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Catholic homes in Broadstairs
Pages: 1 2
15333512th February 2011 19:10
by Gillian Graham
14th February 2011 16:51
by lancashirelove
A "warm" Hello from Cape Town
Pages: 1 2
12268226th January 2011 19:12
by Graham Atkinson
12th February 2011 09:09
by Bruce Kennedy
Aunt Miya's Advice Column for the Lovelorn
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 30 31 32 33 34
3322702810th July 2008 14:20
by Miya Buttreaks
8th February 2011 16:39
by Ron Brind
Hello, from the "heartland" of America, Kansas
Pages: 1 2 3
2032785th February 2011 12:05
by Bruce Kennedy
6th February 2011 03:03
by Ruth Gregory
Greetings from Winnipeg Canada
Pages: 1 2
13235726th January 2011 14:33
by Laurie Madden
28th January 2011 14:06
by Sue H
Christine from Sheerness
Pages: 1 2 3
25290520th January 2011 16:19
by bluegardenia
22nd January 2011 20:18
by cathyml
New member613418th January 2011 16:07
by Caterina Salamone
9th January 2011 13:54
by Krissy
Gary from Australia
Pages: 1 2
16270714th October 2010 06:00
by Gary Gough
9th January 2011 13:34
by Krissy
Greetings From Texas814131st January 2011 14:06
by JamesM
6th January 2011 12:47
by JamesM
Joni from Illinois
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
45656720th September 2010 18:41
by Joni Davenport
5th January 2011 20:57
by Rob Faleer
Hello from Denmark
Pages: 1 2
1019883rd January 2011 11:41
by Kirsten Petersen
5th January 2011 02:47
by Ruth Gregory
Dovercourt - Supernatural Activity and history29022nd January 2011 16:58
by Mark English
2nd January 2011 20:56
by cathyml
Down Memory Lane390510th December 2010 15:28
by Ram Rau
13th December 2010 07:16
by Urmimala Singh
Arne from Stockholm68966th December 2010 12:12
by Arne Tonnerich
7th December 2010 16:12
by Barbara Shoemaker
hi717143rd December 2010 17:45
by Stuart Gray
4th December 2010 15:07
by Gonul
Ilaria from Italy9222830th November 2010 13:48
by Ilaria Battaini
1st December 2010 18:56
by Shaun Wilson
This is Blackpool Pete5143612th November 2010 19:40
by Pete Costain
14th November 2010 09:49
by Sarah
Hi from Diss273130th October 2010 13:49
by Stuart Innes
30th October 2010 17:13
by Ron Brind
Hi from Kent.
Pages: 1 2 3
29487911th September 2010 19:10
by Mike Franklin
29th October 2010 23:36
by Sandra Thompson
Beautiful Web site!7160920th October 2010 20:16
by Patricia Finnegan
22nd October 2010 17:39
by Patricia Finnegan