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Good Day "63"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:19 on 31st December 2015
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Posted at 02:10 on 1st January 2016
LOL....Happy New Year James and to all my dear P.O.E. friends....Laughing
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 02:42 on 1st January 2016

James,,,I think you may be having lots of company here pretty soon as to the picture least your drinking some of the good stuff...Jack Daniels. I'm on my hubby's second bite of chocolate cake...I told him if he's going slower this year...he'd best get caught up. Truck is fixed, for now, but we realize it's in bad shape and in need of replacing it. Can't think abou tit until after the taxes are done though for this year. Kid's are going to the mountain tomarrow ...was hoping to see the kids before they go back to school again. ASked him if he'd like to have dinner tomarrow and he said, don' tknow when we get back exactly...bu tthey have plenty of restruants and snack shops up there also....I'm sure it will be open.  Bopp in earthboppin said he shut down google...web master...why I have no idea, what other servers are there besides google?...but its not an thing he usually does...have no idea what the problem is perhaps someone impersonating me in something I have no idea about? I have been unable to sleep the last two nights....last night was the worst.....just felt like an magnetic pull from the moon for some reason, and it was shining in my face and over our house. I wartched this small plane in the air....doing zigzags all over the sky last night, maybe the east winds affecting his abilty to fly or he had been imbibing while in flight. He was zig-zagging off toward the Southeast....probably singing Ald Laud Signe. I go for now...Dee Dee and I just been talking...she headed out to an masquerade party tonight....she made it back to Eugene. Busy is not gone until after this weekend around our house. So take care everyone.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:23 on 1st January 2016

Thanks James, Dolores and Shirley. Hope things work out for you guys also.

Hi to all POEsters...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 16:32 on 1st January 2016
Good Afternoon --all sober??-yes the "jack daniels" went down rather well -the trouble is when you open it everybody wants a dropSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:58 on 1st January 2016

Ok James, explain that one to me.....everyone puts a drop on their finger....holds it high to make the "toast" and lick like crazy before it dribbles down to the knuckle area?...LOL.... I've heard of "finger bowls" that what they used them for in the past.... Jack Daniels dipping?

I just made New Year's dinner...earliest I've ever done it, so there's another repeat platter of it in the "man cave"  refridgerator downstairs ready for micorwaving with an cold beer when he wants it.  Spiral Ham on top of baked beans, green beans, mashed potatoes, tomato/egg salad with mayonaise dressing and just an touch of mustard in it,...and chunky apples in cinnamon and cheese/onion fritter bread. He still has his chocolate cake also.

I watched Ryan's rocking New Year's Eve last night, l saw an few fireworks in the nieghborhood and callled it an night, went to bed..and woke up nearly 12 hours later. Things done, my fireplace callls me now to relax and watch some TV, he has the wood stove going downstairs and both cats look "serene" right now, it's really cold outside right now... so .talk to you later. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:22 on 2nd January 2016

Sounds like the perfect day Shirley for once?

Hi to all POEsters...made any 'new year resolutions'?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 12:24 on 2nd January 2016
Good Afternoon to allSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:41 on 2nd January 2016

Yes Ron, in several months and definately from the last few weeks..closer to normal times around here. I went today to get some things for dieting here soon if possible. But I can't find the "new" 100 calorie "boost" drink and I thought waking up early that it would help to drink one then and then later on another for my 200 calorie breakfast....kind of stretch it out with the drinks. I'll have to keep looking for it I guess.   They put an hunger controller in it also, beside the vitamins and fiber.

I started out this morning watching them build an tiny  home "trailer"...two guys did it themselves....I liked the entire glass front...on this 18 foot bed...bathroom and in front of the glass an bar area that could be accessed from the outside also by lifting up the's the kicker....they made an fold up and fold down wall in front of the glass....fits into the unit....and off in an angle when closed, when open the bottom half is an patio porch, on stilts and the top an awning like cover....they used all light steel making it...except for the glass...has an fold down sofa in front of the door along the opposite wall and it makes into an bed under the staircase going up to the loft. They used an "bullet" tool for putting the steel into the wood frame work, it topped out in weight at 7,200 pounds.Very simple, it looked nice and was easy hauling. They opened up the windows and outside had about six people sitting on barstools "conversing" with an drink...possibly an pull down tv set in front of them also from the ceiling. Gave them the option of having as many people as they wanted out in front of the trailer for visiting and sitting by an fire pit and BBQing. They built it for one of the guys to go on his honeymoon. They figured it cost them, $50,000 and they each split half the cost..used top grade materials in it. Interesting show from start to finish.

Guys are out doing trees(Scout re-cycle) and it is soooo cold out there today with this east wind. Suppose to change...but will it be snow flurries or freezing rain before it turns to rain is the question. One of the Native Americans we use to be able to listen to for information told us one time to watch the bush leaves...if they shrivel will be freezing rain, if they don't it will be snow. I guess I go for now...cats can't figure out why I won't let them ouside to play with the sun out...last I heard it was 27 degrees outside, windchill even lower then that....Talk later on...enjoy your weekend and don't  forget to use 2016 on any paper work this week,,,esp. checks.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:02 on 3rd January 2016

Morning/afternoon to all POEsters

What will you be doing this year that is different to 2015?

Me, well I'll keep taking the tablets...

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