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Good Day "61"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:08 on 15th March 2015
Good Morning to all who are around --have a nice daySmile
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Posted at 17:40 on 15th March 2015
Good evening everyone, been a bit busy with people here for Mothers Day.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:48 on 15th March 2015

March 20th Spring Equinox and total solar eclipse comes March Dublin, Ireland they will see it at 92% totality, in London they will see it at 87 % totality, and at Reykjavik, north of you British it will be seen at 98 % totality...remember to not look at it driectly with out proper eye could damage your eyes.

I am reading nasty stuff in the taboids about Princess kate, wanting to raise her kids like she wants... over that of the Queen.....I hate those tabaloids like an passion.  She may be the Queen someday...and I'm sure everyone has their differences, I just don' t like this kind of trash. From what I understand, her second baby is due to be born iin come they can't focus on the happy news? Leave the steamy gossip to the Hollywood actresses and actors...that we are use to by their profession alone. But not with our top politicans and leaders....not that what they do should be hidden if it's bad stuff...but I feel William and Kate are at an age that they know how to raise thier own kids...and I'm pretty sure the Queen probably feels the same way. When you get older, you don' t wanna put up with " kid raising"'s your job to pass on the responsibilites and just enjoy them. 

I am reading my book, it's one of those "wisdom" books in style. I really related to his giving an omen of danger coming in an osasis as he was traveling in search of his "treasure".... which may end up being discovering his prupose in life over all.  They heeded his advice and then turned around an told him that if the battle didn' t come their way as he "forsaw"...that they would kill him instead....and that is very much the life of an "seer"...people want to be in the "Know" but then they want to prove you wrong and kind of like "kill you"...I've been putting up with it for many an year now. I have no desire to even "let" people these days know what I really know. One reason I am told by the computer guy that I'm, being tracked on- line as an "prediction" tool for those want to know what the future will he says...there are many time lines in the world...only god's is ordained...the rest you make for yourself. They armed themselves and indeed the enemy sneaked in the wee hours of the morning and they were able to surround them...and kill them all...they asked the commander of this force why they decided to attack the osasis..because it's traditionally unacceptable behavior, he said his fighting men were hungry and tired and looking for food and shelter. So goes...that kind of sounds an lot like "life"...just ask the homeless on the your need is often "attacked" by others before they even understand your plight in life going on.. So with that I go, and the skies are starting to clear up from our weekend of rain..and things shot out in bloom even more so from the nourishing rain..esp in my yard where three days ago I was laying down fertilzer on anticipation of rain.  Weatherman scores 100 % for his forcast for this weekend...YEA!

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:13 on 16th March 2015
Good Morning to all who around on this fine Spring day--nice and dry here and plenty of birds singingSmile
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Posted at 14:13 on 16th March 2015
Good afternoon everyone, it's not so Spring like here, it's overcast Frown
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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 15:56 on 16th March 2015

very cold and damp here as well, it looks better for the end of the week while we are down Newquay, or we are hoping ,


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Posted at 16:13 on 16th March 2015
I believe the forecast is better for mid week Pat, so you should be fine.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:37 on 16th March 2015

Windy and cold here also, but I still walked an mile today. I finsished my book...with the shepherd boy. He followed his dream, had his adventures and found his treasure under his feet where he started everything off at.  Learned an lot.

I'm working on background resource send off...I've covered Jersusalem, to Rome, to Germany and through Switzerland with the Roman Army building roads and doing battles enroute...I've arrived in Glastonbury, England and I'm into King Arthur. So I've covered from 25 BC to about 150 AD in some things and around 400 AD...600 AD in other things. With maps and identification of people  played key parts of history and area's enroute..and brief history. It's taken me several days on that alone. So I go now, as the day is gone pretty much. After I get thsi done, I have to xerox it all off so I have an copy to keep also. Talk later on...the diet is suffering right now also. Last night I watched the final season epsiode on National Geogrpahic of the search for Gold at Superstition Mountain... they may of found the mine but no Gold was there..250 people have lost their lives trying to get that far.  

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:23 on 17th March 2015
Good Morning to all who are aroundSmile
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Posted at 14:04 on 17th March 2015
Good afternoon everyone, not a bad day here.
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