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ThreadRepliesViewsStartedLast Post
Favorite Picture Tours?459923rd June 2008 15:27
by Roses
23rd June 2008 23:17
by Sue H
Birdsong RAdio678422nd June 2008 12:24
by Peter Evans
22nd June 2008 15:15
by Peter Evans
Tanker Strike??
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
49415216th June 2008 15:11
by Roses
20th June 2008 00:07
by Peter Evans
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
71914214th February 2008 18:36
by Dennis Bailey
18th June 2008 20:43
by Denzil Tregallion
Weird Expressions
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 10 11 12 13
1243035416th November 2007 18:38
by Ron Brind
8th June 2008 15:41
by Peter Evans
Having watched Trevor McDonald tonight!6118419th May 2008 20:30
by Ron Brind
5th June 2008 15:23
by Peter Evans
Sarkozy State Visit - why?
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
47535226th March 2008 16:20
by Ron Brind
4th June 2008 20:51
by Denzil Tregallion
North South Distances?
Pages: 1 2 3 4
36942831st May 2008 21:28
by Rutledge Webb, Jr.
4th June 2008 07:38
by L
Anyone Have An English Honeymoon?
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
40478726th March 2008 09:54
by Linda Hawkins
1st June 2008 22:36
by Ruth Gregory
Battle of Trafalgar in 20088158627th May 2008 21:56
by Paul Hilton
28th May 2008 11:25
by Andy Edwards
I predict.....
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 12 13 14 15
1491368131st March 2008 11:46
by Ron Brind
27th May 2008 22:01
by L
Marathon8132413th April 2008 21:19
by Ron Brind
25th May 2008 16:59
by Andy Edwards
Gordon Brown on YouTube062919th May 2008 20:41
by Ron Brind
19th May 2008 20:41
by Ron Brind
The Boeing Vertol Chinook, lessons on landing in confined spaces.498622nd April 2008 16:22
by Andy Edwards
17th May 2008 22:37
by L
Famous England Quotes
Pages: 1 2 3
2252686th November 2007 21:23
by Heavenly
15th May 2008 22:21
by L
Where on earth????
Pages: 1 2
1426061st May 2008 16:11
by L
4th May 2008 19:55
by L
Important Breaking News! POE members please read this.
Pages: 1 2
17232631st March 2008 19:05
by Ron Brind
2nd April 2008 13:10
by Ron Brind
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!7138123rd December 2007 19:16
by poe
26th March 2008 09:10
by L
Broken Wrist
Pages: 1 2
1127399th March 2008 00:08
by Barbara Whiteman
14th March 2008 17:59
by Ian Gedge
The Allegiance Oath6167711th March 2008 20:22
by Sarah
12th March 2008 20:00
by Ron Brind