters... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 09:24 on 8th January 2016 Good Morning --have a nice day |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:00 on 8th January 2016 Good morning!....I don' tknow if she's the same roses I sent something to when living in Florida or not...she'd have to answer that one herself. I've been watching some interesting shows here is an group of guys going around the country side demolishing old houses for the wood in them, seems the older they are, the more likely they were originally built as pioneer cabins with huge massive wood foundations...then as years later they were added to in outside wood siding and roofs of steel. Those timbers were so thick, they didn't need insulation really...and set down so well they didn't need chinking between them either. They are getting about 5 slices of wood planking from every timber they used and in perfect condition, they are about 200 years old knots in the wood like we get these days. Sometimes they take the wood an re-construct the houses, but mostly they use it to decorate the houses they build these days..mind you in one house it was made without an naiil in it and still stanidng perfectly 300 years laterr in Virginia. I also watched them take an "shed" and thier cost to make it into an small house was was $27,000 dollars, most of tht cost was moving it to where they sold it for $44,000. It contained an loft, full kitchen open floor concept, bathroom and an partioned off bedrrom to one side at floor to the bathroom. These people were not professional hous builders, but ordinary folk needing more room. Sunny day...I slept two hours of 3 hour naps yesterday, but still was sleeping from 3 am to 11 am today...not to bad unless I need to get up earlier in the day. Still getting my drawers up nto par and going through my clothes for this year. I'm seeing my printer says it's "off line"...and I wonder if when he took me off Internet Explorer and put me into Fox fire...both on google...if that's the problem, we had originally formatted our printer to do it's work using Internet Explorer and this just plainly sucks when I have to access information off web sites. Such as the castles I'm writing about..... as the history comes more alive when you can add an colored picture of what your talking about. I go for sleeping to noon doesn't leave to much of an day othewise...if ya know what I mean. When I was in school an term report I did was on house building styles..took me months, and James Wright whom sat behind me in Bookeeping offered his services of hand drawings for my report...he died later on in Vietnam with his brother George. I got an "Excellent"..".A" grade on the report. I use to have several teachers back then that made comments on my reports, after giving me an "A" on teacher wrote..."your an beautiful person Shirley"...I hope you get your wishes on world events of peace and what needs to accomplish that someday. I think one reason I loved school.... and still learn to love learning new things. I feel sorry for most kids these days....they don' t get that kind of encouragment. So I go for now..have an pleasant day everyone. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:10 on 8th January 2016 Sorry about the entire post was swiped in earthboppin before I came in here...might of had somethng to do with it all. I don' t go back and post anythng when that happens...don't feel I can spare the time to do so in my busy life. Mispellings leave me fustrated... and I think that's why whomever does this to me also. He or she wants me to look like I'm illiterate for the most part for "control" issues. They shall get it all back to themselves. God's justice is to give back what others give out to they understand the fustration others feel. I go for now. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 23:57 on 9th January 2016 an bit of an delicate seems that Mr. Bill Gates let his new phone application with voice recongnition to be callled "Siri" Scandinavian name for "Victory" that in Japanesse means bottoms/ass/and even penis to some of them....what have they done to my name of Shirley these days. But not to be forgotten, and old hermit lady next door where my parents lived was name "Glady's" and I use to call her lovingly "happy bottoms"....actually until we came along she lived much an "hermit" but then mom took her over food to share some days, and dad use to mow her lawn for nothing...mainly to keep the fire hazzard down...and chase her huge gopher snake away. She was an carry over from the MIller-Kidder family in town, mertntile busimess of an Hardware store and our old house there, built by the MIller family...after it was desecrated and burned down..Mr. Kidder bought the one time school mate. Glady's had been an widow for upteen years. She stacked things in her house mile high and all over. She use to occasionally lock herself out of her house, which she seldom went outside unless absoutely necessary...and dad would go over an help her by opening up an side bedroom window and pushing her through "butt first"...whcih she liked doing I think. Then one day her house caught on fire...and they came out ....throwing everything they could get out the door and into the front lawn to save for her. That's when we learned she had "stock certificates" from the Natrual gas company probably from the days they first started operating as an business....amid other things...that made her in today's world quite wealthy. Well, they made her move out of her burnt house, into an assisted aparment complex on the ground floor to live "comfortably" for the rest of her days.Being taken care of with an housekeeper daily. Story goes....we people are not always so bad off as being called "bottoms" for short. When I think of the name of "Siri" I think of "Shirley" which was an early name for English villagers..comimg from the word "shire"..but I also see connotations of the star of Sirus" involved and of course the buggy called an Surry with the frindge on top.for transporation in the horse days.Let's make it clear...I don' tlook anything like an Penis exactley and I hope MR. Gates is an "Victory" in getting this new application going well in the days ahead without the whispers behind his back of it's worse possible meaning of the name. The Shirley Plantation is the only colonial Virginia estate in the country that has never had outside help in running it and has never went bankrupt either. It ran by the HIll family in early days and they were the maternal line that comprises my hubby's grandmother legacy..or one of them. The house has never had an Federal interevention to running it either. Larkin", Murphy's, HIll and Lawson internamrried..from early days in Virginia. The wife of the Rockfellers that built Colonial Williamburg is an Larkin also.... So goes for today's news.
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 19:02 on 10th January 2016 Heiress to a fortune then Shirley? And trust you to report on the Bill Gates problem. lol |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 05:13 on 11th January 2016 Yeah, something like that any rate. I started today by going out and buying my grandson his birthday present, anew top mattress for his bed. I hope he's enjoying it right now. Birthday not for an couple of weeks, but he really needed this...something I discovered making his bed up in new Flannel Moose sheets for Christmas. Also picked me up an new Paleo Diet plan book, some Megga 3 heart vitamins and some probitoics for women to start the year out right. Laid down and slept half the night. Hubby had built me an fire roasty and toasty. Cold out, but nice weather right now Say, I heard Britain is considering not allowing Donald Trump inside the country for his wild remarks he's been making. But gosh, he's claiming he has 10 Billion dollars and the most likely one politically to buy off the Government if elected. For us americans it's just anotherr crazed citizen these days, but I do worry if elected if he could get us in an wrorse war then we could imagine over nigtht with his mouth..Every day is an new day as they say. It must not be easy these days in Washington D. C. Tell Sarah happy birthday for me..gotta run for now. Keep reading this book I just bought. I'm sure glad I made an big kettle of Chili yesterday...instant dinner today..just piled on the nacho chips and sprinkled with cheese and heated the whole bowl up in the microwave. Talk later on... |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:56 on 11th January 2016 Thanks Shirley, will pass on your good wishes to Sarah for her birthday yesterday. Hi to all POEsters... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 13:34 on 12th January 2016 Good Aternoon all--a little late to-day Dentist appointment |