Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

User Introductions

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ThreadRepliesViewsStartedLast Post
hello every1, im lookin for a new area to live in4108812th June 2011 13:25
by unique1
12th June 2011 19:47
by Karen Lee
Hello from Simon
Pages: 1 2
1121672nd June 2011 12:03
by Simon Beckham
4th June 2011 08:42
by Gonul
Hello from Wimborne, Dorset9150223rd May 2011 08:10
by Richard Buckley
27th May 2011 20:20
by Ruth Gregory
Hello from Lymm in Cheshire8160321st May 2011 21:07
by Norman Pimlott
22nd May 2011 22:04
by Ruth Gregory
Pages: 1 2
10160817th May 2011 13:59
by Karen Sherriff
19th May 2011 22:26
by Dave John
Thankyou054619th May 2011 13:15
by Kevin Sherriff
19th May 2011 13:15
by Kevin Sherriff
Hello7123215th May 2011 17:56
by Kevin Sherriff
19th May 2011 03:49
by Ruth Gregory
Pages: 1 2
11199713th May 2011 23:19
by Alison Brewer
15th May 2011 18:21
by cathyml
Hello England
Pages: 1 2 3
27125464th May 2011 20:52
by Ray Kirkbride
9th May 2011 17:05
by Ray Kirkbride
Hello from South London
Pages: 1 2
1524611st May 2011 21:42
by Dawn Oconnor
5th May 2011 02:14
by Diana Sinclair
Pages: 1 2
1533861st May 2011 19:56
by Andrew Marks
4th May 2011 22:11
by Sally Birch
Notes from an Anglophile in SA
Pages: 1 2
15381822nd April 2011 16:01
by Syd Harling
24th April 2011 15:49
by cathyml
Hello Everyone
Pages: 1 2
18350628th March 2011 04:45
by Brenda Harvey
19th April 2011 20:34
by Brenda Harvey
Hi everyone
Pages: 1 2
1119515th April 2011 00:48
by Annya Strydom
10th April 2011 02:11
by Ruth Gregory
Hi everybody
Pages: 1 2
10277721st March 2011 20:25
by Dave Maltby
28th March 2011 22:26
by Karen Lee
Pages: 1 2
11232517th March 2011 18:46
by Phaeton Graph
17th March 2011 21:50
by James Prescott
Hello everyone
Pages: 1 2
1521756th February 2011 06:04
by Julie Smith
17th March 2011 20:22
by Sally Birch
Where can we retire to.?
Pages: 1 2
11208127th February 2011 07:32
by Lottie Davenport
15th March 2011 18:43
by Ruth Gregory
Karen says hello6136414th March 2011 16:11
by Karen Lee
15th March 2011 17:41
by Ruth Gregory
Gordon from Saratoga County, Town of Malta, USA
Pages: 1 2
1025679th February 2011 17:16
by Gordon Cerniglia
15th February 2011 18:17
by Gordon Cerniglia