Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Photography Chat

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ThreadRepliesViewsStartedLast Post
In Remembrance of PoE member John Ware7369717th June 2011 13:56
by poe
20th June 2011 19:16
by Barbara Shoemaker
To All POE Photographers
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
50987328th December 2010 11:36
by cathyml
10th June 2011 21:14
by Ruth Gregory
Who Enjoys A Challenge?
Pages: 1 2 3 4
36771829th May 2011 13:55
by cathyml
10th June 2011 07:52
by cathyml
Photo Comments
Pages: 1 2
1856943rd June 2011 16:33
by cathyml
8th June 2011 18:03
by cathyml
Digital photo frame question?2179129th May 2011 16:10
by Vince Hawthorn
29th May 2011 16:53
The Sheep Make the Shot
Pages: 1 2
1130047th February 2011 03:48
by Ruth Gregory
28th May 2011 20:25
by Dave John
µ4/3 Micro Four Thirds7279722nd May 2011 10:1323rd May 2011 15:44
Pictures illustrating English Sayings
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
992389429th July 2010 16:18
by cathyml
18th May 2011 09:43
by cathyml
Digital slide/negative scanners
Pages: 1 2
11567017th March 2011 14:26
by Michael Smith
15th May 2011 18:45
by Rod Burkey
Colour Management5289116th April 2011 11:28
by Rod Burkey
17th April 2011 10:31
by Rod Burkey
Favorite View from my Bedroom Window
Pages: 1 2
1036636th April 2011 17:40
by Barbara Shoemaker
14th April 2011 22:38
by Ruth Gregory
When is a photograph not a photograph?422096th April 2011 23:14
by Sally Birch
8th April 2011 15:26
by Mick Carver
Featured Photographer (2) March 2011 - Peter Evans8297426th March 2011 17:10
by cathyml
30th March 2011 13:20
by Marjorie Pope
A list of English Counties visited with Whistle Stop Tours4247317th October 2010 19:42
by cathyml
30th March 2011 10:26
by cathyml
English Counties - Whistle Stop Tour
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 8 9 10 11 12
1182496311th August 2010 18:18
by cathyml
30th March 2011 10:08
by cathyml
Featured Photographer - Feb 2011
Pages: 1 2
1848534th February 2011 17:50
by cathyml
30th March 2011 10:05
by Mick Carver
Pages: 1 2 3 4
3461004th October 2010 08:36
by cathyml
30th March 2011 09:50
by Mick Carver
English Counties, Berkshire, A Whistle Stop Tour
Pages: 1 2
19100522nd September 2010 00:03
by Paul Hilton
28th March 2011 04:55
by Ruth Gregory
For Everyone - Picture Challenge (1) Favourite Sunrise/Dawn - Members' Favourites
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
69174974th March 2010 11:20
by cathyml
27th March 2011 18:39
by cathyml
Pages: 1 2 3 4
3064561st September 2010 09:03
by cathyml
26th March 2011 15:49
by Mick Carver